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  1. Wade-Benzoni, Kimberly A. [Author] ; Hoffman, Andrew John [Other]; Thompson, Leigh [Other]; Moore, Don A. [Other]; Gillespie, James [Other]; Bazerman, Max H. [Other]

    Barriers to Resolution in Ideologically Based Negotiations : The Role of Values and Institutions

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2017]

    Published in: Ross School of Business Paper ; No. 1357

  2. Wade-Benzoni, Kimberly A. [Author]; Thompson, Leigh L. [Author]; Gillespie, James J. [Author]; Hoffman, Andrew J. [Author]; Moore, Don A. [Author]; Bazerman, Max H. [Author]

    Barriers to resolution in ideologically based negotiations : the role of values and institutions

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    [Ann Arbor, MI]: Michigan Ross, [2001]

    Published in: Stephen M. Ross School of Business: Ross School of Business working paper series ; 135700

  3. Alberto, Paulina L. [Author]; Andrews, George Reid [Author]; Andrews, George Reid [Author]; Benseñor, Julia [Author]; Castro, Hebe Maria Mattos de [Author]; Ferreira, Roquinaldo Amaral [Author]; Fischer, Brodwyn M. [Author]; Fuente, Alejandro de la [Author]; Fuente, Alejandro de la [Author]; Grinberg, Keila [Author]; Guridy, Frank Andre [Author]; Hoffnung [Author]; Hooker, Juliet [Author]; Johnson, Paul C. [Author]; Jones, Jennifer [Author]; Moore, Robin D. [Author]; Offen, Karl [Author]; Palmié, Stephan [Author]; Paschel, Tianna S. [Author]; Putnam, Lara [Author]; Seijas, Tatiana [Author]; Sommer, Doris [Author]; Wade, Peter [Author]

    Estudios afrolatinoamericanos : una introducción

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    s.l.: Afro Latin American Researcher Institute. Harvard University, 2018

  4. Abbott, B.P. [Author]; Abbott, R. [Author]; Abbott, T.D. [Author]; Abernathy, M.R. [Author]; Ackley, K. [Author]; Adams, C. [Author]; Addesso, P. [Author]; Adhikari, R.X. [Author]; Adya, V.B. [Author]; Affeldt, C. [Author]; Aggarwal, N. [Author]; Aguiar, O.D. [Author]; Ain, A. [Author]; Ajith, P. [Author]; Allen, B. [Author]; Altin, P.A. [Author]; Amariutei, D.V. [Author]; Anderson, S.B. [Author]; Anderson, W.G. [Author]; Arai, K. [Author]; Araya, M.C. [Author]; Arceneaux, C.C. [Author]; Areeda, J.S. [Author]; Arun, K.G. [Author]; [...]

    Calibration of the Advanced LIGO detectors for the discovery of the binary black-hole merger GW150914 - [published Version]

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    College Park, MD : American Physical Society, 2017

    Published in: Physical Review D 95 (2017), Nr. 6 ; Physical Review D

  5. Wolfensohn, James D. [Author] ; Moore, Mike [Other]; Wade, Abdoulaye [Other]; Wolfensohn, James D. [Other]

    Third Annual Conference of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank, Bern, May 9-11, 2002 : Keynote Speeches

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    Washington, D.C: The World Bank, 2002

    Published in: World Bank E-Library Archive - Speeches of World Bank Presidents

  6. Wade, Barrie; Moore, Maggie

    A Sure Start with Books

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    Informa UK Limited, 2000

    Published in: Early Years, 20 (2000) 2, Seite 39-46