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  1. Fraipont, Paul de [Author]; Raines, Garry [Author]

    Les images orbitales : une échelle complémentaire d'analyse de l'environnement structural des gisements de La Crouzille (Limousin, Massif central, France) / The satellite image : a complementary scale for the analyse of the structural control of the La Crouzille uranium deposits

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    Published in: Sciences Géologiques. Bulletin ; Vol. 37, n° 3, pp. 185-191

  2. Fraipont, Paul de [Author]; Hirsch, Jacky [Author]

    Utilisation des données multispectrales des satellites Landsat en prospection minière. Application aux gisements uranifères de La Crouzille (Limousin, Massif central, France) / Utilization of multispectral Landsat data in prospecting. Example of the La Crouzille uranium deposits

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    Published in: Sciences Géologiques. Bulletin ; Vol. 37, n° 3, pp. 193-196

  3. Léna, Jean Paul; de Fraipont, Michelle; Léna, Jean Paul

    Kin recognition in the common lizard

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1998

    Published in: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 42 (1998) 5, Seite 341-347

  4. Yésou, Hervé; Chastanet, Pierre; Maxant, Jérôme; Huber, Claire; Clandillon, Stephen; Battiston, Stéphanie; Proy, Catherine; De Fraipont, Paul

    Contribution de l'imagerie Pléiades à la cartographie rapide des dégâts suite à des catastrophes majeures: retours d'expériences après deux ans d'actions de cartographie rapide localisées en Asie, en Afrique, en Europe et aux Caraïbes

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    Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrie, 2015

    Published in: Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (2015) 209, Seite 81-87

  5. Caspard, Mathilde; Yésou, Hervé; Selle, Arnaud; Tinel, Claire; Tessier, Pierre; Durand, Arnaud; Clandillon, Stephen; De Fraipont, Paul

    Forest recolonization monitoring based on HR and VHR imagery: the case of the Maido forest fire exploiting Pléiades HR and SPOT Kalideos database

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    Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrie, 2015

    Published in: Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (2015) 209, Seite 149-155

  6. Yésou, Hervé; Escudier, Aurélie; Battiston, Stéphanie; Dardillac, Jean-Yves; Clandillon, Stephen; Uribe, Carlos; Caspard, Mathilde; Giraud, Henri; Maxant, Jérôme; Durand, Arnaud; Fellah, Kader; Studer, Mathias; Huber, Claire; Philippoteaux, Laurent; De Fraipont, Paul; Fontannaz, Delphine

    Exploitation de l'imagerie Pléiades-THR en cartographie réactive suite à des catastrophes naturelles ayant affecté le territoire français en 2013

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    Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrie, 2015

    Published in: Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (2015) 209, Seite 39-45

  7. Lages, Elodie; Guttin, Audrey; El Atifi, Michèle; Ramus, Claire; Ipas, Hélène; Dupré, Isabelle; Rolland, Delphine; Salon, Caroline; Godfraind, Catherine; deFraipont, Florence; Dhobb, Mehdi; Pelletier, Laurent; Wion, Didier; Gay, Emmanuel; Berger, François; Issartel, Jean-Paul

    MicroRNA and Target Protein Patterns Reveal Physiopathological Features of Glioma Subtypes

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    Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2011

    Published in: PLoS ONE, 6 (2011) 5, Seite e20600

  8. Beau-Faller, Michèle; Blons, Hélène; Domerg, Caroline; Gajda, Dorota; Richard, Nicolas; Escande, Fabienne; Solassol, Jérôme; Denis, Marc G.; Cayre, Anne; Nanni-Metellus, Isabelle; Olschwang, Sylviane; Lizard, Sarab; Piard, Fabienne; Pretet, Jean-Luc; de Fraipont, Florence; Bièche, Ivan; de Cremoux, Patricia; Rouquette, Isabelle; Bringuier, Pierre-Paul; Mosser, Jean; Legrain, Michèle; Voegeli, Anne-Claire; Saulnier, Patrick; Morin, Franck; [...]

    A Multicenter Blinded Study Evaluating EGFR and KRAS Mutation Testing Methods in the Clinical Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Setting—IFCT/ERMETIC2 Project Part 1

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    Elsevier BV, 2014

    Published in: The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 16 (2014) 1, Seite 45-55

  9. Terzić, Vida; Miantezila Basilua, Joe; Billard, Nicolas; de Gastines, Lucie; Belhadi, Drifa; Fougerou-Leurent, Claire; Peiffer-Smadja, Nathan; Mercier, Noémie; Delmas, Christelle; Ferrane, Assia; Dechanet, Aline; Poissy, Julien; Espérou, Hélène; Ader, Florence; Hites, Maya; Andrejak, Claire; Greil, Richard; Paiva, José-Artur; Staub, Thérèse; Tacconelli, Evelina; Burdet, Charles; Costagliola, Dominique; Mentré, France; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; [...]

    Cardiac Adverse Events and Remdesivir in Hospitalized Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Post Hoc Safety Analysis of the Randomized DisCoVeRy Trial

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2024

    Published in: Clinical Infectious Diseases (2024)

  10. Siempos, Ilias I.; Kalil, Andre C.; Belhadi, Drifa; Veiga, Viviane Cordeiro; Cavalcanti, Alexandre Biasi; Branch-Elliman, Westyn; Papoutsi, Eleni; Gkirgkiris, Konstantinos; Xixi, Nikoleta A.; Kotanidou, Anastasia; Hermine, Olivier; Porcher, Raphaël; Mariette, Xavier; Hermine, Olivier; Mariette, Xavier; Ravaud, Philippe; Bureau, Serge; Dougados, Maxime; Resche-Rigon, Matthieu; Tharaux, Pierre-Louis; Tibi, Annick; Hermine, Olivier; Azoulay, Elie; Bureau, Serge; [...]

    Immunomodulators for immunocompromised patients hospitalized for COVID-19: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Elsevier BV, 2024

    Published in: eClinicalMedicine, 69 (2024), Seite 102472

  11. Labeau, Sonia O.; Afonso, Elsa; Benbenishty, Julie; Blackwood, Bronagh; Boulanger, Carole; Brett, Stephen J.; Calvino-Gunther, Silvia; Chaboyer, Wendy; Coyer, Fiona; Deschepper, Mieke; François, Guy; Honore, Patrick M.; Jankovic, Radmilo; Khanna, Ashish K.; Llaurado-Serra, Mireia; Lin, Frances; Rose, Louise; Rubulotta, Francesca; Saager, Leif; Williams, Ged; Blot, Stijn I.; Muzha, Dritan; Ribas, Antoni Margarit; Lipovesty, Fernando; [...]

    Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Intensive Care Medicine, 47 (2021) 2, Seite 160-169