Dupa, Dominique
Marinov, Vladimir
Reynaud, Michel
Allouch, Eliane
Assailly, Jean-Pascal
Aubin, Henri-Jean
Benyamina, Amine
Brusset, Bernard
Cupa, D.
Deburge, Anne
Duparc, François
Jacques, Jean-Pierre
Marinov, V.
Marinov, Vladimir
Miermont, Jacques
Morel, Alain
M’Uzan, Michel de
Pirlot, Gérard
Pommier, F.
Pommier, François
Reynaud, M.
Reynaud, Michel
Tisseron, Serge
Valleur, Marc
Stier, S. P.
Kreisbeck, C.
Ihssen, H.
Popp, M. A.
Hauch, J.
Malek, K.
Reynaud, M.
Goumans, T.P.M.
Carlsson, J.
Todorov, I.
Gold, L.
Räder, A.
Wenzel, W.
Bandesha, S. T.
Jacques, P.
Garcia‐Moreno, F.
Arcelus, O.
Friederich, P.
Clark, S.
Maglione, M.
Laukkanen, A.
Castelli, I. E.
Carrasco, J.
Cabanas, M. C.
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Die medizinische Praxis der bewährtesten Ärzte unserer Zeit ; Teil 1
Abdeen, A
Abell, J
Akhmetov, V
Aleksandrova, I
Aly, A
Ambrozhevich, A
Aoki, Y
Atzrodt, V
Awad, S
Badr, Y
Bangert, H
Belobrova, I
Bhat, P
Board, K
Bobchert, E
Bolotov, V
Bonnafe, J
Bräunig, D
Bulyarskh, S
Buschow, K
Castagne, M
Cerro, J
Chandra, B
Chandraker, T
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 72, Number 1 ; A
Abdel-Salam, F
Abreu, R. A
Akhmetov, V. D
Alaverdova, O. G
Alcala, R
Allen, J. G
Amelinckx, S
Apostolov, A
Arshan, Bhaktd
Ashwell, G. J
Avgerinos, N
Bakret, P
Berenshtein, G. V
Bikbaev, V. B
Blaszczak, Z
Boehnke, O
Bolotov, V. V
Bočánek, L
Brückner, H.-P
Brückner, W
Buschow, K. H. J
Bätheb, K.-H
Campbell, S. J
Chaplin, D. H
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 75, Number 2 ; A
Alexandrova, S
Altshuller, G. B
Anh, Tran Kim
Antonione, C
Ashry, A
Aslam, M
Baijal, J. S
Bajars, G. E
Balk, P
Bandyopadhyay, T. K
Baszynski, J
Battezzati, L
Beige, H
Berndt, H
Bhattacharyya, A. L
Borisenko, T. E
Brauer, G
Brodkorb, W
Butt, M. Z
Chaikina, E. I
Chaudhuri, S. R
Chi, Nquy Huu
Chiang, C
Chikvaidze, G. V
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 84, Number 2 ; A
A. De Saja, J
Abdullaev, E. G
Afanasev, A. M
Aleksandrov, P. A
Asahi, H
Assenov, R
Babulanam, S. M
Bagraev, N. T
Bahgat, A. A
Benedix, M
Bergner, H
Blythe, H. J
Bochniak, W
Botros, K. Z
Braun, R
Bruynseraede, Y
Bryant, F. J
Brückner, V
Camerlenghi, E
Castaing, J
Chakrabarty, D. K
Cong Qui, Le
Couderc, J. J