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  1. Pradhan, P. [Author]; Weitz , N. [Author]; Daioglou , V. [Author]; Abrahão, G. [Author]; Allen , C. [Author]; Ambrosio, G. [Author]; Arp , F. [Author]; Asif , F. [Author]; Bennich , T. [Author]; Benton , T. [Author]; Biermann , F. [Author]; Cao , M. [Author]; Carlsen , H. [Author]; Chen, F. [Author]; Chen, M. [Author]; Daams , M. [Author]; Dawes , J. [Author]; Dhakal , S. [Author]; Gilmore , E. [Author]; Miguel , L. [Author]; Hubacek , K. [Author]; Hu, Y. [Author]; Jager , W. [Author]; KC , S. [Author]; [...]

    Three foci at the science-policy interface for systemic Sustainable Development Goal acceleration [Comment]

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    Publication Database PIK (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), 2024-10-10

    Published in: Nature Communications

  2. Alboknóz, J. G. [Contributor]; Aleksandrov, O. V. [Contributor]; Ameziane, A. [Contributor]; Anderson, W. T. [Contributor]; Aslanyan, V. G. [Contributor]; Babanov, A. I. [Contributor]; Bandurkina, G. V. [Contributor]; Banerjee, S. [Contributor]; Baranowski, A. [Contributor]; Becerra, C. C. [Contributor]; Bernède, J. C. [Contributor]; Bezirganyan, S. E. [Contributor]; Bezirgauyan, P. H. [Contributor]; Blasek, G. [Contributor]; Bleris, G. L. [Contributor]; Bolkhovityanov, Yu. B. [Contributor]; Bolkhovityanova, R. I. [Contributor]; Bornkessel, K. [Contributor]; Burgaud, P. [Contributor]; Bánkuti, J. [Contributor]; Bär, H. -P [Contributor]; Chen, Jian-Min [Contributor]; Chen, T. G. [Contributor]; Chilana, G. S. [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi / A : Volume 110, Number 2, December 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2022

    Published in: Physica status solidi / A ; Volume 110, Number 2

  3. Afanasev, A. M [Contributor]; Ahmad, M [Contributor]; Alexandrova, S [Contributor]; Armigliato, A [Contributor]; Atanasova, R [Contributor]; Bahgat, A. A [Contributor]; Bansal, C [Contributor]; Bath, A [Contributor]; Bhattacharyya, A. L [Contributor]; Bisht, H. S [Contributor]; Blythe, H. J [Contributor]; Bodnar, I. V [Contributor]; Bok, J [Contributor]; Boucher, B [Contributor]; Braude, I . S [Contributor]; Cabanillas, R [Contributor]; Carabatos, C [Contributor]; Caselli, E [Contributor]; Cembali, F [Contributor]; Chakravarthy, [Contributor]; Chaminade, J. P [Contributor]; Chrzanowski, E [Contributor]; Chumakov, A. I [Contributor]; Collins, R. A [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 98, Number 2: December 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 98, Number 2 ; A

  4. Amelinckx, S [Contributor]; Arya, S.P.S [Contributor]; Baden, W [Contributor]; Baillou, J [Contributor]; Bindemann, R [Contributor]; Blanter, M. S [Contributor]; Botros, K. Z [Contributor]; Brau, A [Contributor]; Breitenstein, O [Contributor]; Bugnet, P [Contributor]; Chakravorty, D [Contributor]; Christov, S. G [Contributor]; Daunay, J [Contributor]; Davis, R. F [Contributor]; Del Moral, A [Contributor]; Dettmann, F [Contributor]; Doyama, M [Contributor]; Edelman, F. L [Contributor]; Farges, J. P [Contributor]; Fedoseeva, N. V [Contributor]; Fomin, V. I [Contributor]; Frey, J [Contributor]; Frohbekg, G [Contributor]; Fruchart, R [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 51, Number 1: January 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 51, Number 1 ; A

  5. Agrawal, Bal. K [Contributor]; Aleksandkov, A .Yu [Contributor]; Alshits, V.I [Contributor]; Altukhov, V. I [Contributor]; Asmontas, S. P [Contributor]; Backus, J . G. E . M [Contributor]; Bakker, H [Contributor]; Baldini, G [Contributor]; Bansal, C [Contributor]; Beau, A [Contributor]; Birch, J . R [Contributor]; Birss, R. R [Contributor]; Boccaba, A . C [Contributor]; Bostciani, M [Contributor]; Bradley, C. C [Contributor]; Brandt, E . H [Contributor]; Brenig, W [Contributor]; Chamberod, A [Contributor]; Chandra, G [Contributor]; Chartoryzhskii, D. N [Contributor]; Claus, R [Contributor]; Coey, J.M.D [Contributor]; Cohen, M. E [Contributor]; Cottini, M [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 64, Number 1: July 1 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 64, Number 1 ; B

  6. Davì, F. [Author]; Erni, W. [Author]; Zhao, J. [Author]; Karabowicz, R. [Author]; Kurilla, U. [Author]; Lehmann, D. [Author]; Löchner, S. [Author]; Lühning, J. [Author]; Lynen, U. [Author]; Nakhoul, S. [Author]; Orth, H. [Author]; Peters, K. [Author]; Saito, T. [Author]; Albrecht, M. [Author]; Schepers, G. [Author]; Schmidt, C. J. [Author]; Schwarz, C. [Author]; Schwiening, J. [Author]; Täschner, A. [Author]; Traxler, M. [Author]; Voss, B. [Author]; Wieczorek, P. [Author]; Wilms, A. [Author]; Abazov, V. [Author]; [...]

    Technical design report for the endcap disc DIRC *

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    IOP Publ., 2022

    Published in: Journal of physics / G 49(12), 120501 - (2022). doi:10.1088/1361-6471/abb6c1

  7. Panda Collaboration [Author]; Davi, F. [Author]; Wang, C. [Author]; Götzen, K. [Author]; Karabowicz, R. [Author]; Kurilla, U. [Author]; Lehmann, D. [Author]; Löchner, S. [Author]; Lühning, J. [Author]; Lynen, U. [Author]; Nakhoul, S. [Author]; Orth, H. [Author]; Peters, K. [Author]; Zhao, J. [Author]; Saito, T. [Author]; Schepers, G. [Author]; Schmidt, C. J. [Author]; Schwarz, C. [Author]; Schwiening, J. [Author]; Täschner, A. [Author]; Traxler, M. [Author]; Voss, B. [Author]; Wieczorek, P. [Author]; Wilms, A. [Author]; [...]

    Technical Design Report for the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC

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    Forschungszentrum Jülich: JuSER (Juelich Shared Electronic Resources), 2019

  8. Barucca, G. [Author]; Davì, F. [Author]; Krusche, B. [Author]; Varentsov, V. [Author]; Al-Turany, M. [Author]; Belias, A. [Author]; Deppe, H. [Author]; Dzhygadlo, R. [Author]; Flemming, H. [Author]; Gerhardt, A. [Author]; Götzen, K. [Author]; Heinz, Marc [Author]; Jiang, P. [Author]; Steinacher, M. [Author]; Karabowicz, R. [Author]; Koch, S. [Author]; Kurilla, U. [Author]; Lehmann, D. [Author]; Lühning, J. [Author]; Lynen, U. [Author]; Orth, H. [Author]; Peters, K. [Author]; Rieger, J. [Author]; Saito, T. [Author]; [...]

    The potential of Lambda and Xi(-) studies with PANDA at FAIR

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    Springer, 2021

    Published in: The European physical journal / A 57(4), 154 (2021). doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-021-00386-y

  9. Barucca, G. [Author]; Davì, F. [Author]; Krusche, B. [Author]; Nowakowski, K. [Author]; Przygoda, W. [Author]; Rathod, N. [Author]; Rudy, Z. [Author]; Salabura, P. [Author]; Smyrski, J. [Author]; Augustin, I. [Author]; Böhm, R. [Author]; Lehmann, I. [Author]; Schmitt, L. [Author]; Steinacher, M. [Author]; Varentsov, V. [Author]; Al-Turany, M. [Author]; Belias, A. [Author]; Deppe, H. [Author]; Dzhygadlo, Roman [Author]; Flemming, H. [Author]; Gerhardt, A. [Author]; Götzen, K. [Author]; Heinz, A. [Author]; Jiang, P. [Author]; [...]

    Feasibility studies for the measurement of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors from (p)over-barp -> mu(+)mu(-) at PANDA at FAIR

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    Springer, 2020

    Published in: The European physical journal / A 57(1), 22 (2020). doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-020-00333-3

  10. Singh, B. [Author]; Erni, W. [Author]; Zhao, J. [Author]; Deppe, H. [Author]; Veis, N Divani [Author]; Dzhygadlo, R. [Author]; Flemming, H. [Author]; Gerhardt, A. [Author]; Götzen, K. [Author]; Gromliuk, A. [Author]; Gruber, L. [Author]; Hohler, R. [Author]; Kalicy, G. [Author]; Albrecht, M. [Author]; Karabowicz, R. [Author]; Kliemt, R. [Author]; Krebs, M. [Author]; Kurilla, U. [Author]; Lehmann, D. [Author]; Löchner, S. [Author]; Lühning, J. [Author]; Lynen, U. [Author]; Nerling, F. [Author]; Orth, H. [Author]; [...]

    Technical design report for the $\overline{{\rm{P}}}\mathrm{ANDA}$ Barrel DIRC detector

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    IOP Publ., 2019

    Published in: Journal of physics / G G, Nuclear and particle physics 46(4), 045001 - (2019). doi:10.1088/1361-6471/aade3d

  11. Singh, B. P. [Author]; Erni, W. [Author]; Zhao, J. [Author]; Schmitt, L. [Author]; Al-Turany, M. [Author]; Cahit, U. [Author]; Capozza, L. [Author]; Dbeyssi, A. [Author]; Deppe, H. [Author]; Dzhygadlo, R. [Author]; Ehret, A. [Author]; Flemming, H. [Author]; Gerhardt, A. [Author]; Albrecht, M. [Author]; Götzen, K. [Author]; Karabowicz, R. [Author]; Kliemt, R. [Author]; Kunkel, J. [Author]; Kurilla, U. [Author]; Lehmann, D. [Author]; Lühning, J. [Author]; Maas, F. [Author]; Morales Morales, C. [Author]; Mora Espí, M. C. [Author]; [...]

    Experimental access to Transition Distribution Amplitudes with the P̄ANDA experiment at FAIR

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    Springer, 2015

    Published in: The European physical journal / A 51(8), 107 (2015). doi:10.1140/epja/i2015-15107-y

  12. Singh, B. [Author]; Erni, W. [Author]; Zhao, J. [Author]; Dzhygadlo, R. [Author]; Ehret, A. [Author]; Flemming, H. [Author]; Gerhardt, A. [Author]; Götzen, K. [Author]; Gromliuk, A. [Author]; Gruber, L. [Author]; Karabowicz, R. [Author]; Kliemt, R. [Author]; Krebs, M. [Author]; Albrecht, M. [Author]; Kurilla, U. [Author]; Lehmann, D. [Author]; Löchner, S. [Author]; Lühning, J. [Author]; Lynen, U. [Author]; Orth, H. [Author]; Patsyuk, M. [Author]; Peters, K. [Author]; Saito, T. [Author]; Schepers, G. [Author]; [...]

    Feasibility study for the measurement of π N transition distribution amplitudes at P ¯ ANDA in p ¯ p → J / ψ π 0

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    Inst., 2017

    Published in: Physical review / D 95(3), 032003 (2017). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.95.032003

  13. Singh, B. [Author]; Erni, W. [Author]; Zhao, J. [Author]; Ehret, A. [Author]; Flemming, H. [Author]; Gerhardt, A. [Author]; Götzen, K. [Author]; Gromliuk, A. [Author]; Gruber, L. [Author]; Karabowicz, R. [Author]; Kliemt, R. [Author]; Krebs, M. [Author]; Kurilla, U. [Author]; Albrecht, M. [Author]; Lehmann, D. [Author]; Löchner, S. [Author]; Lühning, J. [Author]; Lynen, U. [Author]; Orth, H. [Author]; Patsyuk, M. [Author]; Peters, K. [Author]; Saito, T. [Author]; Schepers, G. [Author]; Schmidt, C. J. [Author]; [...]

    Feasibility studies of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors at $\overline{\rm P}$ANDA at FAIR

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    Springer, 2016

    Published in: The European physical journal / A 52(10), 325 (2016). doi:10.1140/epja/i2016-16325-5

  14. Jacobsson, T. Jesper [Author]; Hultqvist, Adam [Author]; Kulkarni, Ashish [Author]; Anderson, Assaf Y. [Author]; Darwich, Barbara Primera [Author]; Yang, Bowen [Author]; Coles, Brendan L. [Author]; Perini, Carlo A. R. [Author]; Rehermann, Carolin [Author]; Ramirez, Daniel [Author]; Fairen-Jimenez, David [Author]; Di Girolamo, Diego [Author]; García-Fernández, Alberto [Author]; Jia, Donglin [Author]; Avila, Elena [Author]; Juarez-Perez, Emilio J. [Author]; Baumann, Fanny [Author]; Mathies, Florian [Author]; González, G. S. Anaya [Author]; Boschloo, Gerrit [Author]; Nasti, Giuseppe [Author]; Paramasivam, Gopinath [Author]; Martínez-Denegri, Guillermo [Author]; Anand, Aman [Author]; [...]

    An open-access database and analysis tool for perovskite solar cells based on the FAIR data principles

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    Nature Publishing Group, 2022

    Published in: Nature energy 7(1), 107 - 115 (2022). doi:10.1038/s41560-021-00941-3

  15. Abbott, R. [Author]; Abe, H. [Author]; Acernese, F. [Author]; Ackley, K. [Author]; Adhicary, S. [Author]; Adhikari, N. [Author]; Adhikari, R. X. [Author]; Adkins, V. K. [Author]; Adya, V. B. [Author]; Affeldt, C. [Author]; Agarwal, D. [Author]; Agathos, M. [Author]; Aguiar, O. D. [Author]; Aiello, L. [Author]; Ain, A. [Author]; Ajith, P. [Author]; Akutsu, T. [Author]; Albanesi, S. [Author]; Alfaidi, R. A. [Author]; Alléné, C. [Author]; Allocca, A. [Author]; Altin, P. A. [Author]; Amato, A. [Author]; Anand, S. [Author]; [...]

    Model-based Cross-correlation Search for Gravitational Waves from the Low-mass X-Ray Binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 Data - [published Version]

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    London : Institute of Physics Publ., 2022

    Published in: The Astrophysical Journal Letters 941 (2022), Nr. 2 ; The Astrophysical Journal Letters

  16. US COVID-19 Forecast Hub Consortium [Author]; Cramer, Estee Y. [Author]; Huang, Yuxin [Author]; Wang, Yijin [Author]; Ray, Evan L. [Author]; Cornell, Matthew [Author]; Bracher, Johannes [Author]; Brennen, Andrea [Author]; Rivadeneira, Alvaro J. Castro [Author]; Gerding, Aaron [Author]; House, Katie [Author]; Jayawardena, Dasuni [Author]; Kanji, Abdul Hannan [Author]; Khandelwal, Ayush [Author]; Le, Khoa [Author]; Mody, Vidhi [Author]; Mody, Vrushti [Author]; Niemi, Jarad [Author]; Stark, Ariane [Author]; Shah, Apurv [Author]; Wattanchit, Nutcha [Author]; Zorn, Martha W. [Author]; Reich, Nicholas G. [Author]; Gneiting, Tilmann [Author]; [...]

    The United States COVID-19 Forecast Hub dataset

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    Nature Research, 2022-08-17

    Published in: Scientific Data, 9 (1), Art.-Nr.: 462 ; ISSN: 2052-4463, 2052-4436

  17. Feng, Jonathan L. [Author]; Kling, Felix [Author]; Reno, Mary Hall [Author]; Rojo, Juan [Author]; Soldin, Dennis [Author]; Anchordoqui, Luis A. [Author]; Boyd, Jamie [Author]; Ismail, Ahmed [Author]; Harland-Lang, Lucian [Author]; Kelly, Kevin J. [Author]; Pandey, Vishvas [Author]; Trojanowski, Sebastian [Author]; Tsai, Yu-Dai [Author]; Alameddine, Jean-Marco [Author]; Araki, Takeshi [Author]; Ariga, Akitaka [Author]; Ariga, Tomoko [Author]; Asai, Kento [Author]; Bacchetta, Alessandro [Author]; Balazs, Kincso [Author]; Barr, Alan J. [Author]; Battistin, Michele [Author]; Bian, Jianming [Author]; Bertone, Caterina [Author]; [...]

    The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC

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    Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023 ; Hannover: Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2023

    Published in: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics ; 50 (2023), Nr. 3, 030501

  18. Feng, Jonathan L [Author]; Kling, Felix [Author]; Reno, Mary Hall [Author]; Rojo, Juan [Author]; Soldin, Dennis [Author]; Anchordoqui, Luis A [Author]; Boyd, Jamie [Author]; Ismail, Ahmed [Author]; Harland-Lang, Lucian [Author]; Kelly, Kevin J [Author]; Pandey, Vishvas [Author]; Trojanowski, Sebastian [Author]; Tsai, Yu-Dai [Author]; Alameddine, Jean-Marco [Author]; Araki, Takeshi [Author]; Ariga, Akitaka [Author]; Ariga, Tomoko [Author]; Asai, Kento [Author]; Bacchetta, Alessandro [Author]; Balazs, Kincso [Author]; Barr, Alan J [Author]; Battistin, Michele [Author]; Bian, Jianming [Author]; Bertone, Caterina [Author]; [...]

    The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC - [published Version]

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    Bristol : IOP Publ., 2023

    Published in: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50 (2023), Nr. 3 ; Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics

  19. Cramer, Estee Y. [Author]; Ray, Evan L. [Author]; Lopez, Velma K. [Author]; Bracher, Johannes [Author]; Brennen, Andrea [Author]; Castro Rivadeneira, Alvaro J. [Author]; Gerding, Aaron [Author]; Gneiting, Tilmann [Author]; House, Katie H. [Author]; Huang, Yuxin [Author]; Jayawardena, Dasuni [Author]; Kanji, Abdul H. [Author]; Khandelwal, Ayush [Author]; Le, Khoa [Author]; Mühlemann, Anja [Author]; Niemi, Jarad [Author]; Shah, Apurv [Author]; Stark, Ariane [Author]; Wang, Yijin [Author]; Wattanachit, Nutcha [Author]; Zorn, Martha W. [Author]; Gu, Youyang [Author]; Jain, Sansiddh [Author]; Bannur, Nayana [Author]; [...]

    Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the United States

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    National Academy of Sciences, 2022-05-04

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (15), e2113561119 ; ISSN: 0027-8424, 1091-6490

  20. Brown, Peter [Author]; Zhou, Yaoqi [Author]; Tan, Aik-Choon [Author]; El-Esawi, Mohamed A. [Author]; Liehr, Thomas [Author]; Blanck, Oliver [Author]; Gladue, Douglas P. [Author]; Almeida, Gabriel M.F. [Author]; Cernava, Tomislav [Author]; Sorzano, Carlos O. [Author]; Yeung, Andy W.K. [Author]; Engel, Michael S. [Author]; Chandrasekaran, Arun R. [Author]; Muth, Thilo [Author]; Staege, Martin S. [Author]; Daulatabad, Swapna V. [Author]; Widera, Darius [Author]; Zhang, Junpeng [Author]; Meule, Adrian [Author]; Honjo, Ken [Author]; Pourret, Olivier [Author]; Yin, Cong-Cong [Author]; Zhang, Zhongheng [Author]; Cascella, Marco [Author]; [...]

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search - [published Version]

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    Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019

    Published in: Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation 2019 (2019) ; Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation