> Verlagsreihe
The economics of governance edited by Donald Wittman
Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: An Elgar Research Collection, [2017]
Recent developments in the economics of Tourism 2 Tourism, trade, growth and welfare ed. by Larry Dwyer
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013
Segmented labor markets and labor mobility 1 Labor market segmentation : 1970 to 2000 / Michael Reich ed. by Michael Reich
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 2008
Open economy macroeconomics 1
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 2006
Open economy macroeconomics 2
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 2006
New economic geography ed. by J. Vernon Henderson
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, [2005]
Real options and international investment ed. by Alan M. Rugman and Jing Li
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 2005
Spatial economics 1 ed. by Masahisa Fujita
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 2005
Spatial economics 2 ed. by Masahisa Fujita
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 2005
Recent developments in transport economics ed. by Kenneth Button
Cheltenham, UK [u.a.]: Elgar, 2003
Cost-benefit analysis ed. by Arnold C. Harberger and Glenn P. Jenkins
Cheltenham, UK [u.a.]: Edward Elgar, 2002
Innovation, evolution of industry and economic growth 3 ed. by David B. Audretsch
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000
Innovation, evolution of industry and economic growth 1 ed. by David B. Audretsch
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000
The economics of science and innovation 1 ed. by Paula E. Stephan
Cheltenham: Elgar, 2000
The political economy of science, technology and innovation ed. by Ben R. Martin
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 2000
The economics of science and innovation 2 ed. by Paula E. Stephan
Cheltenham: Elgar, 2000
Innovation, evolution of industry and economic growth 2 ed. by David B. Audretsch
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000
Economic forecasting 1 ed. by Terence C. Mills
Cheltenham: Elgar, 1999
Economic forecasting 2 ed. by Terence C. Mills
Cheltenham: Elgar, 1999
The economics of executive compensation 1 ed. by Kevin F. Hallock
Cheltenham: Elgar, 1999
The economics of executive compensation 2 ed. by Kevin F. Hallock
Cheltenham: Elgar, 1999
Cultural economics 1 edited by Ruth Towse
Cheltenham: Elgar, 1997
Cultural economics 2 edited by Ruth Towse
Cheltenham: Elgar, 1997
Political business cycles ed. by Bruno S. Frey
Cheltenham, UK [u.a.]: Elgar, 1997
The economics of the family ed. by Nancy Folbre
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Edward Elgar, 1996
Industrial organization ed. by Oliver E. Williamson
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 1996
The theory of the firm ed. by Mark Casson
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 1996
General equilibrium theory 1 ed. by Gérard Debreu
Cheltenham: Elgar, 1996
General equilibrium theory 2 ed. by Gérard Debreu
Cheltenham: Elgar, 1996
General equilibrium theory 3 ed. by Gérard Debreu
Cheltenham: Elgar, 1996
Chaos theory in economics methods, models and evidence ed. by W. Davis Dechert
Cheltenham [u.a.]: Edward Elgar, 1996
The economics of location 2 Space and value ed. by Melvin L. Greenhut
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
The economics of location 3 Spatial microeconomics ed. by Melvin L. Greenhut
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
The economics of location 1 Location theory ed. by Melvin L. Greenhut
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
Economics and biology ed. by Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1995
Gender and economics ed. by Jane Humphries
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1995
The economics of ageing ed. by John Creedy
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1995
Financial intermediaries ed. by Mervyn K. Lewis
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1995
Fiscal and monetary policy 1 ed. by Thomas Mayer and Steven M. Sheffrin
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
Fiscal and monetary policy 2 ed. by Thomas Mayer and Steven M. Sheffrin
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
The economics of information 2 ed. by David K. Levine and Steven A. Lippman
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
The economics of information 1 ed. by David K. Levine and Steven A. Lippman
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
Transaction cost economics 2 Policy and applications ed. by Oliver E. Williamson
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
International trade 1 Welfare and trade policy ed. by J. Peter Neary
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
International trade 2 Production structure, trade and growth ed. by J. Peter Neary
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
Transaction cost economics 1 Theory and concepts ed. by Oliver E. Williamson
Aldershot: Elgar, 1995
Markets and socialism ed. by Alec Nove and Ian D. Thatcher
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1994
Recent developments in the economics of education ed. by Elchanan Cohn and Geraint Johnes
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1994
The theory of inflation ed. by Michael Parkin
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1994
The economics of transport 1 edited by Herbert Mohring
Aldershot: Elgar, 1994
The economics of transport 2 edited by Herbert Mohring
Aldershot: Elgar, 1994
The economics of institutions ed. by Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1993
Social choice theory 1 The aggregation of preferences ed. by Charles K. Rowley
Aldershot: Elgar, 1993
Social choice theory 2 Utilitarian and contractarian goals ed. by Charles K. Rowley
Aldershot: Elgar, 1993
Social choice theory 3 Social justice and classical liberal goals ed. by Charles K. Rowley
Aldershot: Elgar, 1993
Post Keynesian theory of growth and distribution ed. by Carlo Panico and Neri Salvadori
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1993
Economics and psychology ed. by Shlomo Maital and Sharone L. Maital
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1993
The economics of exhaustible resources ed. by Geoffrey Heal
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1993
The philosophy and methodology of economics 2 ed. by Bruce J. Caldwell
Aldershot: Elgar, 1993
The philosophy and methodology of economics 1 ed. by Bruce J. Caldwell
Aldershot: Elgar, 1993
The philosophy and methodology of economics 3 ed. by Bruce J. Caldwell
Aldershot: Elgar, 1993
Public choice theory 2 The characteristics of political equilibrium ed. by Charles K. Rowley
Aldershot: Elgar, 1993
Evolutionary economics ed. by Ulrich Witt
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1993
Development economics 1 ed. by Deepak Lal
Aldershot [u.a.]: Elgar, 1992
Development economics 2 ed. by Deepak Lal
Aldershot [u.a.]: Elgar, 1992
Development economics 3 ed. by Deepak Lal
Aldershot [u.a.]: Elgar, 1992
Development economics 4 ed. by Deepak Lal
Aldershot [u.a.]: Elgar, 1992
Exchange rate economics 1 ed. by Ronald MacDonald
Aldershot: Elgar, 1992
Exchange rate economics 2 ed. by Ronald MacDonald
Aldershot: Elgar, 1992
The economics of the environment ed. by Wallace E. Oates
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1992
Growth theory 3 Equilibrium growth theories ed. by R. Becker
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Recent developments in macroeconomics 2 ed. by Edmund S. Phelps
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Recent developments in macroeconomics 3 ed. by Edmund S. Phelps
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
The economics of health 2 ed. by A. J. Culyer
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Urban and regional economics ed. by Paul C. Cheshire and Alan W. Evans
Aldershot [u.a.]: Elgar, 1991
Modern public finance 1 1991 ed. by A. B. Atkinson
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Recent developments in macroeconomics 1 ed. by Edmund S. Phelps
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Microeconomics: theoretical and applied 2 ed. by Robert E. Kuenne
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Microeconomics: theoretical and applied 3 ed. by Robert E. Kuenne
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Growth theory 1 Descriptive growth theories ed. by R. Becker
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Growth theory 2 Optimal growth theories ed. by R. Becker
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Modern public finance 2 1991 ed. by A. B. Atkinson
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Microeconomics: theoretical and applied 1 ed. by Robert E. Kuenne
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
The economics of health 1 ed. by A. J. Culyer
Aldershot: Elgar, 1991
Game theory in economics ed. by Ariel Rubinstein
Aldershot [u.a.]: Elgar Publ., 1990
Monetary theory ed. by Thomas Mayer
Aldershot, Hants [u.a.]: Elgar, 1990
Industrial organization ed. by Oliver E. Williamson
Aldershot [u.a.]: Elgar, 1990
Entrepreneurship ed. by Mark Casson
Aldershot [u.a.]: Elgar, c1990