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  1. Kammerl, Rudolf [Editor]; Hirschhäuser, Lena [Other]; Rosenkranz, Moritz [Editor]; Schwinge, Christiane [Editor]; Hein, Sandra [Other]; Wartberg, Lutz [Editor]; Petersen, Kay Uwe [Editor]

    EXIF – Exzessive Internetnutzung in Familien : Zusammenhänge zwischen der exzessiven Computer- und Internetnutzung Jugendlicher und dem (medien)erzieherischen Handeln in den Familien

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    Lengerich; Berlin; Bremen; Viernheim; Wien [u.a.]: Pabst, 2012

  2. Petersen, Sandra [Author] ; Ulrich, Joachim [Degree supervisor]; Teipel, Ulrich [Degree supervisor]

    Bestimmung der Emulgiereffektivität von Emulgatoren am Beispiel der Scheibenemulgierung und Hochdruckhomogenisierung

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    Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2012

  3. Domanski, Sandra [Author] ; Petersen, Cordula [Degree supervisor]

    Tomotherapie des Prostatakarzinoms – Einfluss von Patienten- und Tumorfaktoren sowie Bestrahlungstechnik auf Akuttoxizität, frühe Spättoxizität und die biochemische Rezidivfreiheit

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    Hamburg: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2017

  4. Alkier, Stefan [Contributor]; Becker, Michael [Contributor]; Bendemann, Reinhard von [Contributor]; Berghorn, Matthias [Contributor]; Böttrich, Christfried [Contributor]; Chibici-Revneanu, Nicole [Contributor]; Claußen, Carsten [Contributor]; Dormeyer, Detlev [Contributor]; Dronsch, Kristina [Contributor]; Eberhart, Christian [Contributor]; Ebner, Martin [Contributor]; Edzard Popkes, Enno [Contributor]; Erlemann, Kurt [Contributor]; Fascia, Laila [Contributor]; Felsch, Dorit [Contributor]; Frey, Jörg [Contributor]; Gerber, Christine [Contributor]; Grabner, Wolf-Jürgen [Contributor]; Gradl, Hans-Georg [Contributor]; Gäbel, Georg [Contributor]; Hartenstein, Judith [Contributor]; Holzbach, Mathis Christian [Contributor]; Huebenthal, Sandra [Contributor]; Hüneburg, Martin [Contributor]; [...]

    Die Wunder Jesu

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    Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2021

    Published in: Kompendium der frühchristlichen Wundererzählungen ; 1

  5. Cremer, Fabian [Author]; Fräßdorf, Mathis [Author]; Neumann, Janna [Author]; Petersen, Mareike [Author]; Pramann, Bianca [Author]; Schaffner, Sandra [Author]; Skowronek, Thomas [Author]; Toepfer, Ralf [Author]

    Institutionelle Workflows zum Forschungsdatenmanagement. Bestandsaufnahme und Lösungsvorschläge aus der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

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    Marburg: Philipps-Universität, 2021

  6. Eilias, Wiebke [Author]; Franz, Jungbluth [Author]; Petersen, Wilfried [Author]; Riehl, Nela [Author]; Steinhäuser, Frauke [Author]; Wachtel, Sandra [Author]; Wendt, Joachim [Author]

    Entrechtung, Widerstand, Deportationen 1933-1945 und die Zukunft der Erinnerung in Hamburg : neue Ansätze für den schulischen Unterricht und die außerschulische Bildungsarbeit zum Nationalsozialismus

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    Hamburg: KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme, 2015

  7. Noethig, Eva-Maria [Author]; Metfies, Katja [Author]; Endres, Sonja [Author]; Hildebrandt, Nicole [Author]; Mages, Carolin [Author]; Murawski, Sandra [Author]; Petersen, Imke [Author]; Roa, Jon [Author]; Winkler, Maria [Author] ; Soltwedel, Thomas [Contributor]

    Plankton Ecology and Biogeochemistry in the Changing Arctic Ocean

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    Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 2013

  8. Keuter, Volkmar [Author]; Decker, Sebastian [Author]; Giesenkamp, Heidi [Author]; Gonglach, Denise [Author]; Katayama, Victor Takazi [Author]; Liesegang, Sica [Author]; Petersen, Finn [Author]; Schwindenhammer, Sandra [Author]; Steinmetz, Heidrun [Author]; Ulbrich, Andreas [Author]

    Significance and Vision of Nutrient Recovery for Sustainable City Food Systems in Germany by 2050

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    Osnabrück: Hochschule Osnabrück, 2021

  9. Kallscheuer, Nicolai [Author]; Jeske, Olga [Author]; Sandargo, Birthe [Author]; Boedeker, Christian [Author]; Wiegand, Sandra [Author]; Bartling, Pascal [Author]; Jogler, Mareike [Author]; Rohde, Manfred [Author]; Petersen, Jörn [Author]; Medema, Marnix H. [Author]; Surup, Frank [Author]; Jogler, Christian [Author]

    The planctomycete Stieleria maiorica Mal15T employs stieleriacines to alter the species composition in marine biofilms

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    12 June 2020

    Published in: Communications biology ; 3(2020) Artikel-Nummer 303, 8 Seiten

  10. Polymenakou, Paraskevi N [Author]; Nomikou, Paraskevi [Author]; Hannington, Mark Donald [Author]; Petersen, Sven [Author]; Kilias, Stephanos P [Author]; Anastasiou, Thekla I [Author]; Papadimitriou, Vasiliki [Author]; Zaka, Eleutheria [Author]; Kristoffersen, Jon Bent [Author]; Lampridou, Danai [Author]; Wind, Sandra [Author]; Heinath, Verena [Author]; Lange, Sabine [Author]; Magoulas, Antonios [Author]

    Taxonomic diversity of microbial communities in sub-seafloor hydrothermal sediments of the active Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field

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    Lausanne: Frontiers, 29 June 2023

    Published in: Frontiers in Microbiology ; 14 (2023), 1188544

  11. Polymenakou, Paraskevi N. [Author]; Nomikou, Paraskevi [Author]; Hannington, Mark D. [Author]; Petersen, Sven [Author]; Kilias, Stephanos P. [Author]; Anastasiou, Thekla I. [Author]; Papadimitriou, Vasiliki [Author]; Zaka, Eleutheria [Author]; Kristoffersen, Jon Bent [Author]; Lampridou, Danai [Author]; Wind, Sandra [Author]; Heinath, Verena [Author]; Lange, Sabine [Author]; Magoulas, Antonios [Author]

    Taxonomic diversity of microbial communities in sub-seafloor hydrothermal sediments of the active Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field

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    Frontiers, 2023-06-29

  12. Siebzehnrübl, Florian A. [Author]; Raber, Kerstin A. [Author]; Stephan, Michael [Author]; Nguyen, Huu Phuc [Author]; Bonin, Michael [Author]; Riess, Olaf [Author]; Bauer, Andreas [Author]; Aigner, Ludwig [Author]; Couillard-Despres, Sebastien [Author]; Paucar, Martin Arce [Author]; Svenningsson, Per [Author]; Osmand, Alexander [Author]; Urbach, Yvonne K. [Author]; Andreew, Alexander [Author]; Zabel, Claus [Author]; Weiss, Andreas [Author]; Kuhn, Rainer [Author]; Moussaoui, Saliha [Author]; Blockx, Ines [Author]; Van der Linden, Annemie [Author]; Cheong, Rachel Y. [Author]; Roybon, Laurent [Author]; Petersén, Åsa [Author]; Schulze-Krebs, Anja [Author]; [...]

    Early postnatal behavioral, cellular, and molecular changes in models of Huntington disease are reversible by HDAC inhibition

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    National Acad. of Sciences, 2018

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(37), E8765 - E8774 (2018). doi:10.1073/pnas.1807962115

  13. Petersen, Remy S. [Author]; Fijen, Lauré M. [Author]; Apfelbacher, Christian [Author]; Magerl, Markus [Author]; Weller, Karsten [Author]; Aberer, Werner [Author]; Adatia, Adil [Author]; Audhya, Paul [Author]; Bara, Noémi-Anna [Author]; Betschel, Stephen [Author]; Boccon-Gibod, Isabelle [Author]; Bouillet, Laurence [Author]; Brodszki, Nicholas [Author]; Busse, Paula J. [Author]; Buttgereit, Thomas [Author]; Bygum, Anette [Author]; Cancian, Mauro [Author]; Craig, Timothy [Author]; Csuka, Dorottya [Author]; Farkas, Henriette [Author]; Fomina, Daria [Author]; Gil-Serrano, Johana [Author]; Gompels, Mark [Author]; Fogelbach, Guillermo Guidos [Author]; [...]

    A core outcome set for efficacy of acute treatment of hereditary angioedema

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    Published in: The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice ; 12(2024), 6, Seite 1614-1621