> Verlagsreihe
Bidder behavior in repo auctions without minimum bid rate evidence from the Bundesbank Tobias Linzert; Dieter Nautz; Jörg Breitung
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
Did the Bundesbank react to stock price movements? Martin T. Bohl; Pierre L. Siklos; Thomas Werner
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
The stock return-inflation puzzle and the asymmetric causality in stock returns, inflation and real activity Jeong-Ryeol Kim
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
A comparison of dynamic panel data estimators Monte Carlo evidence and an application to the investment function Andreas Behr
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
Determinants of German FDI new evidence from micro-data Claudia Buch; Jörn Kleinert; Farid Toubal
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
Active monetary policy, passive fiscal policy and the value of public debt some further monetarist arithmetic Leopold von Thadden
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
On the stability of different financial systems Falko Fecht
Frankfurt a.M.: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
Determinants of German foreign direct investment in Latin American and Asian emerging markets in the 1990s Torsten Wezel
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
Multiple equilibrium overnight rates in a dynamic interbank market game Jens Tapking
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
Finite-sample distributions of self-normalized sums Jeong-Ryeol Kim
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2003
Dependencies between European stock markets when price changes are unusually large Sebastian T. Schich
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
An examination of the relationship between firm size, growth and liquidity in the Neuer Markt Julie Ann Elston
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
The Eurosystem's standing facilities in a general equilibrium model of the European interbank market Jens Tapking
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Real currency appreciation in accession countries Balassa-Samuelson and investment demand Christoph Fischer
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Tail wags dog? Time-varying information shares in the bund market Christian Upper; Thomas Werner
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2002
The stable long-run CAPM and the cross-section of expected returns Jeong-Ryeol Kim
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Evaluating density forecasts with an application to stock market returns Gabriela de Raaij; Burkhard Raunig
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Analysing divisia aggregates for the euro area Hans-Eggert Reimers
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Price rigidity, the mark-up and the dynamics of the current account Giovanni Lombardo
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Monetary transmission in the new economy service life of capital, transmission channels and the speed of adjustment Ulf von Kalckreuth; Jürgen Schröder
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Central bank intervention and exchange rate expectations evidence from the daily DM/US-Dollar exchange rate Stefan Reitz
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Imperfect competition, monetary policy and welfare in a currency area Giovanni Lombardo
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Cost-push shocks and monetary policy in open economies Alan Sutherland
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2002
Time variation in the tail behaviour of Bund futures returns Thomas Werner; Christian Upper
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2002
Wechselkurszielzonen, wirtschaftlicher Aufholprozess und endogene Realignmentrisiken Karin Radeck
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2002
Bootstrapping autoregressions with conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form Sílvia Gonçalves; Lutz Kilian
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2002
The pass-through from market interest rates to bank lending rates in Germany Mark A. Weth
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Monetary and fiscal policy rules in a model with capital accumulation and potentially non-superneutral money Leopold von Thadden
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2002
Monetäre Indikatoren und geldpolitische Regeln im P-Stern-Modell Karl-Heinz Tödter
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum, 2002
Further evidence on the relationship between firm investment and financial status Robert S. Chirinko; Ulf von Kalckreuth
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2002
Estimating bilateral exposures in the German interbank market is there a danger of contagion? Christian Upper; Andreas Worms
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Zur langfristigen Tragfähigkeit der öffentlichen Haushalte in Deutschland eine Analyse anhand der Generationenbilanzierung Bernhard Manzke
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
The empirical performance of option based densities of foreign exchange Ben R. Craig; Joachim G. Keller
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Short-term capital, economic transformation, and EU accession Claudia M. Buch; Lusine Lusinyan
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Testing for competition among German banks Hannah S. Hempell
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Rent indices for housing in West Germany 1985 to 1998 Johannes Hoffmann; Claudia Kurz
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Fiscal foundation of convergence to European Union in pre-accession transition countries László Halpern; Judit Neményi
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Pitfalls in the European enlargement process financial instability and real divergence Helmut Wagner
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2002
Interbank lending and monetary policy transmission evidence for Germany Michael Ehrmann; Andreas Worms
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2001
Should the individual voting records of central bankers be published? Hans Gersbach; Volker Hahn
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2001
Der Informationsgehalt von Umfragedaten zur erwarteten Preisentwicklung für die Geldpolitik The information content of survey data on expected price developments for monetary policy / Christina Gerberding
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Volkswirtschaftl. Forschungszentrum, 2001
Financial systems and the role of banks in monetary policy transmission in the euro area Michael Ehrmann
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
Monetary transmission in Germany new perspectives on financial constraints and investment spending Ulf von Kalckreuth
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
Unemployment, factor substitution, and capital formation Leo Kaas; Leopold von Thadden
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2001
Optimal degrees of transparency in monetary policymaking Henrik Jensen
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2001
Are contemporary central banks transparent about economic models and objectives and what difference does it make? Alex Cukierman
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2001
What can we learn about monetary policy transparency from financial market data? Andrew Clare; Roger Courtenay
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2001
Investment behaviour of German equity fund managers an exploratory analysis of survey data Torsten Arnswald
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
Firm investment and monetary policy transmission in the euro area Jean Bernard Chatelain
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
Voting transparency and conflicting interests in central bank councils Hans Gersbach; Volker Hahn
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2001
Exchange rate pass-through and real exchange rate in EU candidate countries Zsolt Darvas
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
Precommitment, transparency and monetary policy Petra Geraats
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
Long-run links among money, prices, and output world-wide evidence Helmut Herwartz; Hans-Eggert Reimers
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
Currency portfolios and currency exchange in a search economy Ben Craig; Christopher J. Waller
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
The financial system in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland after a decade of transition Thomas Reininger; Franz Schardax; Martin Summer
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
Monetary policy effects on bank loans in Germany a panel-econometric analysis Andreas Worms
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Economic Research Centre, 2001
Budgetary policy and unemployment dynamics Leo Kaas; Leopold von Thadden
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2001
Ein disaggregierter Ansatz zur Berechnung konjunkturbereinigter Budgetsalden für Deutschland Methoden und Ergebnisse Matthias Mohr
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum, 2001
Monetary policy transparency, public commentary, and market perceptions about monetary policy in Canada Pierre L. Siklos
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2000
Expectations and the stability problem for optimal monetary policies George W. Evans; Seppo Honkapohja
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2000
Central Bank accountability and transparency theory and some evidence Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger; Marco M. Hoeberichts
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2000
Welfare effects of public information Stephen Morris; Hyun Song Shin
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2000
The relationship between the federal funds rate and the Fed's federal funds rate target is it open market or open mouth operations? Daniel L. Thornton
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2000