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  1. Fallon, Brian [Author]

    Irish art : 1830 - 1990



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    Belfast: Appletree Press, 1994

  2. Grinnell, Jennifer [Editor]; Cummins, Pauline [Illustrator] ; McMullen Museum of Art, Exhibition Re-Dressing Cathleen - Contemporary Works From Irish Women Artists 1997 Chestnut Hill, Mass

    Re-dressing Cathleen : contemporary works from Irish women artists; Pauline Cummins, Rita Duffy, Mary FitzGerald ...; [this publication ... with the exhibition Re/Dressing Cathleen: Contemporary Works from Irish Women Artists, at the Charles S. and Isabella V. McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, Octobre 5 to December 7, 1997]

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    Chestnut Hill, MA: McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, 1997

  3. MacGonagle, Declan [Other]; O'Toole, Fintan [Other]; Levin, Kim [Other] ; Independent Curators International, McMullen Museum of Art, Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador, Chicago Cultural Center, Museum of Art Chestnut Hill, Mass, Traveling Exhibition Irish Now - From the Poetic to the Political 1999 - 2001 Chestnut Hill., Mass. u.a

    Irish art now : from the poetic to the political; [traveling exhibition Irish Now: From the Poetic to the Political, organized and circulated by Independent Curators International (ICI) ... McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, Boston, Mass., October 3- December 12, 1999; Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John's, January 30 - April 9, 2000; Chicago Cultural Center, Summer 2001]

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    London: Merrell Holberton [u.a.], 1999