> Verlagsreihe
Hydraulic model study of stilling basin floor blocks: Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Pit 6 Dam by Tatsuaki Nakato and Douglas Houser
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1994
Sensitivity of large basin hydrology, forecasts and management to historical climatic forcing by Mary G. Mullusky and Konstantine P. Georgakakos
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1993
GIS based procedures in support of flash flood guidance by Theresa M. Carpenter and Konstantine P. Georgakakos
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1993
The fluid mechanics of vortex cutting by a blade by Jeffrey S. Marshall
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1993
Hydrologic modeling for flow forecasting and climate studies in large drainage basins by Deg Hyo Bae and Konstantine P. Georgakakos
Iowa City, Iowa: Departement of Civil and Environnemental Engineering [u.a.], 1992
Real time optimal stochastic control of thermal loadings of rivers by Witold F. Krajewski
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1992
Flow in curved ducts of varying cross section by F. Sotiropoulos and V. C. Patel
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1992
Naled ice growth by Gerald A. Schohl and Robert Ettema
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1986
Bank erosion contribution to stream sediment load by A. Jacob Odgaard
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1984
Computer based prognosis of Missouri river bed degradation refinement of computational procedures by F. M. Holly Jr., J. C. Yang and M. F. Karin
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1984
Dynamic response of an ice breaker hull to ice breaking by A. Mueller and R. Ettema
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1984
Model investigation of intake-shoaling and pump-vibration problems Iowa Generation Council Bluffs Unit 3 circulating-water intake by Tatsuaki Nakato
Iowa City: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1984
Submerged vanes for flow control and bank protection in streams by A. Jacob Odgaard and Hong-Yuan E. Lee
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1984
Aggradation and degradation of alluvial channel beds by Wilson F. Jaramillo Torres and Subhash C. Jain
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1984
Bed armoring procedures in ialluvial and application to the Missouri River by M. F. Karim, F. M. Holly, and J. F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1983
Computer simulation prognosis for the degradation of the Missouri river between Gavins Point Dam and Iowa's southern border by F. M. Holly Jr. and M. F. Karim
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1983
Real time forecasting of river flows and stochastic optimal control of multireservoir systems by Peter K. Kitanidis
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1983
Operation of a system of reservoirs under flood conditions using linear quadratic Gaussian stochastic control by Saleh A. Wasimi and Peter K. Kitanidis
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1983
A numerical model for flow and sediment transport in alluvial river bends final report by Tatsuaki Nakato, John F. Kennedy, and John L. Vadnal
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1983
Ialluvia: a computer-based flow- and sediment-routing model for alluvial streams and its application to the Missouri River by M. F. Karim and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1982
Analysis of Sacramento River bend flows, and development of a new method for bank protection by A. Jacob Odgaard and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1982
Refinement and verification of predictive models of suspended sediment dispersion and desorption of toxics from dredged sediments by J. L. Schnoor
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1982
Field study and tests of several one dimensional sediment transport computer models for pool 20, Mississippi River by Tatsuaki Nakato and John L. Vadnal
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa institute of Hydraulic Research, 1981
Flow characteristics below floating covers with application to ice jams by Mustafa Gogus and Jean-Claude Tatinclaux
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hyraulic Research, 1981
Sediment budget study for the Upper Mississippi River, Great-II reach by Tatsuaki Nakato
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1981
Effects of ice covers alluvial channel flow and sediment transport processes by W. W. Sayre and G. B. Song
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1979
Utility borne costs of thermal standards for the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers in the Mapp geographical area by A. R. Giaquinta, R. A. Woodhouse and M. P. Cherian
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1979
Optimum mechanical draft wet cooling towers to supplement once through cooling at selected Missouri River sites by A. R. Giaquinta and T. E. Croley II
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1979
Hydrothermal modelling of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant cooling towers by Subhash C. Jain and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1979
Model tests of the proposed intake structure of the Quad-Cities nuclear power plant by Tatsuaki Nakato, George E. Gay and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1979
Scour around circular bridge piers at high froude numbers by Subhash C. Jain and Edward E. Fischer
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1979
Reservoir sedimentation model with continuing distribution, compaction, and sediment slump by Thomas E. Croley II; K. N. Raja Rao; Fazle Karim
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1978
Optimum combinations of cooling alternatives for steam-electric power plants by Thomas E. Croley II
Iowa City: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1978
Coralville reservoir water quality study water year october 1, 1976 to september 30, 1977 by Donald B. McDonald
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1978
Assessment of available field sedimentation data for GREAT-II watershed by Andreas Muller
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1978
Frazil ice formation in turbulent flow by Andreas Muller
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1978
Thick axisymmetric turbulent boundary layer and near wake of a low-drag body of revolution by V. C. Patel and Y. T. Lee
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1977
Field study of sediment transport characterisitics of the Mississippi River near Fox Island (RM 355-6) and Buzzard Island (RM 349-50) by Tatsuaki Nakato and John F. Kennedy
Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, the Univ. of Iowa, 1977
Inter-district water allocations via linear programming and linear programming decomposition by Masakazu Seki and Thomas E. Croley II
Iowa City, Iowa: Inst. of Hydraulic Research, Univ. of Iowa, 1977
An improved Iowa sediment concentration analyzer by John R. Glover
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1977
Coralville water quality study annual report water year october 1, 1975 to september 30, 1976 by Donald B. McDonald
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1977
Prototype and model studies of the diffuser-pipe system for discharging condenser cooling water at the Quad-Cities nuclear power station by Alfred David Parr and William W. Sayre
Iowa City: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1977
Flow visualisation of three dimensional boundray layer separation on bodies of revolution at incidence by Alfred David Parr and William W. Sayre
Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, the Univ. of Iowa, 1977
Stochastic trade offs for reservoir operation by Thomas E. Croley II; K. N. Raja Rao
Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, the Univ. of Iowa, 1977
A manual for hydrologic time series deseasonalization and serial dependence reduction by Thomas E. Croley II; K. N. Raja Rao
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1977
Mixing of power plant heated effluents with the Missouri River by Rodrigo Caro-Cordero and William W. Sayre
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1977
Compressive and shear strengths of fragmented ice covers a laboratory study by S. T. Cheng and J. C. Tatinclaux
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1977
Model study of the Lake Chicot Pumping Plant by Tatsuaki Nakato and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1976
A review of experimental data of vertical turbulent buoyant jets by Ching Jen Chen and Wolfgang Rodi
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1976
The thermal regimes of the upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers by P. P. Paily
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1976
Quantification of recreational use of the Coralville Reservoir by Thomas E. Croley II; Rosa Chen
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1976
A laboratory investigation of the mechanics and hydraulics of river ice jams by J. C. Tatinclaux
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1976
Précis of economic assessment of backfitting power plants with closed-cycle cooling systems by A. R. Giaquinta
Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, the University of Iowa, [ca. 1976]
Analysis of different types of dry wet cooling towers by Mow-Soung Cheng; Thomas E. Croley II; V. C. Patel
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1976
An hourly precipitation model for Ralston Creek by Robert Nelson Eli II; Thomas E. Croley II
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1976
Thermal hydraulic model study of offshore discharge system for Kahe power plant, Hawaii by Subhash C. Jain, Martin Leonard and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1976
Coralville water quality study annual report water year october 1, 1974 to september 30, 1975 by Donald B. McDonald and Marilyn P. McDonald
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1976
Heat transfer analysis for unsteady high velocity pipe flow by Ching Jen Chen
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1976
Model study of the inlet and sump of the Clinton First Avenue Pump Station by Cesar Farell
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1976
The wavemaking of a ship approximate solutions based on a parametric formulation by F. Noblesse
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1975
User's manual for the IIHR model of dry wet cooling tower economics by Thomas E. Croley II; V. C. Patel; Mow-Soung Cheng
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1975
Numerical calculation of the wave integrals in the linearized theory of water waves by Hung-Tao Shen and Cesar Farell
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1975
Surface roughness effects on the mean flow past circular cylinders by Oktay Guven, V. C. Patel and Cesar Farell
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1975
Calculation of three-dimensional boundary layers on ship forms by K. C. Chang and V. C. Patel
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1975
Numerical evaluation of the centerplane potential of a centerplane source distribution by F. Noblesse
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1975
Effect of wake on wave resistance of a ship model by M. Moreno, L. Perez-Rojas and L. Landweber
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1975
The water and total optimizations of wet and dry wet cooling towers for electric power plants by Thomas E. Croley II, V. C. Patel and Mow-Soung Cheng
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1975
Investigation of surface jet thermal outfall for iatan steam electric generating station by William W. Sayre
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1975
Sequential operations of water resource systems using adaptive multi-objective trade offs by Thomas E. Croley II
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Movable bed hydraulic model study for cooper nuclear station intake system by Yasuo Onishi and William W. Sayre
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Experimental study of the wavemaking of horizontally oriented vorticity in a wake by A. Swain and L. Landweber
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Scale effects on cooling tower model studies by Thomas W. Bugler III and J. C. Tatinclaux
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Winter regime surface heat loss from heated streams by P. P. Paily, Enzo O. Macagno and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1974
An investigation of ice forces on vertical structures by Ken-ichi Hirayama, Joachim Schwarz, and Han-Chin Wu
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Hydraulics and mechanics of river ice jams by Mehmet Secil Uzuner and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Investigation on components of ship resistance final report by L. Landweber
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
A computational model for predicting the thermal regimes of rivers by P. P. Paily and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Digital indicator for a rotary type water velocity probe by Charles C. Schmidt and John R. Glover
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Plume recirculation and interference in mechanical draft cooling towers by T.-L. Chan
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulich Research, 1974
External roughness effects on the mean wind pressure distribution on hyperbolic cooling towers by Cesar Farell and Federico E. Maisch
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Thermal response of heated streams, solution by the implicit method by P. P. Paily and Enzo O. Macagno
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
Winter regime performance of cooling water discharge structure, zion nuclear plant, Lake Michigan by J. C. Tatinclaux
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1974
The IIHR portable linear thermistor temperature meter by John R. Glover
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1973
An experimental study of the thick turbulent boundary layer near the tail of a body of revolution by V. C. Patel, A. Nakayama, and R. Damian
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1973
Calculation of the viscous resistance of bodies of revolution by A. Nakayama and V. C. Patel
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1973
On the equations of a thick axisymmetric turbulent boundary layer by V. C. Patel
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1973
Turbulent nonbuoyant or buoyant jets discharged into flowing or quiescent fluids by Tzeng-Long Chan and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1972
Old gold model, type 4-2H hot wire anemometer and type 2 mean product computer by John R. Glover
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1972
Effects of meandering on sediment discharges and friction factors of alluvial streams by Yasuo Onishi, Subhash C. Jain and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1972
Orthogonal coordinate systems for three-dimensional boundary layers, with particular reference to ship forms by T. Miloh and V. C. Patel
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1972
Computer recognition of contractions in the small intestine by Robert B. J. Singerman and John R. Glover
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1971
Diffusion of drag reducing polymers in a turbulent boundary layer by Michael Poreh and K. S. Hsu
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1971
A laboratory investigation of free surface flows over wavy beds by Albert F. H. Yuen and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1971
Experimental procedure for the determination of wave resistance in a towing tank by David D. Moran
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1971
Similarity solutions for partial differential equations generated by finite and infinitesimal groups by Henry S. Woodard and William F. Ames
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1971
Some characteristics of pressure fluctuations on low ogee crest spillways relevant to flow induced structural vibrations by Frederick A. Locher
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1971
Flow of dilute polymer solutions in rough pipes by Michael Poreh
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1970
Two investigations of river ice by George D. Ashton, M. Secil Uzuner, and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1970
Multiple channel conductometer for measuring salinity concentrations in laboratory flows by John R. Glover
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1970
Development of a chair for monitoring micturition of small femal children by Arthur R. Giaquinta and John R. Glover
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1970
An electro-optical system for measurement of mean and statistical properties of sediment suspensions by John R. Glover, P. K. Bhattacharya and John F. Kennedy
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1969
An electronic totalizer for current meters by John R. Glover
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1969
Bilge vortices along a series 60 model by Jean-Claude Tatinclaux
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1969
Some aspects of flow induced vibrations of hydraulic control gates by Frederick A. Locher
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1969
Flow visualization in liquids by Enzo O. Macagno
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulical Research, 1969
Irrotational flow about ship forms by L. Landweber and M. Macagno
Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research, 1969