• Media type: E-Book
  • Title: Twenty-first annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1935. Including technical reports Nos. 508 to 541
  • Contributor: Bamber, Millard J. [Other]; Biermann, David [Other]; Bioletti, Carlton [Other]; Brevoort, Maurice J. [Other]; Brombacher, W.G. [Other]; Burke, Walter F. [Other]; Clay, William C. [Other]; Cohn, Mildred [Other]; Deming, A.F. [Other]; Fiock, Ernest F. [Other]; Foster, Hampton H. [Other]; Gerrish, Harold C. [Other]; Gough, Melvin Neilson [Other]; Harris, Thomas A. [Other]; Herrnstein, William H. [Other]; Hood, Manley J. [Other]; Jacobs, Eastman N. [Other]; Joyner, Upshur T. [Other]; Kaplan, Carl [Other]; Rothrock, A.M. [Other]; Waldron, C.D. [Other]; Roeder, Carl H. [Other]; Zimmerman, Charles Horton [Other]; Lee, Dana W. [Other]; Marsh, E.T. [Other]; Stowell, E.Z. [Other]; Lundquist, Eugene E. [Other]; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano [Other]; Weick, Fred E. [Other]; Schubauer, Galen Brandt [Other]; King, H. Kendall [Other]; Soule, Hartley Akin [Other]; Wheatley, John B. [Other]; Ward, Kenneth E. [Other]; Scudder, Nathan F. [Other]; Seidman, Oscar [Other]; Schey, Oscar W. [Other]; Kuhn, Paul [Other]; Noyes, Richard W. [Other]; Platt, Robert C. [Other]; Pinkerton, Robert M. [Other]; Wallace, Rudolf [Other]; Rollin, Vern Gordon [Other]; McAvoy, William H. [Other]
  • Corporation: United States, President (1933-1945 : Roosevelt) ; United States, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
  • Published: Washington, DC, 1936
    Online-Ausg., Chester, Vt: NewsBank, inc, 2007
  • Published in: United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 10018
    Senate document / 74th Congress, 2nd session. Senate ; no. 143
  • Extent: Online-Ressource (634 p); illustrations, tables
  • Language: English
  • Reproduction series: U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1980
  • Type of reproduction: Online-Ausg.
  • Place of reproduction: Chester, Vt: NewsBank, inc, 2007
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: A comparison of fuel sprays from several types of injection nozzles, by Dana W. Lee [No. 520], p. 251
    A flight investigation of the spinning of the F4B-2 biplane with various loads and tail surfaces, by N.F. Scudder and Oscar Seidman [No. 529], p. 413
    A turbulence indicator utilizing the diffusion of heat, by G.B. Schubauer [No. 524], p. 337
    Aerodynamic characteristics of a wing with fowler flaps, including flap loads downwash, and calculated effect of take-off, by Robert C. Platt [No. 534], p. 477
    Aerodynamic characteristics of wings with cambered external-airfoil flaps, including lateral control with a full-span flap, by Robert C. Platt [No. 541], p. 609
    Air flow in a separating laminar boundary layer, by G.B. Schubauer [No. 527], p. 369
    Altitude-pressure tables based on the United States Standard Atmosphere, by W.G. Brombacher [No. 538], p. 531
    An analysis of longitudinal stability in power-off flight with charts for use in design, by Charles H. Zimmerman [No. 521], p. 289
    Analysis of 2-spar cantilever wings with special reference to torsion and load transference, by Paul Kuhn [No. 508], p. 45
    Appendices, p. 64
    Appendix, p. 201
    Appendix, p. 249
    Appendix, p. 318
    Appendix, p. 487
    Appendix, p. 76
    Characteristics of the N.A.C.A. 23012 airfoil from tests in the full-scale and variable-density tunnels, by Eastman N. Jacobs and William C. Clay [No. 530], p. 435
    Distribution and regularity of injection from a multicylinder fuel-injection pump, by A.M. Rothrock and E.T. Marsh [No. 533], p. 465
    Experimental investigation of the Robinson-type cup anemometer, by M.J. Brevoort and U.T. Joyner [No. 513], p. 143
    Flight investigation of lateral control devices for use with full-span flaps, by H.A. Soule and W.H. McAvoy [No. 517], p. 209
    Full-scale wind-tunnel tests of a PCA-2 autogiro rotor, by John B. Wheatley and Manley J. Hood [No. 515], p. 179
    General equations for the stress analysis of rings, by Eugene E. Lundquist and Walter F. Burke [No. 509], p. 69
    Hydrogen as an auxiliary fuel in compression-ignition engines, by Harold C. Gerrish and Hampton H. Foster [No. 535], p. 495
    Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 209 combinations in the N.A.C.A. variable-density tunnel, by Eastman N. Jacobs and Kenneth E. Ward [No. 540], p. 571
    Investigation of full-scale split trailing-edge wing flaps with various chords and hinge locations, by Rudolf Wallace [No. 539], p. 545
    List of technical reports, p. III
    Noise from two-blade propellers, by E.Z. Stowell and A.F. Deming [No. 526], p. 359
    Potential flow about elongated bodies of revolution, by Carl Kaplan [516], p. 189
    Reduction of hinge moments of airplane control surfaces by tabs, by Thomas A. Harris [No. 528], p. 381
    Some effects of injection advance angle, engine-jacket temperature, and speed on combustion in a compression-ignition engine, by A.M. Rothrock and C.D. Waldron [No. 525], p. 343
    Some factors affecting combustion in an internal-combustion engine, by A.M. Rothrock and Mildred Cohn [No. 512], p. 125
    Spinning characteristics of wings. I. -- Rectangular Clark Y monoplane wing, by M.J. Bamber and C.H. Zimmerman [No. 519], p. 231
    Tests in a variable-density wind tunnel of related airfoils having the maximum camber unusually far forward, by Eastman N. Jacobs and Robert M. Pinkerton [No. 537], p. 521
    The drag of airplane wheels, wheel fairings and landing gears. II. -- Nonretractable and partly retractable landing gears, by David Biermann and William H. Herrnstein, Jr. [No. 518], p. 219
    The drag of airplane wheels, wheel fairings, and landing gears -- III, by William H. Herrnstein, Jr. and David Biermann [No. 522], p. 321
    The effect of baffles on the temperature distribution and heat-transfer coefficients of finned cylinders, by Oscar W. Schey and Vern G. Rollin [No. 511], p. 111
    The effect of water vapor on flame velocity in equivalent CO-O2 mixtures, by Ernest F. Fiock and H. Kendall King [No. 531], p. 445
    The influence of wing setting on the wing lead and rotor speed of a PCA-2 autogiro as determined in flight, by John B. Wheatley [No. 323], p. 333
    The measurements of the field of view from airplane cockpits, by Melvin N. Gough [No. 514], p. 167
    The soap-bubble method of studying the combustion of mixtures of CO and O2, by Ernest F. Fiock and Carl H. Roeder [No. 532], p. 451
    Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices particularly at high angles of attack. XIII. -- Auxiliary airfoils used as external ailerons, by Fred E. Weick and Richard W. Noyes [No. 510], p. 79
    Wind-tunnel tests of a 10-foot-diameter gyroplane rotor, by John B. Wheatley and Carlton Bioletti [No. 536], p. 511
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