> Verlagsreihe
Corticotropin releasing hormone international Workshop, Birkenstein/Fischbachau, February 1987 ; 17 tables [International Workshop on Corticotropin Releasing Hormone. Guest ed. O. A. Müller]
New York: Thieme Med. Publ., 1987 ; Stuttgart; New York: Thieme, 1987
Lipid metabolism, obesity, and diabetes mellitus: impact upon atherosclerosis International Symposium, April 1972 ed. and guest eds.: : H. Greten
Stuttgart [u.a.]: Thieme [u.a.], 1974
Adipose tissue regulation and metabolic functions guest eds.: Bernard Jeanrenaud ... Contrib. A. Angel
New York [u.a.]: Academic Press, 1970 ; Stuttgart: Thieme [u.a.], 1970