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[S.l.]: SSRN, [2017]
Coenen, Günter
Erceg, Christopher J.
Freedman, Charles
Furceri, Davide
Kumhof, Michael
Lalonde, Rene
Laxton, Douglas
Lindé, Jesper
Mourougane, Annabelle
Muir, Dirk
Mursula, Susanna
de Resende, Carlos A.
Roberts, John
Roeger, Werner
Snudden, Stephen
Trabandt, Mathias
in 't Veld, Jan
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[S.l.]: SSRN, [2010]
Published in:IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-121, 2010
Coenen, Günter
Ehrmann, Michael
Gaballo, Gaetano
Hoffmann, Peter
Nakov, Anton
Nardelli, Stefano
Persson, Eric
Strasser, Georg
You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.
[S.l.]: SSRN, [2021]
Published in:ECB Working Paper ; No. 2080
Coenen, Günter
Ehrmann, Michael
Gaballo, Gaetano
Hoffmann, Peter
Nakov, Anton
Nardelli, Stefano
Persson, Eric
Strasser, Georg
Coenen, Günter
Ehrmann, Michael
Gaballo, Gaetano
Hoffmann, Peter
Nakov, Anton
Nardelli, Stefano
Persson, Eric
Strasser, Georg H.