> Verlagsreihe
Physical principles of chirality in NMR edited by Piotr Garbacz
London: Royal Society of Chemistry, [2024]
Fast 2D solution-state NMR concepts and applications Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Patrick Giraudeau
London: Royal Society of Chemistry, [2023]
NMR spectroscopy for probing functional dynamics at biological interfaces edited by Anirban Bhunia (Bose Institute, India, email: bhunia@jcbose.ac.in), Hanudatta S. Atreya (Indian Institute of Science, India, email: hsatreya@iisc.ac.in) and Neeraj Sinha (Centre of Biomedical Research Lucknow, India, email: neeraj.sinha.res.in)
Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, [2022]
Long-lived nuclear spin order theory and applications edited by Giuseppe Pileio
Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020
NMR and MRI of gels edited by Yves De Deene
Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, [2020]
NMR methods for characterization of synthetic and natural polymers edited by Rongchun Zhang, Toshikazu Miyoshi and Pingchuan Sun
Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019
NMR in glycoscience and glycotechnology edited by Koichi Kato and Thomas Peters
London: Royal Society of Chemistry, [2017]
Diffusion NMR of confined systems fluid transport in porous solids and heterogeneous materials edited by Rustem Valiullin, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, [2017]
Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 magnetic resonance concepts, production, techniques and applications ed. by Thomas Meersman and Eike Brunner
Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015
Advances in biological solid-state NMR proteins and membrane-active peptides edited by Frances Separovic, School of Chemistry, Bio21 Institute, University of Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia and Akira Naito, Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan
Cambridge: RSC, Royal Society of Chemistry, [2014]