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  1. Lewandowski, Louis [Author] ; Ramajzl, Ute [Other]; Grube, Gesine [Other]; Hundelt, Martin [Other]; Möllmann, Paul [Other]; Izsák, Andor [Performer]; Dickel, Gerhard [Performer]; Adamski, Friederike [Performer]; Barthe, Julia [Performer]; Götting, Tobias [Performer]; Witt, Titus [Performer] Knabenchor St. Michaelis, Jugendchor Sankt Michaelis Hamburg, Vokal'nyj Ansambl' ISAAC Sankt Petersburg

    Liturgische Psalmen und Orgelpräludien (2 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    Hannover: Europäisches Zentrum für Jüdische Musik, [1999]

    Published in: Die Stimme der Synagoge ; 2

  2. Chabrier, Emmanuel [Composer]; Paladilhe, Emile [Composer]; Fauré, Gabriel [Composer]; Duparc, Henri [Composer]; Chausson, Ernest Amédée [Composer]; Debussy, Claude [Composer]; Satie, Erik [Composer]; Séverac, Déodat de [Composer]; Honegger, Arthur [Composer]; Poulenc, Francis [Composer]; Reber, Napoléon Henri [Composer]; Gounod, Charles [Composer]; Viardot-García, Pauline [Composer]; Franck, César [Composer]; Lalo, Edouard [Composer]; Saint-Saëns, Camille [Composer]; Bizet, Georges [Composer]; Massenet, Jules [Composer]; Hugo, Victor [Lyricist]; Lamartine, Alphonse de [Lyricist]; Passerat, Jean [Lyricist]; Fet, Afanasij Afanasʹevič [Lyricist]; Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevič [Lyricist]; Fourcaud, Louis de [Lyricist]; [...] ; Nichols, Roger [Editor]; Pomey, Louis [Translator]; Massé, Victor

    The art of French song / volume 2 - Partitur

    Notated Music


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    London; Frankfurt/M.; Leipzig; New York: Edition Peters, [2010?]

    Published in: The art of French song ; 2.2010

  3. Chemnitz, Martin [Adapter]; Leyser, Polycarp [Adapter]; Moller, Andreas [Contributor]; Moller, Andreas [Other]; Petri, Friedrich [Contributor]; Petri, Friedrich [Other]; Neukirch, Melchior [Contributor]; Neukirch, Melchior [Other]; Richter, Wolfgang [Printer]; Spies, Johann [Printer]

    LIBRI TRES || HARMONIAE || EVANGELICAE,|| Conscripti à || ... DOMINO MARTINO CHEMNITIO, SACRAE || Theologiae Doctore,& in inclyta Brunsuicensium Ecclesia || quondam Superintendente celeberrimo.|| Editi operâ et studio || D.POLYCARPI LYSERI,|| tùm temporis eius successoris.|| Nunc autem ab eodem ... || recogniti & emendati.||

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    Frankfurt/Main: Richter, Wolfgang, 1600 ; Online-Ausgabe, Rostock: Universitätsbibliothek, 2018

  4. Kirchner, Timotheus [Author]; Kirchner, Timotheus [Identified author]; Selnecker, Nikolaus [Author]; Chemnitz, Martin [Author] ; Marbach, Philipp [Translator]; Marbach, Philipp [Other]; Spies, Johann [Printer]

    Refvtatio|| Examinis|| M. Christo-||phori Irenaei, Qvod|| Adversus Primvm Capvt|| Libri Christianae Concordiae, De|| peccato Originis, Anno 1581. publicè edidit: ... || Conscripta A Qvibvsdam|| Ad Hvnc Laborem Designa-||tis Theologis: Anno ... || 1583.|| Interprete Philippo Marbachio|| S. Theologiæ D. & Academiæ Heidelbergensis Pro-||fessore Ordinario.||

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    Heydelbergae: Spies, 1584 ; Online-Ausg., Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2010

  5. Kirchner, Timotheus [Author]; Selnecker, Nikolaus [Author]; Chemnitz, Martin [Author] ; Marbach, Philipp [Translator]; Marbach, Philipp [Other]; Spies, Johann [Printer]

    Apologia Libri Christianæ Concordiae: In Qva, Vera Christi Doctrina, Qvae In Libro Concordiae Est Comprehensa, firmis sacræ scripturæ fundamentis defenditur: Sophistica autem & calumniæ, quæ adversus librum illum, ... in lucem sunt editæ, refutantur. Conscripta A Qvibvsdam Ad Hvnc Laborem Designatis Theologis: Anno ... 1583. Interprete Philippo Marbachio S.Theologiæ D. & Academiæ Heidelbergensis Professore ordinario

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    Heidelbergae: Spies, 1583 ; Online-Ausg., Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2010

  6. Chemnitz, Martin [Author] ; Ludwig VI. Pfalz, Kurfürst [Other]; Anna von Ostfriesland [Other]; Spies, Johann [Printer]

    Nicer Gratvlans Illvstrissimi Principiis Lvdovici, Comitis Palatini Ad Rhenvm, S. R. I. ... Et ... virginis Annae, Generosissimi Comitis Essardi, Domini Phrisiæ orientalis, Filiæ

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    Heidelbergae: Spies, 1583 ; Online-Ausg., Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2008

  7. Marbach, Philipp [Author]; Kirchner, Timotheus [Author]; Selnecker, Nikolaus [Author] ; Chemnitz, Martin [Other]; Irenäus, Christoph [Other]; Spies, Johann [Printer]

    Refvtatio|| Irenæj.|| Gründtli=||cher Bericht|| auff das Examen M. Christophori Jrenej/|| so er Anno 1581. wider den ersten Artickel deß Christli=||chen ConcordiBuchs/ von der Erbsünde/ durch offenen Druck|| außgesprenget: Vnd beständiger Beweiß/ daß gemeld=||ter Artickel in Gottes Wort noch starck|| vnd fest stehe.||

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    Heydelberg: Spies, 1583 ; Online-Ausg., Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2010

  8. Chemnitz, Martin [Author] ; Leyser, Polycarp [Other]; Melanchthon, Philipp [Other]; Spies, Johann [Printer]; Porß, Johann Jakob [Printer]; Hoffmann, Nikolaus der Ältere [Printer]

    Locorum Theologicorum Reverendi Et Clarissimi Viri, Dn. Martini Chemnitii ... Pars : Quibus Et Loci Communes, D. Philippi Melanchthonis perspicue explicantur, & quasi integrum Christianae doctrinae corpus Ecclesiae Dei syncere proponitur - [Editio nova, emaculata & Indice aucta]

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    Francofurti: Spiessius, 1604-1608 ; Online-Ausg., Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2018

  9. Teslenko, Irina; Trudeau, Julia; Luo, Shaman; Watson, Christy J.W.; Chen, Gang; Truica, Cristina I.; Lazarus, Philip

    Influence of Glutathione-S-Transferase A1*B Allele on the Metabolism of the Aromatase Inhibitor, Exemestane, in Human Liver Cytosols and in Patients Treated With Exemestane

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    American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), 2022

    Published in: Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 382 (2022) 3, Seite 327-334

  10. Rattner, Barnett A.; Volker, Steven F.; Lankton, Julia S.; Bean, Thomas G.; Lazarus, Rebecca S.; Horak, Katherine E.

    Brodifacoum Toxicity in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) with Evidence of Increased Hazard on Subsequent Anticoagulant Rodenticide Exposure

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    Wiley, 2020

    Published in: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 39 (2020) 2, Seite 468-481

  11. Lazarus, Jeffrey V.; Bromberg, Daniel J.; del Amo, Julia; Norgaard, Ole; García-Samaniego, Javier; Casellas, Aina; Calleja, José Luis; Requena-Méndez, Ana

    Hepatitis C prevalence among the migrant population in Spain: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Elsevier BV, 2019

    Published in: Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica, 37 (2019) 4, Seite 222-230

  12. Logemann, Jeri A.; Pauloski, Barbara Roa; Rademaker, Alfred; Cook, Barbara; Graner, Darlene; Milianti, Frank; Beery, Quinter; Stein, David; Bowman, Julia; Lazarus, Cathy; Heiser, Mary Anne; Baker, Theresa

    Impact of the diagnostic procedure on outcome measures of swallowing rehabilitation in head and neck cancer patients

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1992

    Published in: Dysphagia, 7 (1992) 4, Seite 179-186

  13. Smookler, David; Vanderhoff, Aaron; Biondi, Mia; Karkada, Joel; Hong, Rachel; Sattar, Izza; Mandel, Erin; Casey, Julia; Fletcher, David; Shah, Hemant; Valencia, Jorge; Ryan, Pablo; Hansen, Bettina E.; Capraru, Camelia; Lazarus, Jeffrey V.; Feld, Jordan

    Exclusion of Hepatitis C Viremia by Early Read of Point-of-Care Antibody Test

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    Elsevier BV, 2020

    Published in: SSRN Electronic Journal (2020)