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Embodiments of cultural encounters
"As in a mirror" : reflections on bodies and cultural encounters in seventeenth-century New England
/ Martha L. Finch"A mark indelible" : Herman Melville and the cross-cultural history of tattooing in the nineteenth century / Michael C. Frank
Outside history : same-sex sexuality and the colonial archive
/ Lee Wallace
Sex as a transcultural event? : sexualities in the French Foreign Legion and their representations in autobiographical writing
/ Christian Koller
The embodiment of sin and virtue : visual representations of a religious concept in a colonial Andean contact zone
/ Astrid Windus
"Put on God's armour now!" : the embattled body in African Pentecostal-type Christianity
/ Andreas Heuser
Exotic humans on display : representations of cultural differences in German ethnic shows
/ Hilke Thode-Arora
Dreamlands of culture : ethnographic dioramas and their prospects
/ Andrea Zittlau
The colonial body as object of knowledge in ethnological museums
/ Anja Laukötter
Mediterranean medical bodies and the Ottoman Empire, 1517-1820
/ Rainer Brömer
Musical bodies in Bali
/ Ellen Koskoff
Telling Maya tales : points of view in Guatemala
/ W. George Lovell
Protein and power : nutritional recommendations and daily life in Oaxaca
/ Martina Kaller-Dietrich.