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  1. Düring, Marten [Editor]; Eumann, Ulrich [Editor]; Stark, Martin [Editor]; Keyserlingk-Rehbein, Linda von [Editor]; Bixler, Matthias [Contributor]; Gramsch-Stehfest, Robert [Contributor]; Kerschbaumer, Florian [Contributor] ; LIT Verlag

    Handbuch Historische Netzwerkforschung : Grundlagen und Anwendungen

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    Berlin; Münster; Hamburg; Wien; London: LIT, [2016]

    Published in: Schriften des Kulturwissenschaftlichen Instituts Essen (KWI) zur Methodenforschung ; 1

  2. Moritz Hessen-Kassel, Landgraf, 1572-1632 [Composer]; Marenzio, Luca [Composer]; Lasso, Orlando di [Composer]; Schütz, Heinrich [Composer]; Altenburg, Michael [Composer]; Kerle, Jacobus de [Composer]; Vecchi, Orazio [Composer]; Gabrieli, Giovanni [Composer]; Walter, Johann [Composer]; Luther, Martin [Composer]; Parabosco, Gerolamo [Composer]; Monteverdi, Claudio [Composer] ; Helgath, Florian [Conductor]; Bäuml, Katharina [Instrumentalist] RIAS Kammerchor, Capella de la Torre

    Da pacem : Echo der Reformation (1 CD)

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    [Deutschland]: Deutschlandradio/ROC-GmbH/Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH, [2017]

  3. Luther, Martin [Translator]; Kraus, Wolfgang [Editor]; Tilly, Michael [Editor]; Töllner, Axel [Editor]; Raithel, Jan [Contributor]; Raithel, Jan [Translator]; Voss, Florian [Contributor]; Müller, Monika [Translator]; Levine, Amy-Jill [Editor]; Brettler, Marc Zvi [Editor] ; Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft

    Das Neue Testament - jüdisch erklärt : Lutherübersetzung - [Korrigierter Druck]

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    Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2022

  4. Sass, Florian [Author] ; Marten, Anne-Katrin [Degree supervisor]; Marten, Anne-Katrin [Other]; Westermann, Dirk [Other] Universitätsverlag Ilmenau

    Diversitäre Redundanz gemischter AC-HGÜ-Netze durch schnelle korrektive Maßnahmen

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    Ilmenau: Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2015

    Published in: Ilmenauer Beiträge zur elektrischen Energiesystem-, Geräte- und Anlagentechnik ; 14

  5. Bonn, Aletta [Author]; Eichenberg, David [Author]; Bruelheide, Helge [Author]; Jansen, Florian [Author]; Winter, Marten [Author] ; 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics- Translating Ecological Data into Knowledge and Decisions in a Rapidly Changing World. 24-28 September, 2018. Jena, Germany. [Contributor]

    sMon - Trend analysis of German biodiversity data

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    Digital Library Thüringen, 2018

  6. Arntzen, Knut Ove [Author]; Christof, Johannes [Author]; Engelberg, Achim [Author]; Feliszewski, Zbigniew [Author]; Heeg, Günther [Author]; Hruschka, Ole [Author]; Irmer, Thomas [Author]; Kruschwitz, Hans [Author]; König, Sophie [Author]; Lucchesi, Joachim [Author]; Ludwig, Janine [Author]; Müller-Schöll, Nikolaus [Author]; Nitschmann, Till Gerrit [Author]; Raddatz, Frank M. [Author]; Schulz, Kristin [Author]; Strehlow, Falk [Author]; Streisand, Marianne [Author]; Thamer, Florian [Author]; Tragelehn, Bernhard K. [Author]; Turnheim, Tina [Author]; Vaßen, Florian [Author]; Weise, Marten [Author]; Willumsen, Noah [Author]; Wood, Michael [Author] ; Nitschmann, Till Gerrit [Editor]; Vaßen, Florian [Editor] Technische Informationsbibliothek

    Heiner Müllers KüstenLANDSCHAFTEN : Grenzen - Tod - Störung

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    Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, [2021] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Theater ; Band 139

  7. Glienke, Ralf [Author]; Kalkowsky, Florian [Author]; Hobbacher, Adolf [Author]; Holch, Alexander [Author]; Thiele, Marc [Author]; Marten, Frithjof [Author]; Kersten, Roy [Author]; Henkel, Knuth-Michael [Author]

    Evaluation of the fatigue resistance of butt-welded joints in towers of wind turbines - a comparison of experimental studies with small scale and component tests as well as numerical based approaches with local concepts

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    Published in: Welding in the world ; 68(2024), 5, Seite 1143-1168

  8. Roth, Isabelle [Author]; Schumacher, Stephan [Author]; Basler, Tina [Author]; Baumert, Kathrin [Author]; Seitz, Jan-Marten [Author]; Evertz, Florian [Author]; Mueller, Peter Paul [Author]; Baeumer, Wolfgang [Author]; Kietzmann, Manfred [Author]

    Magnesium corrosion particles do not interfere with the immune function of primary human and murine macrophages - [published Version]

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    Heidelberg : Springer Heidelberg, 2015

    Published in: Progress in Biomaterials 4 (2015), Nr. 1

  9. Luther, Martin [Author] ; Lücke, Friedrich [Editor]; Weber, Eduard [Publisher]; Kupferberg, Florian [Printer]

    Doctor Martin Luthers Streitschrift von heimlichen und gestolenen Briefen, sammt einem Psalm ausgelegt, wider Herzog Georgen von Sachsen : Aus der Lutherischen Autographensammlung der ehemals Duisburger, jetzt Bonner Universitätsbibliothek, von neuem an's Licht gestellt, und als verläufige Ankündigung einer von de Wette und Lücke gemeinsam veranstalteten Ausgabe von Luthers sämmtlichen Werken

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    Bonn: bei Eduard Weber, 1819 ; Bonn: gedruckt bei Florian Kupferberg, 1819 ; Online-Ausgabe, Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, [2020]

  10. Bowler, Diana E. [Author]; Callaghan, Corey T. [Author]; Bhandari, Netra [Author]; Henle, Klaus [Author]; Barth, M. Benjamin [Author]; Koppitz, Christian [Author]; Klenke, Reinhard [Author]; Winter, Marten [Author]; Jansen, Florian [Author]; Bruelheide, Helge [Author]; Bonn, Aletta [Author]

    Temporal trends in the spatial bias of species occurrence records

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    Published in: Ecography ; (2022), 8, Artikel-ID e06219

  11. Eichenberg, David [Author]; Bowler, Diana E. [Author]; Bonn, Aletta [Author]; Bruelheide, Helge [Author]; Grescho, Volker [Author]; Harter, David [Author]; Jandt, Ute [Author]; May, Rudolf [Author]; Winter, Marten [Author]; Jansen, Florian [Author]

    Widespread decline in Central European plant diversity across six decades

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    Published in: Global change biology ; 27(2021), 5 vom: März, Seite 1097-1110

  12. Seidel, Thorsten [Author]; Scholl, Stefan [Author]; Krebs, Melanie [Author]; Rienmüller, Florian Christian [Author]; Marten, Irene [Author]; Hedrich, Rainer Franz [Author]; Hanitzsch, Miriam [Author]; Janetzki, Patricia [Author]; Dietz, Karl-Josef [Author]; Schumacher, Karin [Author]

    Regulation of the V-type ATPase by redox modulation

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    Dec 01, 2012

    Published in: Biochemical journal ; 448(2012), 2, Seite 243-251

  13. Marten, Ole [Author]; Koerber, Florian Ernst [Author]; Bloom, David [Author]; Bullinger, Monika [Author]; Buysse, Corinne [Author]; Christensen, Hannah [Author]; Wals, Philippe de [Author]; Dohna-Schwake, Christian [Author]; Henneke, Philipp [Author]; Kirchner, Markus [Author]; Knuf, Markus [Author]; Lawrenz-Wolf, Burkhard [Author]; Monteiro, Andrea L. [Author]; Sevilla, Joseph Patrick [Author]; Velde, Nicolas van de [Author]; Welte, Robert Alexander [Author]; Wright, Claire [Author]; Greiner, Wolfgang [Author]

    A DELPHI study on aspects of study design to overcome knowledge gaps on the burden of disease caused by serogroup B invasive meningococcal disease

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    London: Springer Science+Business Media, 2019

    Published in: Health and quality of life outcomes ; 17, 1 (2019; 87

  14. Bernhardt, Marten [Author] ; Salditt, Tim [Degree supervisor]; Rehfeldt, Florian [Other]; Janshoff, Andreas [Other]

    X-Ray Micro- and Nano-Diffraction Imaging on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Differentiated Cells

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    Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2017