Beke, Dezsô L.
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft];
Allen, C. E.
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]
Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology
Gruppe 3: Kristall- und Festkörperphysik = Group 3: @Crystal and solid state physics, Vol. 33. Diffusion in semiconductors and non-metallic solids, Subvol. a, Diffusion in semiconductors / ed.: D. L. Beke. Authors: C. E. Allen
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Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology
/ Landolt-Börnstein. Ed. in chief: O. Madelung
Gruppe 3: Kristall- und Festkörperphysik = Group 3: @Crystal and solid state physics, Vol. 33. Diffusion in semiconductors and non-metallic solids, Subvol. a, Diffusion in semiconductors / ed.: D. L. Beke. Authors: C. E. Allen ...