> Verlagsreihe
The Cahn-Hilliard equation recent advances and applications Alain Miranville (Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France)
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, [2019]
Finite element exterior calculus Douglas N. Arnold (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Philadelphia: SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, [2018]
Taylor approximations for stochastic partial differential equations Arnulf Jentzen; Peter E. Kloeden
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2011
A unified approach to boundary value problems Athanassios S. Fokas
Philadelphia, Pa.: SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, c2008
Reservoir simulation mathematical techniques in oil recovery Zhangxin Chen
Philadelphia, PA: SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2007
Ten lectures on wavelets Ingrid Daubechies
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2006
Mathematical control theory of coupled PDEs Irena Lasiecka
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2002
Methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations Werner C. Rheinboldt
Philadelphia, Penn.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1998
Mathematical biofluiddynamics a treatment in book form of the material in the lecture course delivered to the "Mathematical Biofluiddynamics" Research Conference of the National Science Foundation held from July 16-20, 1973 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, New York
Philadelphia, Pa.: Soc. for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, [circa 1997]
Probability theory and combinatorial optimization J. Michael Steele
Philadelphia, Pa.: Soc. for Industrial and Applied Math., 1997
Navier-Stokes equations and nonlinear functional analysis Roger Temam
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1995
Bayesian statistics a review D. V. Lindley
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1995
Mathematical aspects of geometric modeling Charles A. Micchelli
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1995
The Jackknife, the bootstrap and other resampling plans Bradley Efron
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and applied mathematics, 1994
Graph theory and its applications to problems of society Fred S. Roberts
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1993
Distribution theory for tests based on the sample ditribution function J. Durbin
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1993
Random number generation and quasi- Monte Carlo methods Harald Niederreiter
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1992
Data structures and network algorithms Robert Endre Tarjan
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1991
Spline models for observational data Grace Wahba
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1990
The jackknife, the bootstrap and other resampling plans Bradley Efron
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1990
Robust statistical procedures Peter J. Huber
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Indusrial and Applied Mathematics, 1989
Methods of dynamic and nonsmooth optimization Frank H. Clarke
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Soc. for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1989
Combinatorial algorithms an update Herbert S. Wilf
Philadelphia, Pa.: Soc. for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1989
Geometric probability Herbert Solomon
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1989
Minimax methods in critical point theory with applications to differential equations Paul H. Rabinowitz
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Soc., 1988
Weak convergence of measures applications in probability
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1987
An algorithmic theory of numbers, graphs and convexity László Lovász
Philadelphia, Pa.: SIAM, 1986
Large deviations and applications S. R. S. Varadhan
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1984
Navier Stokes equations and nonlinear functional analysis Roger Temam
Philadelphia, Pa.: Soc. for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1983 [erschienen] 1993
Nonlinear renewal theory in sequential analysis Michael Woodroofe
Philadelphia, Pa.: Soc. for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1982
Topics in finite elasticity Morton E. Gurtin
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1981
Lectures on the logic of computer programming Zohar Manna
Philadelphia, Penn.: Soc. for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1980
Arithmetic complexity of computations Shmuel Winograd
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1980 [erschienen] 1990
Arithmetic complexity of computations Shmuel Winograd
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1980
Orthogonal polynomials and special functions Richard Askey
Philadelphia, Pa.: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1975
Conjugate duality and optimization R. Tyrrell Rockafellar
Philadelphia, Pa.: Soc. for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1974