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  1. Heidinger, Lorenz [Author] ; Weber, Stefan [Degree supervisor]; Schleicher, Erik [Degree supervisor] Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie, Magnetische Resonanz

    Analyse von Intermediaten des Nitrogenase-FeMo-Kofaktors mittels ESR-Spektroskopie und Tikhonov-Regularisierung

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    Freiburg: Universität, 2021

  2. Lichtenthaler, Martin R. [Author]; Stahl, Florian [Author]; Kratzert, Daniel [Author]; Heidinger, Lorenz [Author]; Schleicher, Erik [Author]; Hamann, Julian [Author]; Himmel, Daniel [Author]; Weber, Stefan [Author]; Krossing, Ingo [Author]

    Cationic cluster formation versus disproportionation of low-valent indium and gallium complexes of 2,2 '-bipyridine

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    [London]: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2015

    Published in: Nature communications ; 6 (2015), article no. 8288

  3. Kiss, Sebastian Z. [Author]; Rostas, Arpad Mihai [Author]; Heidinger, Lorenz [Author]; Spengler, Nils [Author]; Meissner, Markus [Author]; MacKinnon, Neil [Author]; Schleicher, Erik [Author]; Weber, Stefan [Author]; Korvink, Jan G. [Author]

    A microwave resonator integrated on a polymer microfluidic chip

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    Amsterdam [u.a]: Elsevier, 2016

    Published in: Journal of magnetic resonance ; 270 (2016), 169-175

  4. Gagsteiger, Jana; Jahn, Sören; Heidinger, Lorenz; Gericke, Lukas; Andexer, Jennifer N.; Friedrich, Thorsten; Loenarz, Christoph; Layer, Gunhild

    A Cobalamin‐Dependent Radical SAM Enzyme Catalyzes the Unique Cα‐Methylation of Glutamine in Methyl‐Coenzyme M Reductase

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    Wiley, 2022

    Published in: Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 61 (2022) 32

  5. Lichtenthaler, Martin R.; Stahl, Florian; Kratzert, Daniel; Heidinger, Lorenz; Schleicher, Erik; Hamann, Julian; Himmel, Daniel; Weber, Stefan; Krossing, Ingo

    Cationic cluster formation versus disproportionation of low-valent indium and gallium complexes of 2,2’-bipyridine

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2015

    Published in: Nature Communications, 6 (2015) 1

  6. Lorenz, M.; Hochmuth, H.; Natusch, D.; Lippold, G.; Svetchnikov, V.L.; Kaiser, T.; Hein, M.A.; Schwab, R.; Heidinger, R.

    Ag-doped double-sided PLD-YBCO thin films for passive microwave devices in future communication systems

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1999

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Appiled Superconductivity, 9 (1999) 2, Seite 1936-1939

  7. Rostas, Arpad Mihai; Ledernez, Loic; Dietel, Lisa; Heidinger, Lorenz; Bergmann, Michael; Altenburger, Markus; Bruch, Richard; Urban, Gerald; Schleicher, Erik; Weber, Stefan

    Direct EPR detection of atomic nitrogen in an atmospheric nitrogen plasma jet

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    Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2020

    Published in: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22 (2020) 7, Seite 3875-3882

  8. Rostas, Arpad; Einholz, Christopher; Illarionov, Boris; Heidinger, Lorenz; Said, Tarek Al; Bauss, Anna; Fischer, Markus; Bacher, Adelbert; Weber, Stefan; Schleicher, Erik

    Long-Lived Hydrated FMN Radicals: EPR Characterization and Implications for Catalytic Variability in Flavoproteins

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    American Chemical Society (ACS), 2018

    Published in: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140 (2018) 48, Seite 16521-16527

  9. Paulus, Bernd; Bajzath, Csaba; Melin, Frédéric; Heidinger, Lorenz; Kromm, Viktoria; Herkersdorf, Christoph; Benz, Ulrike; Mann, Lisa; Stehle, Patricia; Hellwig, Petra; Weber, Stefan; Schleicher, Erik

    Spectroscopic characterization of radicals and radical pairs in fruit fly cryptochrome – protonated and nonprotonated flavin radical‐states

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    Wiley, 2015

    Published in: The FEBS Journal, 282 (2015) 16, Seite 3175-3189