*Weitere Angaben Verfasser: Reidar Conradi received his Ph.D. in computer science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 1976. From 1972 to 1975 he worked at SINTEF as a researcher. Since 1975 he has been assistant professor at NTNU and a full professor since 1985. He has participated in many national and EU projects and chaired several workshops. His research interests are in software engineering, object-oriented methods and software reuse, distributed systems, software evolution and configuration management, software quality and software process improvement. Tore Dyb°a is the chief scientist at SINTEF Information and Communication Technology and a visiting scientist at the Simula Research Laboratory. His research interests include empirical software engineering, software process improvement, and organizational learning. He received his Dr. Ing. in computer and information science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He's a member of the International Software Engineering Research Network and the IEEE Computer Society. Dag Sjøberg received the MSc degree in computer science from the University of Oslo in 1987 and the PhD degree in computing science from the University of Glasgow in 1993. He has five years of industry experience as a consultant and group leader. He is now research director of the Department of Software Engineering, Simula Research Laboratory, and a professor of software engineering in the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. Among his research interests are research methods in empirical software engineering, software process improvement, software effort estimation, and object-oriented analysis and design. Tor Ulsund is quality manager at Geomatikk AS, a company providing systems for asset management. He has been working as systems developer, quality manager and project manager from 1980. From 1997 he has been project manager for the three large Norwegian process improvement projects SPIQ, PROFIT and SPIKE