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  1. Reeves, Thomas [Author]; Hess, Karl [Author]

    The end of the draft - [1. Vintage Books ed.]



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    New York: Vintage Books, 1970

    Published in: Vintage books ; 644

  2. USA Congress Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Special Subcommittee on War Powers

    The war power after 200 years: Congress and the President at a constitutional impasse : hearings before the Special Subcommittee on War Powers of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, United States Senate, one hundredth congress, second session; July 13 ... August ... 29, 1988



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    Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1989

    Published in: USA: Senate hearing ; 100-1012

  3. Fundamentals of nuclear arms control / 7, Technological change and nuclear arms control : 99th congress, 2d session, July 1986



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    Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1986

    Published in: Fundamentals of nuclear arms control / prep. for the Subcommittee on Arms Control, International Security and Science of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, US House of Representatives by the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress ; 7

  4. USA Congress Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Arms Control, Oceans, International Operations and Environment

    Yellow rain : the arms control implications; hearing before the Subcommittee on Arms Control, Oceans, International Operations and Environment of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate; ninety-eighth congress, first session on ...; February 24, 1983



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    Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1983

    Published in: USA: Senate hearing ; 98-98

  5. USA Congress Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations

    The international petroleum cartel, the Iranian consortium and US national security : prepared for the use of the Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate; February 21, 1974



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    Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1974

    Published in: USA: Committee print ; 93,2,inte

  6. USA Congress Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad, USA Congress Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Arms Control, International Law and Organization

    Nuclear weapons and foreign policy : hearings before the Subcommittee on US Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad and the Subcommittee on Arms Control, International Law and Organization of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate; ninety-third congress, second session on ...; March 7, 14, and April 4, 1974



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    Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1974