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The Routledge companion to film history
Introduction ; Film history : a thematic approach. Natural magic: a cultural history of moving images
/ Erkki Huhtamo
Film as popular culture
/ Hilary Radner
Film as art
/ Prakash Younger
The stages of the production process
/ William Guynn
The evolution of sound in cinema
/ Jay Beck
Experimental cinema
/ Wheeler Winston Dixon
Documentary film
/ Brian Winston
/ Norman M. Klein
Filming difference
/ David Desser
Making history through media
/ Marcia Landy
Inscribing the historical : film texts in context
/ Rosemarie Scullion
A critical dictionary : history, theory, technique.
Includes bibliographical references and index
Introduction -- Film history : a thematic approach. Natural magic: a short cultural history of moving images / Erkki Huhtamo -- Film as popular culture / Hilary Radner -- Film as art / Prakash Younger -- The stages of the film production process / William Guynn -- The evolution of sound in cinema / Jay Beck -- Experimental cinema / Wheeler Winston Dixon -- Documentary film / Brian Winston -- Animation / Norman M. Klein -- Filming difference / David Desser -- Making history through media / Marcia Landy -- Inscribing the historical : film texts in context / Rosemarie Scullion -- A critical dictionary : history, theory, technique