> Verlagsreihe
Project village = Project dorp [editors of this issue] Stefan Devoldere, Maarten Liefooghe, Sereh Mandias
Rotterdam: nai010, [2024] ; Rotterdam: OASE foundation, [2024]
Book reviews: from words to buildings = Boekbesprekingen: van woorden naar gebouwen [editors of this issue Christophe Van Gerrewey, Hans Teerds]
Rotterdam: OASE foundation, [2024] ; [Rotterdam]: nai010 publishers, [2024]
Rationalism revisited = Rationalisme herzien editors of this issue Justin Agyin, Bart Decroos, Christoph Grafe
Rotterdam: OASE foundation, [2024] ; [Rotterdam]: nai010 publishers, [2024]
Optimism or bust? = Optimisme of de ondergang? editors of this issue Stefan Devoldere, David Peleman, Jantje Engels
Rotterdam: OASE foundation, [2023]
Ecology & aesthetics = Ecologie & esthetiek editors of this issue Bart Decroos [und 3 weitere]
Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, [2022] ; Rotterdam: OASE foundation, [2022]
Staging the museum = Museum scènes Maarten Liefooghe, Aslı Çiçek and Jantje Engels
Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, [2022]
Authorship = Authorschap editors of this issue Tom Avermaete, Irina Davidovici, Christoph Grafe, Véronique Patteeuw
Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, [2022] ; Rotterdam: OASE foundation, [2022]
The project of the soil = De grond van de kwestie editors of this issue / kernredactie David Peleman, Martina Barcelloni Corte (guest editor), Elsbeth Ronner, Paola Viganò (guest editor)
Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, [2021] ; Rotterdam: OASE foundation, [2021]
Modernities = Moderniteiten editors of this issue / kernredactie$hTom Avermaete, Christoph Grafe, Véronique Patteeuw, Hans Teerds
Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, [2021]
The drawing as practice = Tekenpraktijken editor of this issue / kernredactie Aslı Çiçek, Bart Decroos, Jantje Engels, Véronique Patteeuw
Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, [2020]
Critical regionalism revisited editors of this issue/ kernredactie Tom Avermaete, Véronique Patteeuw, Léa-Catherine Szacka, Hans Teerds
Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, [2019]
Karel Martens and the architecture of the journal editors of this issue Bart Decroos, Véronique Patteeuw, Marius Schwarz
Rotterdam: Nai010 publishers, 2018
The architecture museum effect = De effecten van architectuurmusea editors of this issue Sergio M. Figueiredo, Hüsnü Yegenoglu
Rotterdam: Nai010 publishers, [2017]
Narrating urban landscapes = Verhalend stedelijk landschap editors of this issue Klaske Havik, Bruno Notteboom, Saskia de Wit
Rotterdam: Nai010 publishers, [2017]
Codes and continuities = Codes en continuïteiten [ed. of this issue: Tom Avermaete ...]
Rotterdam: Nai010 Uitg., 2014
Sfeer bouwen = Building atmosphere [ed. of this issue: Klaske Havik ...] With Juhani Pallasmaa & Peter Zumthor
Rotterdam: Nai010 Uitg., 2013
What is good architecture? = Wat is goede architectuur? [ed. of this issue: Véronique Patteeuw ...]
Rotterdam: Nai010 Uitg., 2013
Immersed architectuur en geluid = Sound and architecture [kernred.: Pnina Avidar ...]
Rotterdam: NAi Uitg., 2009