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  1. Fasch, Johann Friedrich [Other]; Brahms, Johannes [Other]; Grieg, Edvard [Other]; Glinka, Michail Ivanovič [Other]; Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič [Other]; Quantz, Johann Joachim [Other]; Hasse, Johann Adolf [Other]; Zelenka, Jan Dismas [Other]; Weber, Carl Maria von [Other]; Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix [Other]; Schumann, Robert [Other]; Saint-Saëns, Camille [Other]; Schubert, Franz [Other]; Friedrich, Reinhold [Performer]; Markert, Annette [Performer]; Ude, Armin [Performer]; Junghanns, Egbert [Performer]; Rösel, Peter [Performer]; Schreier, Peter [Performer]; Ragossnig, Konrad [Performer]; Haenchen, Hartmut [Performer]; Zenzipér, Arkadi [Performer]; Teutsch, Götz [Performer]; Goldberg, Reiner [Performer]; [...] ; Budapesti Vonósok, Dresdner Barocksolisten, Cappella Coloniensis, Dresdner Kreuzchor, Dresdner Philharmonie, Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest, Staatskapelle Berlin, Dresdner Kapellknaben, Staatskapelle Dresden

    Musikstadt Dresden : Dresdner Barock und sächsische Meisterinterpreten (2 CD)

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    Frechen: Delta Music, P 2010

    Published in: Crystal Classics

  2. Anderson, Emily [Contributor]; Brady Jr., Thomas A. [Contributor]; Coy, Jason [Contributor]; Coy, Jason [Editor]; Garbarini, Alexandra [Contributor]; Goldberg, Ann E. [Contributor]; Goldberg, Kevin D. [Contributor]; Lindemann, Mary [Contributor]; Luebke, David M. [Contributor]; Mansker, Andrea [Contributor]; Marschke, Benjamin [Contributor]; Marschke, Benjamin [Editor]; Matsuda, Matt K. [Contributor]; McEwen, Britta [Contributor]; Polanichka, Dana M. [Contributor]; Poley, Jared [Contributor]; Poley, Jared [Editor]; Prasad, Ritika [Contributor]; Ryan, Daniel C. [Contributor]; Sauter, Michael J. [Contributor]; Verhoeven, Claudia [Contributor]; Verhoeven, Claudia [Editor]; Woodson-Boulton, Amy [Contributor]; Zwick, Tamara [Contributor]

    Kinship, Community, and Self : Essays in Honor of David Warren Sabean

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    New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, [2014]

    Published in: Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association ; 9

  3. Hutchison, David [Other]; Pandu Rangan, C. [Other]; Steffen, Bernhard [Other]; Sudan, Madhu [Other]; Terzopoulos, Demetri [Other]; Tygar, Doug [Other]; Vardi, Moshe Y. [Other]; Weikum, Gerhard [Other]; Zhou, Yunhong [Other]; Goldberg, Andrew V. [Other]; Kanade, Takeo [Other]; Kittler, Josef [Other]; Kleinberg, Jon [Other]; Mattern, Friedemann [Other]; Mitchell, John C. [Other]; Naor, Moni [Other]; Nierstrasz, Oscar [Other]

    Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management : 5th International Conference, AAIM 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 15-17, 2009. Proceedings

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    Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009

    Published in: Lecture notes in computer science ; 5564

  4. Hutchison, David [Other]; Nierstrasz, Oscar [Other]; Pandu Rangan, C. [Other]; Steffen, Bernhard [Other]; Sudan, Madhu [Other]; Terzopoulos, Demetri [Other]; Tygar, Doug [Other]; Vardi, Moshe Y. [Other]; Weikum, Gerhard [Other]; Borisov, Nikita [Other]; Goldberg, Ian [Other]; Kanade, Takeo [Other]; Kittler, Josef [Other]; Kleinberg, Jon [Other]; Mattern, Friedemann [Other]; Mitchell, John C. [Other]; Naor, Moni [Other]

    Privacy Enhancing Technologies : 8th International Symposium, PETS 2008 Leuven, Belgium, July 23-25, 2008 Proceedings

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    Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008

    Published in: Lecture notes in computer science ; 5134

  5. Brady, David W [Contributor]; Cavanagh, Thomas E [Contributor]; Cooper, Joseph [Contributor]; Cooper, Joseph [Editor]; Goldberg, Jeffrey A [Contributor]; Hammond, Susan Webb [Contributor]; Johannes, John R [Contributor]; Katz, Allan J [Contributor]; Kieffer, Jarold A [Contributor]; Mackenzie, G. Calvin [Contributor]; Mackenzie, G. Calvin [Editor]; Maisel, Louis Sandy [Contributor]; O’Donnell, Thomas J [Contributor]; Parker, Glenn R [Contributor]; Thurber, James A [Contributor]

    The House at Work

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    Austin: University of Texas Press, [2021] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

  6. Westermann, Janneke [Author]; Baldin, Marie-Luise [Author]; Bolsius, Jens [Author]; Brzoska, Patrycia [Author]; Goldberg, Valeri [Author]; Großmann, Lena [Author]; Grunewald, Karsten [Author]; Kunze, Stefanie [Author]; Moderow, Uta [Author]; Naumann, Thomas [Author]; Reinfried, Franziska [Author]; Schiela, David [Author]; Schünemann, Christoph [Author]; Sinnig, Heidi [Author]; Spohr, Guido [Author]; Ziemann, Astrid [Author]; Zweinert, Steffen [Author]; Ortlepp, Regine [Author] ; Leibniz-Institut für Ökologische Raumentwicklung, Fachhochschule Erfurt Institut für Stadtforschung, Planung und Kommunikation, Dresden Umweltamt, Erfurt Umwelt- und Naturschutzamt, Technische Universität Dresden Professur Meteorologie, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, Eisenbahner-Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft Dresden

    Hitzeresiliente Stadt- und Quartiersentwicklung in Großstädten - Bewohnerorientierte Wissensgenerierung und Umsetzung in Dresden und Erfurt : Schlussbericht des Forschungsverbundes HeatResilientCity : Förderprogramm: Leitinitiative Zukunftsstadt : Schwerpunkt: Klimaresilienz durch Handeln in Stadt und Region : Projektlaufzeit: 1. Oktober 2017 bis 31. Januar 2021 = Final report of the research network HeatResilientCity (HRC) - Heat resilient development of cities and urban districts : knowledge generation with a focus on local residents and implementation in Dresden and Erfurt

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    Dresden: Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung, Juli 2021

  7. Acemoglu, Daron [Contributor]; Aghion, Philippe [Contributor]; Aghion, Philippe [Editor]; Benhabib, Jess [Contributor]; Blanchard, Olivier J. [Contributor]; Calvo, Guillermo A. [Contributor]; Celasun, Oya [Contributor]; Fitoussi, Jean-Paul [Contributor]; Frydman, Roman [Contributor]; Frydman, Roman [Editor]; Gertler, Mark [Contributor]; Goldberg, Michael D. [Contributor]; Greenwald, Bruce [Contributor]; Hall, Robert E. [Contributor]; Heckman, James J. [Contributor]; Hobijn, Bart [Contributor]; Howitt, Peter [Contributor]; Jin, Hehui [Contributor]; Jones, Charles I. [Contributor]; Kumhof, Michael [Contributor]; Kurz, Mordecai [Contributor]; Laibson, David [Contributor]; Ljungqvist, Lars [Contributor]; Lucas, Robert E. [Contributor]; [...]

    Knowledge, Information, and Expectations in Modern Macroeconomics : In Honor of Edmund S. Phelps

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    Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, [2022]

  8. Hutchison, David [Other]; Mattern, Friedemann [Other]; Mitchell, John C. [Other]; Naor, Moni [Other]; Nierstrasz, Oscar [Other]; Pandu Rangan, C. [Other]; Steffen, Bernhard [Other]; Sudan, Madhu [Other]; Terzopoulos, Demetri [Other]; Tygar, Doug [Other]; Vardi, Moshe Y. [Other]; Aceto, Luca [Other]; Walukiewicz, Igor [Other]; Weikum, Gerhard [Other]; Damgård, Ivan [Other]; Goldberg, Leslie Ann [Other]; Halldórsson, Magnús M. [Other]; Ingólfsdóttir, Anna [Other]; Kanade, Takeo [Other]; Kittler, Josef [Other]; Kleinberg, Jon [Other]

    Automata, Languages and Programming : 35th International Colloquium, ICALP 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 7-11, 2008, Proceedings, Part I

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    Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008

    Published in: Lecture notes in computer science ; 5125

  9. Hutchison, David [Other]; Mattern, Friedemann [Other]; Mitchell, John C. [Other]; Naor, Moni [Other]; Nierstrasz, Oscar [Other]; Pandu Rangan, C. [Other]; Steffen, Bernhard [Other]; Sudan, Madhu [Other]; Terzopoulos, Demetri [Other]; Tygar, Doug [Other]; Vardi, Moshe Y. [Other]; Aceto, Luca [Other]; Walukiewicz, Igor [Other]; Weikum, Gerhard [Other]; Damgård, Ivan [Other]; Goldberg, Leslie Ann [Other]; Halldórsson, Magnús M. [Other]; Ingólfsdóttir, Anna [Other]; Kanade, Takeo [Other]; Kittler, Josef [Other]; Kleinberg, Jon [Other]

    Automata, Languages and Programming : 35th International Colloquium, ICALP 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 7-11, 2008, Proceedings, Part II

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    Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008

    Published in: Lecture notes in computer science ; 5126

  10. Goldberg, Abbie E [Other]; LeBlanc, Allen J [Other]; Pollitt, Amanda [Other]; Gorman, Bridget K [Other]; Prince, Barbara [Other]; Reczek, Corinne [Other]; Reczek, Corinne [Editor]; Frost, David M [Other]; Brown, Dustin [Other]; Alston-Stepnitz, Eli [Other]; Holway, Giuseppina Valle [Other]; Liu, Hui [Other]; Liu, Hui [Editor]; Onge, Jarron M Saint [Other]; Denney, Justin T [Other]; Smith, JuliAnna Z [Other]; Genadek, Katherine Rose [Other]; Joyner, Kara [Other]; Brewster, Karin L [Other]; Tillman, Kathryn Harker [Other]; Ueno, Koji;Spiker, Russell L;Fenelon, Andrew;Dragon, Christina;Ruther, Matt;Hsieh, Ning;Kazyak, Emily;Finken, Emma;Sutton, Kara [Other]; Ritter, Lacey J [Other]; Ross, Lori E [Other]; Wilkinson, Lindsey [Other]; [...]

    Marriage and Health : The Well-Being of Same-Sex Couples

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    New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, [2020] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Politics of Marriage and Gender: Global Issues in Local Contexts

  11. Dragano, Nico [Author]; Siegrist, Johannes [Author]; Nyberg, Solja T. [Author]; Lunau, Thorsten [Author]; Fransson, Eleonor I. [Author]; Alfredsson, Lars [Author]; Bjorner, Jakob B. [Author]; Borritz, Marianne [Author]; Burr, Hermann [Author]; Erbel, Raimund [Author]; Fahlen, Göran [Author]; Goldberg, Marcel [Author]; Hamer, Mark [Author]; Heikkilä, Katriina [Author]; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz [Author]; Madsen, Ida E.H. [Author]; Nielsen, Martin L. [Author]; Nordin, Maria [Author]; Oksanen, Tuula [Author]; Pejtersen, Jan H. [Author]; Pentti, Jaana [Author]; Rugulies, Reiner [Author]; Salo, Paula [Author]; Schupp, Jürgen [Author]; [...]

    Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: A Multi-Cohort Study of 90,164 Individuals

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    Alphen aan den Rijn: WoltersKluwer, 2017