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The philosophy and psychology of ambivalence
being of two minds
1. The Philosophical and Psychological Significance of Ambivalence: An IntroductionBrit Brogaard and Dimitria Electra GatziaPart I: Ambivalence, Rationality, and Truth2. Ambivalence, Incoherence, and Self-GovernanceJohn Brunero3. Ambivalence-Autonomy CompatibilismJ. S. (Jenny) Blumenthal-Barby4. Irrationality, Charity, and AmbivalenceEric Wiland5. Rational Epistemic Akrasia for the Ambivalent PragmatistNeil Sinhababu6. Ambivalence, Uncertainty, and ModalityBarry Lam and Brett Sherman7. Epistemic VertigoDuncan PritchardPart II: Ambivalence, Emotions, and Intentionality8. Fitting Inconsistency and Reasonable IrresolutionSimon D. Feldman and Allan Hazlett9. Self-Hatred, Self-Acceptance, and Self-LoveKaty Abramson and Adam Leite10. To Express or not to Express: Ambivalence about Emotional ExpressionsTrip Glazer11. Intentionalism, Ambivalent Emotions, and the BodyKathryn Pendoley and Sarah ArnaudPart III: Ambivalence, Racism, and Global Justice12. Cognitive Dissonance and the Logic of RacismBerit Brogaard and Dimitria Electra Gatzia13. The Body Politic Is of Two Minds: Political Ambivalence on Norms of JusticeJill DelstonPart IV: Ambivalence, Well-Being, and Subjectivity14. Ambivalence, Well-being, and Prudential RationalityJason R. Raibley15. Bridling the Mindless Ambivalence: Langerian Mindfulness and Suspension of IntentionalitySayyed Mohsen Fatemi and Ellen Langer16. Ambivalence and the Borderline Position in the Existential-Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty: On Being and Having a Body-in-the-World from Primal Ambivalence to Intersubjective AmbiguityFrank Scalambrino
Includes bibliographical references and index
"This book collects original essays by top scholars that address questions about the nature, origins, and effects of ambivalence. While the nature of agency has received an enormous amount of attention, relatively little has been written about ambivalence or how it relates to topics such as agency, rationality, justification, knowledge, autonomy, self-governance, well-being, social cognition, and various other topics. Ambivalence presents unique questions related to many major philosophical debates. For example, it relates to debates about virtues, rationality, and decision-making, agency or authenticity, emotions, and social or political metacognition. It is also relevant to a variety of larger debates in philosophy and psychology, including nature vs. nature, objectivity vs. subjectivity, or nomothetic vs. idiographic. The essays in this book offer novel and wide-ranging perspectives on this emerging philosophical topic. They will be of interest to researchers and advanced students working in ethics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, and social cognition"--