> Verlagsreihe
The OSI95 transport service with multimedia support A. Danthine (ed.)
Berlin; Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer, 1994
Occupational radiation exposure in European light water power reactors 1981 - 1991 I. R. Brookes; K. E. Schnuer
Brussels [u.a.]: ECSC-EEC-EAEC, 1994
Chemistry of aquatic systems: local and global perspectives [based on the lectures given during the Eurocourse on 'Chemistry of Aquatic Systems: Local and Global Perspectives' held at the Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy, September 27 - October 1, 1993] ed. by Giovanni Bidoglio
Dordrecht; London [u.a.]: Kluwer Academic, 1994
Cooperative work with multimedia M. K. Crowe (ed.)
Berlin; Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer, 1994
Chemistry in the atmosphere a strategy for European research into global environmental issues prepared by the CEC Science Panel on Atmospheric Chemistry and the Task Force on Stratospheric Ozone in consultation with the wider European scientific communities. Commission of the European Communities, Directirate-General XII for Science, Research and Development. [Ed. by Ø. Hov]
Brussels, 1993
The natural radiation environment proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment held at Salzburg, Austria, September 22 - 28, 1991 organised by: Commission of the European Communities ... Proceedings ed.: A. Janssens
Ashford, Kent: Nuclear Technology Publ., 1992
Imaging spectroscopy: fundamentals and prospective applications ed. by F. Toselli and J. Bodechtel
Dordrecht [u.a.]: Kluwer, 1992
Tenth E. C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference proceedings of the international conference, held at Lisbon, Portugal, 8 - 12 April 1991 Commission of the European Communities. Ed. by A. Luque
Dordrecht [u.a.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991
Computing with parallel architectures: T.Node [based on the lectures given during the Eurocourse on Computing with Parallel Architectures, held at the Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy, September 10 - 14, 1990] [under the sponsorship of the Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics] Ed. by D. Gassilloud and J. C. Grossetie
Dordrecht [u.a.]: Kluwer, 1991
Remote sensing and geographical information systems for resource management in developing countries [based on the lectures given during the Eurocourse on Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Management of Natural Resources in Developing Countries, held at the Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy, May 14 - 25, 1990] ed. by Alan S. Belward
Dordrecht u.a.: Kluwer, 1991
Safety, environmental impact, and economic prospects of nuclear fusion [proceedings of the Ninth Course of the International School of Fusion Reactor Technology, held August 6 - 12, 1989, in Erice, Sicily, Italy] [Seminar on Safety, Environmental Impact, and Economic Prospects of Nuclear Fusion]. Ed. by Bruno Brunelli and Heinz Knoepfel
New York [u.a.]: Plenum Press, 1990
Advanced algorithms and architectures for speech understanding G. Pirani (ed.)
Berlin; Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer, 1990
Advanced gasification methanol production from wood; wood-results from the EEC pilot programme ed. by A. A. C. M. Beenackers and W. Van Swaay
Dordrecht [u.a.]: Reidel for the Commission of the European Communities, 1986
Nd-Fe permanent magnets their present and future applications ; [proceedings of a Workshop organized by the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General Science, Research and Development, under the Substitution and Materials Technologies subprogramme (1982-85), held in Brussels, 25 October 1984] ed. by I. V. Mitchell
London [u.a.]: Elsevier, 1985
Energy from waste an evaluation of conversion technologies; a report ed. by Colin Parker
London [u.a.]: Elsevier, 1985
Monitoring solar heating systems a practical handbook R. Ferraro; R. Godoy [Hrsg.]. Commission of the European Communities
Oxford; New York; Toronto; Sydney; Paris; Frankfurt [Main i.e.] Kronberg-Taunus: Pergamon Press, 1983
Mittel zur Bekämpfung des Diebstahls von Kunstwerken und ihres unerlaubten Handels im Europa der Neun Jean Chatelain
Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlagsges., 1978
Der Schutz der Schöpfungen von Kunsthandwerkern Wladimir Duchemin
Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1978
Surveillance medicale des travailleurs exposes aux radiations ionisantes actes officiels du symposium international tenu à Stresa-Ispra [Italie] du 2 au 5 mai 1961 = Medical supervision of workers exposed to ionizing radiations : proceedings of the international symposium held in Stresa-Ispra [Italy] from 2 to 5 May 1961 = Ärztliche Überwachung der Arbeitskräfte, die ionisierenden Strahlen ausgesetzt sind
[Brüssel]: EURATOM, 1963