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  1. Schimansky, Herbert [Editor]; Schimansky, Herbert [Adapter]; Wassermann, Henning [Adapter]; Bernett, Axel [Adapter]; Dauber, Desiree [Adapter]; Ellenberger, Jürgen [Editor]; Ellenberger, Jürgen [Adapter]; Gehrlein, Markus [Adapter]; Joeres, Hans-Ulrich [Adapter]; Maihold, Dieter [Adapter]; Mayen, Barbara [Adapter]; Pamp, Rüdiger [Adapter]; Allgayer, Angelika [Adapter]; Bunte, Hermann-Josef [Editor]; Bunte, Hermann-Josef [Adapter]; Lwowski, Hans-Jürgen [Editor]; Lwowski, Hans-Jürgen [Adapter]; Bitter, Georg [Adapter]; Ganter, Hans Gerhard [Adapter]; Gelder, Alfons van [Adapter]; Nobbe, Gerd [Adapter]; Schramm, Karl-Heinz [Adapter]; Siol, Joachim [Adapter]; Derstadt, Eva-Maria [Adapter]; [...] ; Verlag C.H. Beck

    Bankrechts-Handbuch Gesamtwerk : In 2 Bänden - [3. Aufl. ff.]



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    München: Beck, 2007-

  2. Beck, Amanda [Author] ; Gilstrap, Collin [Other]; Rippy, Jordan [Other]; Vansant, Brian [Other]

    Strategic Reporting by Nonprofit Hospitals : An Examination of Bad Debt and Charity Care

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2020]

  3. Beck, Susanne [Editor]; Kusche, Carsten [Editor]; Valerius, Brian [Editor] ; Forschungsstelle RobotRecht

    Digitalisierung, Automatisierung, KI und Recht : Festgabe zum 10-jährigen Bestehen der Forschungsstelle RobotRecht - [1. Auflage]

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    Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2020

    Published in: Robotik und Recht ; 20

  4. Beck, Amanda [Author]; Gilstrap, Collin [Author]; Rippy, Jordan [Author]; Vansant, Brian [Author]

    Strategic reporting by nonprofit hospitals : an examination of bad debt and charity care

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    Published in: Review of accounting studies ; 26(2021), 3 vom: Sept., Seite 933-970

  5. Acosta, Raúl [Contributor]; Beck, Sam [Contributor]; Beck, Sam [Editor]; Butler, Udi Mandel [Contributor]; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland [Contributor]; Isbell, Billie Jean [Contributor]; Maida, Carl A. [Contributor]; Maida, Carl A. [Editor]; McKenna, Brian [Contributor]

    Toward Engaged Anthropology

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    New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, [2013]

  6. Pernin, Christopher G. [Author]; Nichiporuk, Brian [Author]; Stahl, Dale [Author]; Beck, Justin [Author]; Radaelli-Sanchez, Ricky [Author]

    Unfolding the Future of the Long War : Motivations, Prospects, and Implications for the U.S. Army

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    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: RAND Corporation, 2008

  7. Afonso, Ana Isabel [Contributor]; Beck, Sam [Contributor]; Beck, Sam [Editor]; Crivos, Marta [Contributor]; D’Amico, Linda [Contributor]; Guerrón Montero, Carla [Contributor]; Harper, Krista [Contributor]; Maida, Carl A. [Contributor]; Maida, Carl A. [Editor]; McKenna, Brian [Contributor]; Oral, Funda [Contributor]; Remorini, Carolina [Contributor]; Rosa Martínez, María [Contributor]; Schoon, Danielle V. [Contributor]; Sen, Debarati [Contributor]; Smith-Nonini, Sandy [Contributor]; Teves, Laura [Contributor]; Westra, Richard [Contributor]

    Global Sustainability and Communities of Practice

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    New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, [2018]

  8. Facy, Françoise [Author]; Debout, Michel [Author] ; Batt, Agnès [Contributor]; Beck, Patrick [Contributor]; Binder, Philippe [Contributor]; Blaise-Kopp, Françoise [Contributor]; Bonne, Éric [Contributor]; Bonnefond, Jean-Yves [Contributor]; Bussac-Garat, Marie-Hélène [Contributor]; Carette, Philippe [Contributor]; Cettour, Denis [Contributor]; Chagnon, François [Contributor]; Cherkasky, Nadia [Contributor]; Combes, Philippe [Contributor]; Debout, Michel [Contributor]; Fachon, Marie-Thérèse [Contributor]; Facy, Françoise [Contributor]; Fasquel, Dominique [Contributor]; Garoullaye, Gérald de la [Contributor]; Goualc’h, Gérard [Contributor]; Guingant, Bernard [Contributor]; Guyotat, Jean [Contributor]; Kothe, Émilie [Contributor]; Malicier, Danile [Contributor]; Malis, Éliane [Contributor]; Martin, Stéphanie [Contributor]; [...]

    Acteurs et chercheurs en suicidologie

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    Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, [2006]

    Published in: Epidémiologie Santé publique

  9. Barrat, Jean-Alix [Contributor]; Bauchy, Mathieu [Contributor]; Beck, Pierre [Contributor]; Chevrel, Magdalena O. [Contributor]; Chowdhury, Proteek [Contributor]; Clare, Alexis G. [Contributor]; Dasgupta, Rajdeep [Contributor]; Dingwell, Donald B. [Contributor]; Dingwell, Donald B. [Editor]; Drewitt, James W. E. [Contributor]; Dutra Zanotto, Edgar [Contributor]; Eguchi, James [Contributor]; Gan, Ting [Contributor]; Henderson, Grant S. [Contributor]; Henderson, Grant S. [Editor]; Hennet, Louis [Contributor]; Hess, Kai-Uwe [Contributor]; Jahn, Sandro [Contributor]; Kendrick, Jackie E. [Contributor]; Kolzenburg, Stephan [Contributor]; Laumonier, Mickael [Contributor]; Lavallée, Yan [Contributor]; Le Losq, Charles [Contributor]; Libourel, Guy [Contributor]; [...]

    Geological Melts

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]

    Published in: Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry ; 87

  10. Etienne Turpin [Author] ; Antonio Stoppani [Other]; Reg Beatty (print book designer) [Other]; William L. Fox [Other]; Trevor Paglen [Other]; Laura Moriarity [Other]; Elizabeth Kolbert [Other]; Nicola Twilley [Other]; Paul Lloyd Sargent [Other]; Katie Holten [Other]; Erika Osborne [Other]; Center for Land Use Interpretation [Other]; Brian Davis [Other]; Wade Kavanaugh [Other]; Jamie Kruse (ed. and print book designer) [Other]; Jane Bennett [Other]; William Lamson [Other]; Ryan Thompson [Other]; Bill Gilbert [Other]; Elizabeth Ellsworth (ed.) [Other]; Anthony Easton [Other]; Don McKay [Other]; Rachel Sussman [Other]; Alli Crandall (web book designer) [Other]; Matt Baker [Other]; [...]

    Making the Geologic Now: Responses to Material Conditions of Contemporary Life

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    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: Punctum Books, 2020

    Published in: OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)

  11. Borremans, Catherine [Author]; Durden, Jennifer [Author]; Schoening, Timm [Author]; Curtis, Emma [Author]; Adams, Luther [Author]; Branzan Albu, Alexandra [Author]; Arnaubec, Aurélien [Author]; Ayata, Sakina-Dorothée [Author]; Baburaj, Reshma [Author]; Bassin, Corinne [Author]; Beck, Miriam [Author]; Bigham, Katharine [Author]; Boschen-Rose, Rachel [Author]; Collett, Chad [Author]; Contini, Matteo [Author]; Correa, Paulo [Author]; Dominguez-Carrió, Carlos [Author]; Dreyfus, Gautier [Author]; Duncan, Graeme [Author]; Ferrera, Maxime [Author]; Foulon, Valentin [Author]; Friedman, Ariell [Author]; Gaikwad, Santosh [Author]; Game, Chloe [Author]; [...]

    Report on the Marine Imaging Workshop 2022

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    Pensoft, 2024-03-18