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Oakland, California: University of California Press, [2018]
DeCarlo, Joe
Eck, Peter
Doherty, Liam
Mehta, Jyotindra
Yoshimura, Kenichi
Horwood, Ben
Nelson, Jennifer
Safari, an O'Reilly Media Company
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[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: IBM Redbooks, 2007
Peter Wall Institute
Aitken, Sally
Allison, Paul
Arcese, Peter
Belliveau, George
Bennett, Joseph
Blanchard, Marc-André
Brauer, Michael
Broadbent, Ed
Brooks, Kim
Brown, Pam
Cameron, Maxwell
Carlsten, Chris
Carmack, Eddy
Carment, David
Carpenter, Jennifer
Chaudhry, Ayesha
Cheung, William
Clarke, George Elliott
Clarke, Laura Hurd
Dahmen, Joseph
Darvin, Ron
Doherty, Liam
Early, Margaret
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Informa UK Limited, 2013
Published in:
Intercultural Education, 24 (2013) 5, Seite 493-497
Kong, Xiang-Zhen
Francks, Clyde
Allen, Nicholas B.
Heslenfeld, Dirk
Hester, Robert
Hibar, Derrek Paul
Ho, Beng-Choon
Ho, Tiffany C.
Hoekstra, Pieter J.
Holst, Ruth J.
Hoogman, Martine
Høvik, Marie F.
Howells, Fleur M.
Ames, David
Hugdahl, Kenneth
Huyser, Chaim
Ingvar, Martin
Ishikawa, Akari
James, Anthony
Jahanshad, Neda
Jernigan, Terry L.
Jönsson, Erik G
Kaleda, Vasily
Kelly, Clare