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  1. Gregory, Braden R.B [Author]; Kissinger, Jennifer A. [Author]; Clarkson, Chloe [Author]; Kimpe, Linda E. [Author]; Eickmeyer, David C. [Author]; Kurek, Josh [Author]; Smol, John P. [Author]; Blais, Jules [Author]

    Are Fur Farms a Source of Persistent Organic Pollutants or Mercury to Nearby Freshwater Ecosystems?

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2022]

  2. Ridlen, Jennifer S; Skotty, David R; Kissinger, Peter T; Nieman, Timothy A

    Determination of erythromycin in urine and plasma using microbore liquid chromatography with tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) electrogenerated chemiluminescence detection

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    Elsevier BV, 1997

    Published in: Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications, 694 (1997) 2, Seite 393-400

  3. Forman-Hoffman, Valerie L; Pirner, Maddison C; Flom, Megan; Kirvin-Quamme, Andrew; Durden, Emily; Kissinger, Jennifer A; Robinson, Athena

    Engagement, Satisfaction, and Mental Health Outcomes Across Different Residential Subgroup Users of a Digital Mental Health Relational Agent: Exploratory Single-Arm Study

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    JMIR Publications Inc., 2023

    Published in: JMIR Formative Research, 7 (2023), Seite e46473

  4. Duda, Matthew P.; Glew, John R.; Michelutti, Neal; Robertson, Gregory J.; Montevecchi, William A.; Kissinger, Jennifer A.; Eickmeyer, David C.; Blais, Jules M.; Smol, John P.

    Long-Term Changes in Terrestrial Vegetation Linked to Shifts in a Colonial Seabird Population

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020

    Published in: Ecosystems, 23 (2020) 8, Seite 1643-1656

  5. Duda, Matthew P.; Robertson, Gregory J.; Lim, Joeline E.; Kissinger, Jennifer A.; Eickmeyer, David C.; Grooms, Christopher; Kimpe, Linda E.; Montevecchi, William A.; Michelutti, Neal; Blais, Jules M.; Smol, John P.

    Striking centennial-scale changes in the population size of a threatened seabird

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    The Royal Society, 2020

    Published in: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287 (2020) 1919, Seite 20192234

  6. Jay, Jennifer A.; D’Auria, Raffaella; Nordby, J. Cully; Rice, David Andy; Cleveland, David A.; Friscia, Anthony; Kissinger, Sophie; Levis, Marc; Malan, Hannah; Rajagopal, Deepak; Reynolds, Joel R.; Slusser, Wendelin; Wang, May; Wesel, Emily

    Reduction of the carbon footprint of college freshman diets after a food-based environmental science course

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: Climatic Change, 154 (2019) 3-4, Seite 547-564

  7. Li, Li; Brunk, Brian P.; Kissinger, Jessica C.; Pape, Deana; Tang, Keliang; Cole, Robert H.; Martin, John; Wylie, Todd; Dante, Mike; Fogarty, Steven J.; Howe, Daniel K.; Liberator, Paul; Diaz, Carmen; Anderson, Jennifer; White, Michael; Jerome, Maria E.; Johnson, Emily A.; Radke, Jay A.; Stoeckert, Christian J.; Waterston, Robert H.; Clifton, Sandra W.; Roos, David S.; Sibley, L. David

    Gene Discovery in the Apicomplexa as Revealed by EST Sequencing and Assembly of a Comparative Gene Database

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    Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2003

    Published in: Genome Research, 13 (2003) 3, Seite 443-454

  8. Baptista, Rodrigo P.; Li, Yiran; Sateriale, Adam; Sanders, Mandy J.; Brooks, Karen L.; Tracey, Alan; Ansell, Brendan R.E.; Jex, Aaron R.; Cooper, Garrett W.; Smith, Ethan D.; Xiao, Rui; Dumaine, Jennifer E.; Georgeson, Peter; Pope, Bernard J.; Berriman, Matthew; Striepen, Boris; Cotton, James A.; Kissinger, Jessica C.

    Long-read assembly and comparative evidence-based reanalysis of Cryptosporidium genome sequences reveal expanded transporter repertoire and duplication of entire chromosome ends including subtelomeric regions

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    Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2022

    Published in: Genome Research, 32 (2022) 1, Seite 203-213

  9. Peterson, Mariko S.; Joyner, Chester J.; Lapp, Stacey A.; Brady, Jessica A.; Wood, Jennifer S.; Cabrera-Mora, Monica; Saney, Celia L.; Fonseca, Luis L.; Cheng, Wayne T.; Jiang, Jianlin; Soderberg, Stephanie R.; Nural, Mustafa V.; Hankus, Allison; Machiah, Deepa; Karpuzoglu, Ebru; DeBarry, Jeremy D.; Tirouvanziam, Rabindra; Kissinger, Jessica C.; Moreno, Alberto; Gumber, Sanjeev; Voit, Eberhard O.; Gutierrez, Juan B.; Cordy, Regina Joice; Galinski, Mary R.

    Plasmodium knowlesi Cytoadhesion Involves SICA Variant Proteins

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    Frontiers Media SA, 2022

    Published in: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 12 (2022)

  10. Doherty, James B.; Shah, Shrenik K.; Finke, Paul E.; Dorn,, Conrad P.; Hagmann, William K.; Hale, Jeffrey J.; Kissinger, Amy L.; Thompson, Kevan R.; Brause, karen; Chandler, Gilbert O.; Knight, Wilson B.; Maycock, Alan L.; Ashe, Bonnie M.; Weston, Hazel; Gale, Paul; Mumford, Richard A.; Andersen, O. Frederick; Williams, Hollis R.; Nolan, Thomas E.; Frankenfield, Dale L.; Underwood, Dennis; Vyas, Kamlesh P.; Kari, Prasad H.; Dahlgren, Mary E.; [...]

    Chemical, Biochemical, Pharmacokinetic, and Biological Properties of L-680, 833: A Potent, Orally Active Monocyclic β-Lactam Inhibitor of Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Elastase

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    National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1993

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 90 (1993) 18, Seite 8727-8731

  11. Peterson, Mariko S.; Joyner, Chester J.; Brady, Jessica A.; Wood, Jennifer S.; Cabrera-Mora, Monica; Saney, Celia L.; Fonseca, Luis L.; Cheng, Wayne T.; Jiang, Jianlin; Lapp, Stacey A.; Soderberg, Stephanie R.; Nural, Mustafa V.; Humphrey, Jay C.; Hankus, Allison; Machiah, Deepa; Karpuzoglu, Ebru; DeBarry, Jeremy D.; Anderson, Dave C.; Ay, Ferhat; Brito, Cristiana F. A.; Barnwell, John W.; DeBarry, Megan; Bosinger, Steven E.; Chien, Jung-Ting; [...]

    Clinical recovery of Macaca fascicularis infected with Plasmodium knowlesi

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Malaria Journal, 20 (2021) 1

  12. Dugan, Vivien G.; Emrich, Scott J.; Giraldo-Calderón, Gloria I.; Harb, Omar S.; Newman, Ruchi M.; Pickett, Brett E.; Schriml, Lynn M.; Stockwell, Timothy B.; Stoeckert, Christian J.; Sullivan, Dan E.; Singh, Indresh; Ward, Doyle V.; Yao, Alison; Zheng, Jie; Barrett, Tanya; Birren, Bruce; Brinkac, Lauren; Bruno, Vincent M.; Caler, Elizabet; Chapman, Sinéad; Collins, Frank H.; Cuomo, Christina A.; Di Francesco, Valentina; Durkin, Scott; [...]

    Standardized Metadata for Human Pathogen/Vector Genomic Sequences

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    Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2014

    Published in: PLoS ONE, 9 (2014) 6, Seite e99979

  13. Mayfield, Jacob J.; Chatterjee, Neal A.; Noseworthy, Peter A.; Poole, Jeanne E.; Ackerman, Michael J.; Stewart, Jenell; Kissinger, Patricia J.; Dwyer, John; Hosek, Sybil; Oyedele, Temitope; Paasche-Orlow, Michael K.; Paolino, Kristopher; Friedman, Paul A.; Waters, Chloe; Moreno, Jessica; Leingang, Hannah; Heller, Kate B.; Morrison, Susan A.; Krows, Meighan L.; Barnabas, Ruanne V.; Baeten, Jared; Johnston, Christine; Bole, Medhavi; Braun, Alyssa; [...]

    Implementation of a fully remote randomized clinical trial with cardiac monitoring

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Communications Medicine, 1 (2021) 1

  14. Wierzba, Thomas F; Sanders, John Walton; Herrington, David; Espeland, Mark A; Williamson, John; Mongraw-Chaffin, Morgana; Bertoni, Alain; Alexander-Miller, Martha A; Castri, Paola; Mathews, Allison; Munawar, Iqra; Seals, Austin Lyles; Ostasiewski, Brian; Ballard, Christine Ann Pittman; Gurcan, Metin; Ivanov, Alexander; Zapata, Giselle Melendez; Westcott, Marlena; Blinson, Karen; Blinson, Laura; Mistysyn, Mark; Davis, Donna; Doomy, Lynda; Henderson, Perrin; [...]

    The COVID-19 Community Research Partnership: a multistate surveillance platform for characterizing the epidemiology of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022

    Published in: Biology Methods and Protocols, 7 (2022) 1

  15. Peacock, James E.; Herrington, David M.; Edelstein, Sharon L.; Seals, Austin L.; Plumb, Ian D.; Saydah, Sharon; Lagarde, William H.; Runyon, Michael S.; Maguire, Patrick D.; Correa, Adolfo; Weintraub, William S.; Wierzba, Thomas F.; Sanders, John W.; Walton, John; Espeland, Mark A.; Mongraw-Chaffin, Morgana; Bertoni, Alain; Alexander-Miller, Martha A.; Mathews, Allison; Munawar, Iqra; Ostasiewski, Brian; Ballard, Christine Ann Pittman; Gurcan, Metin; Ivanov, Alexander; [...]

    Survey of Adherence with COVID-19 Prevention Behaviors During the 2020 Thanksgiving and Winter Holidays Among Members of the COVID-19 Community Research Partnership

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Journal of Community Health, 47 (2022) 1, Seite 71-78