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  1. Lucas, Dirk [Other]; Beyer, Matthias [Other]; Carl, Helmar [Other]; Pietruske, Heiko [Other]; Schütz, Peter [Other]; Danciu, Dana-Veronica [Other]; Weiß, Frank-Peter [Other]; Deendarlianto [Other]; Zhang, Dongsheng [Other]; Barthel, Frank [Other]; Zippe, Cornelius [Other]; Hänsch, Susann [Other]; Vallée, Christophe [Other]; Krepper, Eckhard [Other]; Höhne, Thomas [Other]; Seidel, Tobias [Other]; Szalinski, Lutz [Other]; Hampel, Uwe [Other]; Schmidtke, Martin [Other]; Schleicher, Eckhard [Other] ; Institut für Sicherheitsforschung

    Topflow-Experimente, Modellentwicklung und Validierung von CFD-Codes für Wasser-Dampf-Strömungen mit Phasenübergang : Finalreport = Topflow-Experiments, development and validation of CFD models for steam-water flows with phase transfer : Abschlussbericht

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    Dresden-Rossendorf: HZDR, Helmholtz-Zentrum, 2011

    Published in: Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf: Wissenschaftlich-technische Berichte ; 011

  2. Strauch, Claudia [Author] ; Hänsch, Robert [Degree supervisor]; Beerhues, Ludger [Degree supervisor] Technische Universität Braunschweig, Julius Kühn-Institut

    Characterization of Japanese soil-borne wheat mosaic virus movement protein and investigation of interacting host-plant factors

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    Published in: Dissertationen aus dem Julius Kühn-Institut

  3. Stemler, Wilhelm Christian [Author] ; Hänsch, Friedrich August [Other]; Berger, .. [Other]

    Practischer Katechismus von Stand der heiligen Ehe : nebst Dedication an Herrn Münzcassier Berger in Dreßden und Vorrede

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    Greifswalde, 1780 ; Online-Ausg., Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2010

  4. Hänsch, Friedrich August [Author] ; Böhm, W. [Other]; Roch, Johann Christian Friedrich [Printer]

    Der Bauer am Hofe; oder: Berthold's Abentheuer : Eine Arabeske ; Mit einem Kupfer von W. Böhm

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    Leipzig: Roch, 1800 ; Online-Ausg., Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 2011

  5. Sallustius Crispus, Gaius [Author] ; Hänsch, G. F. [Contributor]; Hänsch, G. F. [Illustrator]; Abbt, Thomas [Translator]

    Von der Zusammenrottung des Catilina

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    Stadthagen: Gedruckt auf Landesherrliche Kosten, zum Vorteile der Erben des Wohlseel. Herrn Uebersetzers, 1767 ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2010

  6. Weber, Jan-Niklas [Author]; Minner-Meinen, Rieke [Author]; Behnecke, Maria [Author]; Biedendieck, Rebekka Katrin Johanna [Author]; Hänsch, Veit [Author]; Hercher, Thomas Wolfgang [Author]; Hertweck, Christian [Author]; Hout, Lena van den [Author]; Knüppel, Lars [Author]; Sivov, Simon [Author]; Schulze, Jutta [Author]; Mendel, Ralf-Rainer [Author]; Hänsch, Robert [Author]; Kaufholdt, David [Author]

    Moonlighting Arabidopsis molybdate transporter 2 family and GSH-complex formation facilitate molybdenum homeostasis

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    Berlin: Springer, 2023

    Published in: Communications Biology ; 6, 801 (2023).

  7. Frey, Bruno S. [Author]; Angeloni, Ignatio [Author]; Schuhknecht, Ludger [Author]; Blankart, Charles B. [Author]; Müller, Dennis C. [Author]; Hänsch, Klaus [Author]

    Welche ökonomischen Aspekte sollten in der Europäischen Verfassung berücksichtigt werden?

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    München: ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München, 2003

  8. Mayer, Christine [Author]; Meyer, Anne Sophie [Author]; Hübner, Katrin [Author]; Rom, Joachim [Author]; Sohn, Christof [Author]; Hänsch, Gertrud Maria [Author]; Gaida, Matthias [Author]

    Neutrophil granulocytes in ovarian cancer - induction of epithelial-to-mesenchymal-transition and tumor cell migration

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    Published in: Journal of cancer ; 7(2016), 5, Seite 546-554

  9. Krauth, Julian J. [Author]; Schuhmann, Karsten [Author]; Abdou Ahmed, Marwan [Author]; Amaro, Fernando D. [Author]; Amaro, Pedro [Author]; Biraben, François [Author]; Chen, Tzu-Ling [Author]; Covita, Daniel S. [Author]; Dax, Andreas J. [Author]; Diepold, Marc [Author]; Fernandes, Luis M. P. [Author]; Franke, Beatrice [Author]; Galtier, Sandrine [Author]; Gouvea, Andrea L. [Author]; Götzfried, Johannes [Author]; Graf, Thomas [Author]; Hänsch, Theodor W. [Author]; Hartmann, Jens [Author]; Hildebrandt, Malte [Author]; Indelicato, Paul [Author]; Julien, Lucile [Author]; Kirch, Klaus [Author]; Knecht, Andreas [Author]; Liu, Yi-Wei [Author]; [...]

    Measuring the α-particle charge radius with muonic helium-4 ions

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    Published in: Nature ; 589(2021), 7843, Seite 527-531

  10. Hamberger, Georg Erhard [Praeses]; Kubas, Martin Jacob [Respondent] ; I. M. [Writer of supplementary textual content]; I. M. [Contributor]; Truhart, Anton [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Truhart, Anton [Contributor]; Hintz, B. L. [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Hintz, B. L. [Contributor]; Barth, C. J. [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Barth, C. J. [Contributor]; Kaltschmied, Carl Friedrich [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Kaltschmied, Carl Friedrich [Contributor]; Schmid, Ernst Friedrich [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Schmid, Ernst Friedrich [Contributor]; Bortoletti, Franz [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Bortoletti, Franz [Contributor]; Paezel, Johann Christoph [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Paezel, Johann Christoph [Contributor]; Tannenberger, Johann Christoph [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Tannenberger, Johann Christoph [Contributor]; Ritter, Johann Friedrich [Printer]; Galeski, Johann Gottfried [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Galeski, Johann Gottfried [Contributor]; Hansch, Johann Gottlieb [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Hansch, Johann Gottlieb [Contributor] Officina Ritteriana

    Dissertatio Medica Inavgvralis De Vigiliis

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    Ienae: Litteris Ritterianis, [1750] ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2011-2012

  11. de Cassan, D. [Author]; Becker, A. [Author]; Glasmacher, B. [Author]; Roger, Y. [Author]; Hoffmann, A. [Author]; Gengenbach, T.R [Author]; Easton, C.D [Author]; Hänsch, R. [Author]; Menzel, H. [Author]

    Blending chitosan-g-poly(caprolactone) with poly(caprolactone) by electrospinning to produce functional fiber mats for tissue engineering applications

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    Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2019 ; Hannover: Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2019

    Published in: Journal of Applied Polymer Science ; 2019), 48650

  12. de Cassan, D. [Author]; Becker, A. [Author]; Glasmacher, B. [Author]; Roger, Y. [Author]; Hoffmann, A. [Author]; Gengenbach, T.R. [Author]; Easton, C.D. [Author]; Hänsch, R. [Author]; Menzel, H. [Author]

    Blending chitosan-g-poly(caprolactone) with poly(caprolactone) by electrospinning to produce functional fiber mats for tissue engineering applications - [published Version]

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    Chichester : John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2019

    Published in: Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2019)

  13. Bauer, Benedict [Author]; Emonts, Caroline [Author]; Pitts, Johannes [Author]; Buhl, Eva Miriam [Author]; Eschweiler, Jörg [Author]; Hänsch, Robert [Author]; Betsch, Marcel [Author]; Gries, Thomas [Author]; Menzel, Henning [Author]

    Topographically and chemically enhanced textile polycaprolactone scaffolds for tendon and ligament tissue engineering

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    Published in: Polymers ; 16(2024), 4, Artikel-ID 488, Seite 1-21

  14. Bücher, Christian Friedrich [Author] ; Reiniger, Simon der Jüngere [Printer]; Familie Quistorp [Contributor]; Stein, Matthias [Contributor]; Matthaei, Jo [Contributor]; Mann, Daniel [Contributor]; Poltz, Heinrich Christoph [Contributor]; Bücher, Christian Bernhard [Contributor]; Weickhmann, Joachim [Contributor]; Schelwig, Samuel [Contributor]; Grade, Daniel [Contributor]; Verch, Samuel [Contributor]; Schelwich, Gottlieb [Contributor]; J. E. S. C. R. [Contributor]; G. B. C. S. C. [Contributor]; Hansch, Constantin Fridericus [Contributor]; N. G. F. [Contributor]; Hoheisel, Johann David [Contributor]

    Das Gott Wolgefällige/ In der Welt betrachtete/ Leben der Gerechten/ Vor und nach Ihrem Tode/ Aus dem Esaia, C.LVII,1.2. Bey Ansehnlicher Leich-Begängnüß Des Weyland Edlen/ Vesten und Wolgelahrten Herrn Joh. Michael Falcken/ J. U. C. In einer Volckreichen Versamlung/ Am 15. Martii A. C. 1712. In der Pfarr-Kirchen zu St. Catharinen/ In einer Christlichen Leichen-Predigt vorgestellet

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    Dantzig: Gedruckt bey Simon Reinigern, [1712?] ; Online-Ausgabe, Rostock: Universitätsbibliothek, 2016

  15. Zhan, H. [Author]; Yu, Y.F [Author]; Xu, Y.W [Author]; Hou, Q.B [Author]; Xia, R. [Author]; Wang, X. [Author]; Feng, Y. [Author]; Zhan, Z.Q [Author]; Li, M.L [Author]; Gruber, M. [Author]; Hänsch, R. [Author]; Heipke, C. [Author]

    Bedoi: Benchmarks For Determining Overlapping Images With Photogrammetric Information

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    Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023 ; Hannover: Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2023

  16. Zhan, H. [Author]; Yu, Y.F. [Author]; Xu, Y.W. [Author]; Hou, Q.B. [Author]; Xia, R. [Author]; Wang, X. [Author]; Feng, Y. [Author]; Zhan, Z.Q. [Author]; Li, M.L. [Author]; Gruber, M. [Author]; Hänsch, R. [Author]; Heipke, C. [Author]; El-Sheimy, Naser [Author]; Abdelbary, Alaa Abdelwahed [Author]; El-Bendary, Nashwa [Author]; Mohasseb, Yahya [Author]

    Bedoi: Benchmarks For Determining Overlapping Images With Photogrammetric Information - [published Version]

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    Katlenburg-Lindau : Copernicus Publications, 2023

    Published in: ISPRS Geospatial Week 2023 ; International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS Archives) ; XLVIII-1/W2-2023

  17. Oxley, P. [Author]; Tan, J. N. [Author]; Schepers, G. [Author]; Sefzick, T. [Author]; Walz, J. [Author]; Pittner, H. [Author]; Hänsch, T. W. [Author]; Hessels, E. A. [Author]; Bowden, N. S. [Author]; Gabrielse, G. [Author]; Parrott, R. [Author]; Speck, A. [Author]; Storry, C. H. [Author]; Wessels, M. [Author]; Grzonka, D. [Author]; Oelert, W. [Author]

    Aperture Method to Determine the Density and Geometry of Anti-Particle Plasmas

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    North-Holland Publ., 2004

    Published in: Physics letters / B 595, 60 - 67 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2004.04.084