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  1. Haan, Floris de [Author]; Werf, Minou van der [Author]; Brüggen, Lisa [Author]

    Value considerations, ethical dilemmas, and resolving methods in automated financial advice : qualitative study among industry experts

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    [Tilburg]: Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, March 2024

    Published in: Netspar industry series ; 241

  2. Faber, Jasper [Author]; Grebe, Stefan [Author]; Juijn, Daan [Author]; Király, Julius [Author]; Leestemaker, Louis [Author]; Meijer, Christiaan [Author]; Frankena, Peter [Author]; Knuyt, Jerry [Author]; Windels, Evert [Author]; Haan, Floris de [Author]; Van Eck, Gijs [Author]; Kouwenhoven, Markus Leonardus Adrianus [Author]; Velsen, Andre van [Author]

    Impacts of a CO2 ceiling for Dutch aviation

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    Delft: CE Delft, October 2022

  3. Langeslag, Juliette; Onland, Wes; Visser, Douwe; Groenendaal, Floris; de Vries, Linda; van Kaam, Anton H; de Haan, T R

    Predictive performance of multiple organ dysfunction in asphyxiated newborns treated with therapeutic hypothermia on 24-month outcome: a cohort study

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    BMJ, 2024

    Published in: Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 109 (2024) 1, Seite 41-45

  4. Smeets, Monique A. M.; Veldhuizen, Maria G.; Galle, Sara; Gouweloos, Juul; de Haan, Anne-Marie J. A.; Vernooij, Jesse; Visscher, Floris; Kroeze, Jan H. A.

    Sense of smell disorder and health-related quality of life

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    American Psychological Association (APA), 2009

    Published in: Rehabilitation Psychology, 54 (2009) 4, Seite 404-412

  5. de Vries, Erik; de Vries, Robert P.; Wienholts, Marleen J.; Floris, Chantal E.; Jacobs, Marie-Shofie; van den Heuvel, Angelique; Rottier, Peter J. M.; de Haan, Cornelis A. M.

    Influenza A virus entry into cells lacking sialylated N-glycans

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    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (2012) 19, Seite 7457-7462

  6. de Vries, Erik; de Vries, Robert P.; Wienholts, Marleen J.; Floris, Chantal E.; Jacobs, Marie-Shofie; van den Heuvel, Angelique; Rottier, Peter J. M.; de Haan, Cornelis A. M.

    Influenza A virus entry into cells lacking sialylated N-glycans

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    National Academy of Sciences, 2012

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (2012) 19, Seite 7457-7462

  7. Langeslag, Juliette F.; Groenendaal, Floris; Roosendaal, Stefan D.; de Vries, Linda S.; Onland, Wes; Leeflang, Mariska M.G.; Groot, Paul F.C.; van Kaam, Anton H.; de Haan, Timo R.

    Outcome Prediction and Inter-Rater Comparison of Four Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scoring Systems of Infants with Perinatal Asphyxia and Therapeutic Hypothermia

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    S. Karger AG, 2022

    Published in: Neonatology, 119 (2022) 3, Seite 311-319

  8. Berfelo, Florieke J.; Kersbergen, Karina J.; van Ommen, C. H.(Heleen); Govaert, Paul; van Straaten, H. L.M.(Irma); Poll-The, Bwee-Tien; van Wezel-Meijler, Gerda; Vermeulen, R. Jeroen; Groenendaal, Floris; de Vries, Linda S.; de Haan, Timo R.

    Neonatal Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis From Symptom to Outcome

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    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2010

    Published in: Stroke, 41 (2010) 7, Seite 1382-1388

  9. de Ávila Narciso Gomes, Raphael; Marmolejo-Garza, Alejandro; Haan, Floris-Jan; García, Teresa Mitchell; Chen, Tingting; Mauthe, Mario; Moreira Franco Parisotto, Yollanda E.; Murakami, Mario Minor; Marie, Suely Kazue Nagahashi; Baptista, Maurício S.; Dolga, Amalia M.; Trombetta-Lima, Marina

    Mitochondrial dysfunction mediates neuronal cell response to DMMB photodynamic therapy

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    Elsevier BV, 2023

    Published in: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1870 (2023) 3, Seite 119429

  10. Bolte, Laura A.; Klaassen, Marjolein A. Y.; Collij, Valerie; Vich Vila, Arnau; Fu, Jingyuan; van der Meulen, Taco A.; de Haan, Jacco J.; Versteegen, Gerbrig J.; Dotinga, Aafje; Zhernakova, Alexandra; Wijmenga, Cisca; Weersma, Rinse K.; Imhann, Floris

    Patient attitudes towards faecal sampling for gut microbiome studies and clinical care reveal positive engagement and room for improvement

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    Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2021

    Published in: PLOS ONE, 16 (2021) 4, Seite e0249405

  11. Favié, Laurent M. A.; de Haan, Timo R.; Bijleveld, Yuma A.; Rademaker, Carin M. A.; Egberts, Toine C. G.; Nuytemans, Debbie H. G. M.; Mathôt, Ron A. A.; Groenendaal, Floris; Huitema, Alwin D. R.

    Prediction of Drug Exposure in Critically Ill Encephalopathic Neonates Treated With Therapeutic Hypothermia Based on a Pooled Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Seven Drugs and Five Metabolites

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    Wiley, 2020

    Published in: Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 108 (2020) 5, Seite 1098-1106

  12. van der Velde, K Joeri; Imhann, Floris; Charbon, Bart; Pang, Chao; van Enckevort, David; Slofstra, Mariska; Barbieri, Ruggero; Alberts, Rudi; Hendriksen, Dennis; Kelpin, Fleur; de Haan, Mark; de Boer, Tommy; Haakma, Sido; Stroomberg, Connor; Scholtens, Salome; van de Geijn, Gert-Jan; Festen, Eleonora A M; Weersma, Rinse K; Swertz, Morris A

    MOLGENIS research: advanced bioinformatics data software for non-bioinformaticians

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2019

    Published in: Bioinformatics, 35 (2019) 6, Seite 1076-1078

  13. van der Veer, Marlotte A. A.; de Haan, Timo R.; Franken, Linda G. W.; van Hest, Reinier M.; Groenendaal, Floris; Dijk, Peter H.; de Boode, Willem P.; Simons, Sinno; Dijkman, Koen P.; van Straaten, Henrica L. M.; Rijken, Monique; Cools, Filip; Nuytemans, Debbie H. G. M.; van Kaam, Anton H.; Bijleveld, Yuma A.; Mathôt, Ron A. A.

    Population pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in term neonates with perinatal asphyxia treated with therapeutic hypothermia

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    Wiley, 2024

    Published in: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024)

  14. van der Veer, Marlotte A. A.; de Haan, Timo R.; Franken, Linda G. W.; Groenendaal, Floris; Dijk, Peter H.; de Boode, Willem P.; Simons, Sinno; Dijkman, Koen P.; van Straaten, Henrica L.M.; Rijken, Monique; Cools, Filip; Nuytemans, Debbie H. G. M.; van Kaam, Anton H.; Bijleveld, Yuma. A.; Mathôt, Ron A. A.

    Predictive Performance of a Gentamicin Pharmacokinetic Model in Term Neonates with Perinatal Asphyxia Undergoing Controlled Therapeutic Hypothermia

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    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2024

    Published in: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (2024)

  15. van Hooijdonk, Carmen F.M.; van der Pluijm, Marieke; Smith, Charlotte; Yaqub, Maqsood; van Velden, Floris H.P.; Horga, Guillermo; Wengler, Kenneth; Hoven, Monja; van Holst, Ruth J.; de Haan, Lieuwe; Selten, Jean-Paul; van Amelsvoort, Therese A.M.J.; Booij, Jan; van de Giessen, Elsmarieke

    Striatal dopamine synthesis capacity and neuromelanin in the substantia nigra: A multimodal imaging study in schizophrenia and healthy controls

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    Elsevier BV, 2023

    Published in: Neuroscience Applied, 2 (2023), Seite 101134

  16. Bijleveld, Yuma A.; de Haan, Timo R.; van der Lee, Hanneke J. H.; Groenendaal, Floris; Dijk, Peter H.; van Heijst, Arno; de Jonge, Rogier C. J.; Dijkman, Koen P.; van Straaten, Henrica L. M.; Rijken, Monique; Zonnenberg, Inge A.; Cools, Filip; Zecic, Alexandra; Nuytemans, Debbie H. G. M.; van Kaam, Anton H.; Mathot, Ron A. A.

    Altered gentamicin pharmacokinetics in term neonates undergoing controlled hypothermia

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    Wiley, 2016

    Published in: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 81 (2016) 6, Seite 1067-1077

  17. Bijleveld, Yuma; de Haan, Timo R.; Toersche, Jan; Jorjani, Sona; van der Lee, Johanna; Groenendaal, Floris; Dijk, Peter; van Heijst, Arno; Gavilanes, Antonio W.D.; de Jonge, Rogier; Dijkman, Koen P.; van Straaten, Henrica; Rijken, Monique; Zonnenberg, Inge; Cools, Filip; Nuytemans, Debbie; Mathôt, Ron

    A simple quantitative method analysing amikacin, gentamicin, and vancomycin levels in human newborn plasma using ion-pair liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry and its applicability to a clinical study

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    Elsevier BV, 2014

    Published in: Journal of Chromatography B, 951-952 (2014), Seite 110-118

  18. van Rooij, Linda G. M.; Toet, Mona C.; van Huffelen, Alexander C.; Groenendaal, Floris; Laan, Wijnand; Zecic, Alexandra; de Haan, Timo; van Straaten, Irma L. M.; Vrancken, Sabine; van Wezel, Gerda; van der Sluijs, Jaqueline; ter Horst, Henk; Gavilanes, Danilo; Laroche, Sabrina; Naulaers, Gunnar; de Vries, Linda S.

    Effect of Treatment of Subclinical Neonatal Seizures Detected With aEEG: Randomized, Controlled Trial

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    American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 2010

    Published in: Pediatrics, 125 (2010) 2, Seite e358-e366