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  1. Stolper, Aleksandr [Other]; Polevoj, Boris [Other]; Smirnova, Marija N. [Other]; Magidson, Mark [Other]; Krjukov, Nikolaj N. [Other]; Kadočnikov, Pavel P. [Other]; Ochlopkov, Nikolaj P. [Other]; Dikij, Aleksej D. [Other]

    Povest' o nastojaščem čeloveke (1 DVD-R)



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    [S.l.]: Mosfil'm, 1948

  2. Ėjzenštejn, Sergej M. [Other]; Pavlenko, Petr Andreevič [Other]; Čerkasov, Nikolaj K. [Other]; Ochlopkov, Nikolaj P. [Other]; Abrikosov, Aleksandr [Other]; Vasil'ev, D. J. [Other]; Tisse, Eduard [Other]; Prokofʹev, Sergej Sergeevič [Other]

    Aleksandr Nevskij : [restaurierte Fassung mit rekonstruierter Originalmusik] = Alexander Newskij (1 Videokassette)



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    [Mainz]: ZDF, 2003 ; [Moskau]: Mosfil'm [Orig.-Prod.], 2003

  3. Ėjzenštejn, Sergej M. [Other]; Pavlenko, Petr Andreevič [Other]; Čerkasov, Nikolaj K. [Other]; Ochlopkov, Nikolaj P. [Other]; Abrikosov, Aleksandr [Other]; Vasil'ev, D. J. [Other]; Tisse, Eduard [Other]; Prokofʹev, Sergej Sergeevič [Other]

    Nikolaj Čerkasov v fil'me Sergeja Ėjzenštejna "Aleksandr Nevskij" (1 Videokassette)



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    Moskva: Kinovideoobe̋dinenie "Krupnyj Plan", 1997 ; [Moskau]: Mosfil'm [Orig.-Prod.], 1997

  4. Ėjzenštejn, Sergej M. [Other]; Pavlenko, Petr Andreevič [Other]; Čerkasov, Nikolaj K. [Other]; Ochlopkov, Nikolaj P. [Other]; Orlov, Dmitrij Nikolaevič [Other]; Tisse, Eduard [Other]; Prokofʹev, Sergej Sergeevič [Other]

    Alexander Nevsky (1 Videokassette)



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    London: Hendring, [ca. 1991]

    Published in: Russian classics

  5. Ėjzenštejn, Sergej M. [Other]; Pavlenko, Petr Andreevič [Other]; Čerkasov, Nikolaj K. [Other]; Ochlopkov, Nikolaj P. [Other]; Abrikosov, Aleksandr [Other]; Rohnstein, Konrad P. [Adapter]; Tisse, Eduard [Other]; Prokofʹev, Sergej Sergeevič [Other]

    Alexander Newski (1 Videokassette [VHS])



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    [Moskau]: Mosfil'm, 1938

  6. Romm, Mikhail [Director]; Kapler, A [Other]; Volchek, B [Other]; Dubrovskiy-Eshke [Other]; Shchukin, Boris [Other]; Okhlopkov, Nikolai [Other]; Vanin, Vasili [Other]; Svobodin, Nikolai [Other]; Kovalevsky, A [Other]; Goldshtab, S [Other]; Pokrovsky, Vladimir [Other]; Korobova, K [Other]; Shatrova, E [Other] ; Mosfilm, Adam Matthew Digital (Firm)

    Lenin in October

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    Marlborough, Wiltshire: Adam Matthew Digital, 2017

    Published in: Socialism on Film- Lenin & the Russian Revolution- Wars & Revolutions

  7. Stolper, Alexander [Director]; Polevoi, Boris [Other]; Magidson, Mark [Other]; Smirnovo, M [Other]; Kryukov, N [Other]; Kadochnikov, Pavel [Other]; Okhlopkov, Nikolai [Other]; Dikiy, Aleksei [Other]; Merkuriev, Vassily [Other]; Makarova, Tamara [Other]; Tselikovskaya, Lyudmila [Other]; Sverdlin, L [Other]; Sushkevich, C [Other]; Khokhryakov, Viktor [Other]; Mikhailov, A [Other] ; Mosfilm, Adam Matthew Digital (Firm)

    The Story of a Real Man

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    Marlborough, Wiltshire: Adam Matthew Digital, 2017

    Published in: Socialism on Film- The Second World War & the Rise of Fascism- Wars & Revolutions

  8. Romm, Mikhail [Director]; Aron, E [Other]; Simkov, I [Other]; Volchek, B [Other]; Kapler, Aleksei [Other]; Zlatogorova, Taisiya [Other]; Shchukin, Boris [Other]; Okhlopkov, Nikolai [Other]; Shatov, Aleksandr [Other]; Markov, V [Other]; Vanin, Vasili [Other]; Cherkasov, Nikolai [Other]; Lyubashevsky, Leonid [Other]; Solovyov, Vladimir [Other]; Svobodin, Nikolai [Other]; Tretyakov, V [Other]; Efron, Natalya [Other]; Muzil, E [Other]; Gelovani, Mikheil [Other]; Bogolyubov, Nikolay [Other]; Dobina, Z [Other] ; Mosfilm, Adam Matthew Digital (Firm)

    Lenin in 1918

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    Marlborough, Wiltshire: Adam Matthew Digital, 2017

    Published in: Socialism on Film- Lenin & the Russian Revolution- Wars & Revolutions

  9. BODROV, Semen Yu.; VASILJEVA, Vera K.; OKHLOPKOV, Innokentiy M.; MAMAYEV, Nikolai V.; ZAKHAROV, Evgeniy S.; OLEINIKOV, Alexey Yu; GENELT‐YANOVSKIY, Evgeniy A.; ABRAMSON, Natalia I.

    Evolutionary history of mountain voles of the subgenus Aschizomys (Cricetidae, Rodentia), inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear markers

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    Wiley, 2020

    Published in: Integrative Zoology, 15 (2020) 3, Seite 187-201

  10. Molodtseva, Anna S; Makunin, Alexey I; Salomashkina, Valentina V; Kichigin, Ilya G; Vorobieva, Nadezhda V; Vasiliev, Sergey K; Shunkov, Mikhail V; Tishkin, Alexey A; Grushin, Sergey P; Anijalg, Peeter; Tammeleht, Egle; Keis, Marju; Boeskorov, Gennady G; Mamaev, Nikolai; Okhlopkov, Innokenty M; Kryukov, Alexey P; Lyapunova, Elena A; Kholodova, Marina V; Seryodkin, Ivan V; Saarma, Urmas; Trifonov, Vladimir A; Graphodatsky, Alexander S

    Phylogeography of ancient and modern brown bears from eastern Eurasia

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022

    Published in: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 135 (2022) 4, Seite 722-733

  11. Bujnáková, Dominika; Lansink, Gerhardus M. J.; Abramov, Alexei V.; Bulyonkova, Tatiana; Dokuchaev, Nikolai E.; Domanov, Trofim; Dvornikov, Mikhail G.; Graphodatsky, Alexander; Karabanina, Ekaterina; Kliver, Sergei; Korolev, Andrey N.; Kozhechkin, Vladimir V.; Litvinov, Yuri N.; Mamaev, Nikolay; Monakhov, Vladimir G.; Nanova, Olga; Okhlopkov, Innokentiy; Saveljev, Alexander P.; Schinov, Anton; Shiriaeva, Elena; Sidorov, Mikhail; Tirronen, Konstantin F.; Zakharov, Evgenii S.; Zakharova, Nadezhda N.; [...]

    Expanding from local to continental scale—A genetic assessment of the Eurasian wolverine

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    Wiley, 2024

    Published in: Diversity and Distributions (2024)