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  1. Salviati, Carl von [Author]; Roeder, O. [Author]; Eichhorn, Karl Hermann Alexander [Author]

    Die Abfuhr und Verwerthung der Dungstoffe in verschiedenen deutschen und ausserdeutschen Städten und darauf bezügliche Vorschläge für Berlin : Bericht der von Sr. Excellenz, dem Minister für landwirthschaftliche Angelegenheiten, Herrn von Selchow, ernannten Kommission



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    Berlin: Wiegand u. Hempel, 1865

  2. Bruhn, Christian [Composer]; Blecher, Carl Ulrich [Lyricist]; Ledig, Heinz [Composer]; Roeder, Wolfgang [Lyricist] ; Schuster, Susi [Singer]; Eichenberg, Walter [Conductor] Vier Brummers, Rundfunk-Tanzorchester Leipzig

    Susi Schuster (1 Schallplatte)

    Sound Recordings


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    Berlin: VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, [1963]

  3. Berg, Alia B. J. van den [Editor]; Höper, Marieke [Editor]; Maaß, Yasmin Tatjana [Editor]; Roeder, Corinna [Writer of preface] ; Florian Isensee GmbH, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Masterstudiengang Museum und Ausstellung, Landesbibliothek Oldenburg

    4,97 m2 Dorf : Begleitband zur Ausstellung "Fiktion Dorf? Zwischen Pixel und Pinselstrich"

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    Oldenburg: Isensee Verlag, [2020]

    Published in: Landesbibliothek Oldenburg: Schriften der Landesbibliothek Oldenburg ; 71

  4. Schröder, Edward [Contributor]; Roeder, Fritz [Contributor]; Vitzthum von Eckstädt, Georg [Contributor]; Kahle, Karl [Contributor]; Ites, Marcus [Contributor]; Mommsen, Wilhelm [Contributor]; Lagarde, Paul de [Other] ; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Versammlung Deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner 56 1927 Göttingen

    Göttinger Beiträge zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte : Der 56. Versammlung Deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner in Göttingen vom 26. - 30. Sept. 1927 als Festgruß gewidmet : Mit 7 Abbildungen im Text und 13 Tafeln



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    Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1927

    Published in: Versammlung Deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner: Festschrift zur ... Versammlung Deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner ; 56

  5. Nick, Edmund [Author] ; Rilke, Rainer Maria [Other]; Kaléko, Mascha [Other]; Finck, Werner [Other]; Kästner, Erich [Other]; Sievers, Rolf A. [Other]; Tucholsky, Kurt [Other]; Pinelli, Aldo von [Other]; Fortenbach, H. von [Other]; Klabund [Other]

    Das Karussell : 20 Chansons nach Gedichten von R. M. Rilke ...

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    Berlin: Apollo-Verl., c 1964

  6. Ullmann, Viktor [Composer]; Wedekind, Frank [Lyricist]; Steffen, Albert [Lyricist]; Morgenstern, Christian [Lyricist]; Novalis [Lyricist]; MacKaye, Percy [Lyricist]; Browning, Elizabeth Barrett [Lyricist]; Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand [Lyricist]; Bethge, Hans [Lyricist]; Zemlinsky, Alexander von [Lyricist]; Adler, H. G. [Lyricist]; Henschke, Alfred [Lyricist] ; Bauni, Axel [Editor]; Hoesch, Christian [Editor]; Dicker, Friedl [Dedicatee]; Steffen, Albert [Translator]; Steffen, Albert [Dedicatee]; Rilke, Rainer Maria [Translator]; Pokorný, Karel [Dedicatee]; Adler, H. G. [Dedicatee]

    Sämtliche Lieder : für Singstimme und Klavier = Complete songs

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    Mainz; Berlin: Schott, [2004]

  7. Zeisl, Eric [Composer]; Baudelaire, Charles [Lyricist]; Klabund [Lyricist]; Eichendorff, Joseph von [Lyricist]; Nietzsche, Friedrich [Lyricist]; Schönaich-Carolath, Emil von [Lyricist]; Busch, Wilhelm [Lyricist]; Ringelnatz, Joachim [Lyricist] ; Eröd, Adrian [Editor]

    Zehn Lieder : für mittlere Stimme und Klavier = Ten Lieder : for medium voice and piano - Partitur

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    Wien: Doblinger, c 2012

  8. Eisler, Hanns [Author]; Brecht, Bertolt [Author]; Majakovskij, Vladimir [Author] ; Heine, Heinrich [Other]; Weinert, Erich [Other]; Hölderlin, Friedrich [Other]; Majakovskij, Vladimir [Other]; Hacks, Peter [Other]; Claudius, Matthias [Other]; Klabund [Other]; Brecht, Bertolt [Other]; Tucholsky, Kurt [Other]; Gmeiner, Anna [Other]; Bertram, Rudolph [Other]; Renn, Ludwig [Other]; Hill, Joe [Other]; Kraus, Karl [Other]

    Lieder und Kantaten / 5 - Partitur

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    Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1961

    Published in: Lieder und Kantaten / Hanns Eisler ; 5

  9. Dessau, Paul [Composer]; Dehmel, Richard [Author]; Lehmann, Lotte [Author]; Bierbaum, Friedrich Julius [Author]; Heine, Heinrich [Author]; George, Stefan [Author]; Kerr, Alfred [Author]; Villon, François [Author]; Hughes, Langston [Author]; Hölderlin, Friedrich [Author]; Klabund [Author]; Pottier, Eugène [Author]; Thoor, Jesse [Author]; Verlaine, Paul [Author]; Heim, Régine [Author]; Byron, Eva [Author]; Brecht, Bertolt [Author]; Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold [Author]; Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich [Author]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Author]; Ringelnatz, Joachim [Author]; Nâzım Hikmet [Author]; Fried, Erich [Author]; Evtušenko, Evgenij [Author]; [...] ; Bauni, Axel [Editor]; Zech, Paul [Translator]; Weinert, Erich [Translator]; Schroeder, Max [Translator]; Brechbühl, Beat [Translator]; Brambach, Rainer [Translator]; Kunert, Günter [Translator]; Arendt, Erich [Translator]

    Lieder aus dem Nachlass : für Singstimme und Klavier (und für Singstimme allein) = Posthumously-published songs : for voice and piano (and unaccompanied voice) - Partitur

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    Frankfurt / M.; Leipzig; London; New York: C.F. Peters, [2009]

  10. Boeckler, Johann Heinrich [Author] ; Roeder von Dirsperg, Carl [Other]; Layming, Achatius von [Other]; Schmid, Carl [Other]

    Iohannes Henricus Boeclerus. In Alma Argentoratensi Vniversitate Professor Ordinarivs, Lectori Beneuolo S. P. D

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    [Argentorati]: Mülbius, [1645] ; Online-Ausg., 2014

  11. Röder, Philipp Ludwig Hermann [Author] ; J. B. Metzlersche Buchhandlung

    Geographie und Statistik Wirtembergs / 3, Schwarzwald-Kreis

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    Stuttgart: in der J. B. Metzler'schen Buchhandlung, 1822 ; Online-Ausgabe, Stuttgart: Württembergische Landesbibliothek, 2021

    Published in: Geographie und Statistik Wirtembergs / von M. Phillip Ludwig Hermann Roeder ; 3

  12. Röder, Philipp Ludwig Hermann [Author] ; J. B. Metzlersche Buchhandlung

    Geographie und Statistik Wirtembergs / 2, Jaxt-Kreis

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    Stuttgart: in der J. B. Metzler'schen Buchhandlung, 1821 ; Online-Ausgabe, Stuttgart: Württembergische Landesbibliothek, 2021

    Published in: Geographie und Statistik Wirtembergs / von M. Phillip Ludwig Hermann Roeder ; 2

  13. Uhland, Ludwig Joseph [Praeses]; Schott, Christian Eberhard [Respondent]; Baur, Christian Jakob [Respondent]; Haas, Ernst Konrad [Respondent]; Osiander, Gottlob Lukas [Respondent]; Röder, Philipp Ludwig Hermann [Respondent]; Klemm, Konrad Maximilian [Respondent]; Osiander, Georg Esajas Gottfried [Respondent]; Schall, Johann Carl Friedrich [Respondent] ; Frank Firma

    Dissertatio Theologica De Ordine Vaticiniorum, Quæ In Sedecim Prosphetis Scripta Extant, Chronologico : Pars Prima

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    Tubingae: Litteris Frankianis, [1778] ; Online-Ausgabe, Tübingen: Universitätsbibliothek, [2018]

    Published in: Uhland, Ludwig Joseph: Dissertatio Theologica De Ordine Vaticiniorum, Quæ In Sedecim Prosphetis Scripta Extant, Chronologico. ; 1

  14. Allison, J.M [Other]; Anderson, R.F [Other]; Biermann, David [Other]; Brueggeman, W.C [Other]; Caldwell, Frank R. [Other]; Crigler, John L. [Other]; Diehl, Walter S. [Other]; Diver, J.R [Other]; Donely, Philip [Other]; Ellenbrock, Herman H. [Other]; Fiock, Ernest F. [Other]; Garrick, I.E [Other]; Harris, Thomas A. [Other]; Hartman, Edwin P. [Other]; Imlay, Frederick H. [Other]; Jones, Robert Thomas [Other]; Kantrowitz, Arthur [Other]; Katzoff, S. [Other]; Kuhn, Paul [Other]; Neihouse, A.I [Other]; Silverstein, Abe [Other]; Pinkel, Benjamin [Other]; Roeder, Carl H. [Other]; Wenzinger, Carl J. [Other]; [...] ; United States Congress Senate, United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

    Twenty-sixth annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. 1940

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    Washington, DC, 1942 ; Online-Ausg., Chester, Vt: NewsBank, inc, 2008

    Published in: United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 10576 - Senate document / 77th Congress, 1st session. Senate ; no. 3

  15. Buskirk, Peter C Van; Roeder, Jeffrey F.; Baum, Thomas H.; Bilodeau, Steven M.; Russell, Michael W.; Johnston, Stephen T.; Carl, Ralph J.; Desrochers, Deborah J.; Hendrix, Bryan C.; Hintermaier, Frank

    Common and unique aspects of perovskite thin film CVD processes

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    Informa UK Limited, 1998

    Published in: Integrated Ferroelectrics, 21 (1998) 1-4, Seite 273-289

  16. Bamber, Millard J. [Other]; Biermann, David [Other]; Bioletti, Carlton [Other]; Brevoort, Maurice J. [Other]; Brombacher, W.G [Other]; Burke, Walter F. [Other]; Clay, William C. [Other]; Cohn, Mildred [Other]; Deming, A.F [Other]; Fiock, Ernest F. [Other]; Foster, Hampton H. [Other]; Gerrish, Harold C. [Other]; Gough, Melvin Neilson [Other]; Harris, Thomas A. [Other]; Herrnstein, William H. [Other]; Hood, Manley J. [Other]; Jacobs, Eastman N. [Other]; Joyner, Upshur T. [Other]; Kaplan, Carl [Other]; Rothrock, A.M [Other]; Waldron, C.D [Other]; Roeder, Carl H. [Other]; Zimmerman, Charles Horton [Other]; Lee, Dana W. [Other]; [...] ; United States Congress Senate, United States President (1933-1945 : Roosevelt), United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

    Twenty-first annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1935. Including technical reports Nos. 508 to 541

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    Washington, DC, 1936 ; Online-Ausg., Chester, Vt: NewsBank, inc, 2007

    Published in: United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 10018 - Senate document / 74th Congress, 2nd session. Senate ; no. 143

  17. Abbott, Ira H.A [Other]; Anderson, Raymond F. [Other]; Bioletti, Carlton [Other]; Brevoort, Maurice J. [Other]; Cohn, Mildred [Other]; Dawson, John R. [Other]; Dryden, Hugh Latimer [Other]; Fiock, Ernest F. [Other]; Foster, Hampton H. [Other]; Garrick, I.E [Other]; Gulick, B.G [Other]; Harris, Thomas A. [Other]; Herrnstein, William H. [Other]; Jones, Robert Thomas [Other]; Lee, Dana W. [Other]; Marvin, Charles Frederick [Other]; Parkinson, John B. [Other]; Peterson, John B. [Other]; Pinkerton, Robert M. [Other]; Rothrock, A.M [Other]; Silverstein, Abe [Other]; Sherman, Albert [Other]; Wharton, Armistead [Other]; Waldron, C.D [Other]; [...] ; United States Congress Senate, United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

    Twenty-second annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1936. Including technical reports Nos. 542 to 576

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    Washington, DC, 1937 ; Online-Ausg., Chester, Vt: NewsBank, inc, 2007

    Published in: United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 10106 - Senate document / 75th Congress, 1st session. Senate ; no. 3