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  1. Böttcher, Hannes [Author]; Schneider, Lambert [Author]; Urrutia, Cristina [Author]; Siemons, Anne [Author]; Fallasch, Felix [Author] ; Kruse, Marcel [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt, Deutschland Umweltbundesamt, Öko-Institut

    Land use as a sector for market mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement : final report

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, December 2022

    Published in: Climate change ; 2022,49

  2. Reise, Judith [Author]; Urrutia, Cristina [Author]; Vittorelli, Laura von [Author]; Siemons, Anne [Author]; Jennerjahn, Tim C. [Author] ; Voß, Katja [Editor]; Erxleben, Friederike [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt, Deutschland Umweltbundesamt, Öko-Institut

    Potential of Blue Carbon for global climate change mitigation : final report

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, July 2024

    Published in: Climate change ; 2024,24

  3. Siemons, Anne [Author]; Urrutia, Cristina [Author]; Gonzales-Zuñiga, Sofia [Author]; Pelekh, Natalie [Author]; Jeffery, Louise [Author] ; Tietz, Christian [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt, Öko-Institut, NewClimate - Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability gGmbH

    Barriers to mitigating emissions from agriculture : analysis of mitigation options, related barriers and recommendations for action : interim report

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, February 2023

    Published in: Climate change ; 2023,5

  4. Moosmann, Lorenz [Contributor]; Fallasch, Felix [Contributor]; Jung, Hannes [Contributor]; Lauer, Sophia [Contributor]; Wissner, Nora [Contributor]; Urrutia, Cristina [Contributor]; Schneider, Lambert [Contributor]; Oppelt, Dietram [Contributor]; Von Heinemann, Stefanie [Contributor]; Sharma, Neeta [Contributor]; McCarthy, Anders [Contributor]; Kohler, Bianca [Contributor] ; European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union

    Issues at stake at the COP29 UN Climate Change Conference in Baku : scaling up climate action and support

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    [Brussels]: [European Parliament], [2024]

  5. Moosmann, Lorenz [Contributor]; Fallasch, Felix [Contributor]; Jung, Hannes [Contributor]; Lauer, Sophia [Contributor]; Wissner, Nora [Contributor]; Urrutia, Cristina [Contributor]; Schneider, Lambert [Contributor]; Oppelt, Dietram [Contributor]; Von Heinemann, Stefanie [Contributor]; Sharma, Neeta [Contributor]; McCarthy, Anders [Contributor]; Kohler, Bianca [Contributor] ; European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union

    Issues at stake at the COP29 UN Climate Change Conference in Baku : scaling up climate action and support

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    [Brussels]: [European Parliament], [2024]

  6. Healy, Sienna [Contributor]; Moosmann, Lorenz [Contributor]; Fallasch, Felix [Contributor]; Schneider, Lambert [Contributor]; Wissner, Nora [Contributor]; Urrutia, Cristina [Contributor]; Siemons, Anne [Contributor]; Oppelt, Dietram [Contributor]; McCarthy, Anders [Contributor]; Von Heinemann, Stefanie [Contributor]; Sharma, Neeta [Contributor] ; European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union

    International climate negotiations : issues at stake in view of the COP28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai and beyond

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    [Brussels]: [European Parliament], [2023]

  7. Healy, Sienna [Contributor]; Moosmann, Lorenz [Contributor]; Fallasch, Felix [Contributor]; Schneider, Lambert [Contributor]; Wissner, Nora [Contributor]; Urrutia, Cristina [Contributor]; Siemons, Anne [Contributor]; Oppelt, Dietram [Contributor]; McCarthy, Anders [Contributor]; Von Heinemann, Stefanie [Contributor]; Sharma, Neeta [Contributor] ; European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union

    International climate negotiations : issues at stake in view of the COP28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai and beyond

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    [Brussels]: [European Parliament], [2023]

  8. Böttcher, Hannes [Author]; Fallasch, Felix [Author]; Schneider, Lambert [Author]; Siemons, Anne [Author]; Urrutia, Cristina [Author]; Wolff, Franziska [Author]; Atmadja, Stibniati [Author]; Martius, Christopher [Author]; Thuy, Pham Thu [Author] ; Kruse, Marcel [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt, Deutschland Umweltbundesamt, Öko-Institut

    Potentials for "results-based payments" in the forest sector under the Paris Agreement : final report

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, March 2023

    Published in: Climate change ; 2023,12

  9. Gailhofer, Peter [Author]; Herold, Anke [Author]; Schemmel, Jan Peter [Author]; Scherf, Cara-Sophie [Author]; Urrutia, Cristina [Author]; Köhler, Andreas R. [Author]; Braungardt, Sibylle [Author] ; Europäisches Parlament Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies

    The role of Artificial Intelligence in the European Green Deal : study requested by the AIDA committee

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    Luxembourg: European Parliament, May 2021

  10. Moosmann, Lorenz [Author]; Siemons, Anne [Author]; Fallasch, Felix [Author]; Schneider, Lambert [Author]; Urrutia, Cristina [Author]; Wissner, Nora [Author]; Mendelevitch, Roman [Author]; Hermann, Hauke [Author]; Healy, Seán J. [Author]; Oppelt, Dietram [Author]; Heinemann, Stefanie [Author] ; Europäisches Parlament Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies

    The COP27 Climate Change Conference : status of climate negotiations and issues at stake : study requested by the ENVI committee

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    Luxembourg: European Parliament, October 2022

  11. Reise, Judith [Author]; Siemons, Anne [Author]; Böttcher, Hannes [Author]; Herold, Anke [Author]; Urrutia, Cristina [Author]; Schneider, Lambert [Author]; Iwaszuk, Ewa [Author]; McDonald, Hugh [Author]; Frelih-Larsen, Ana [Author]; Duin, Laurens [Author]; Davis, McKenna [Author] ; Auerochs, Hannah [Editor]; Erxleben, Friederike [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt, Deutschland Umweltbundesamt, Öko-Institut, Ecologic Institut

    Nature-based solutions and global climate protection : assessment of their global mitigation potential and recommendations for international climate policy : policy paper

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, January 2022

    Published in: Climate change ; 2022,1

  12. Herold, Anke [Author]; Cook, Vanessa [Author]; Baron, Yifaat [Author]; Cames, Martin [Author]; Gores, Sabine [Author]; Graichen, Jakob [Author]; Kasten, Peter [Author]; Mehlhart, Georg [Author]; Siemons, Anne [Author]; Urrutia, Cristina [Author]; Wolff, Franziska [Author] ; Europäisches Parlament Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies

    EU environment and climate change policies : state of play, current and future challenges : study requested by the ENVI Committee

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    Luxembourg: European Parliament, September 2019

  13. Urrutia, Ximena Alexandra Morales; Urrutia, Diana Cristina Morales; Larenas, Patricio Carvajal; Urrutia, Elizabeth Katalina Morales; Ocaña, José Miguel

    The French Way of St. James as an Engine in the Invigoration of Rural Municipalities in Galicia

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    FapUNIFESP (SciELO), 2018

    Published in: Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 56 (2018) 3, Seite 425-436

  14. Carrero-Planells, Alba; Urrutia-Beaskoa, Ana; Moreno-Mulet, Cristina

    The Use of Physical Restraints on Geriatric Patients: Culture and Attitudes among Healthcare Professionals at Intermediate Care Hospitals in Majorca. A Qualitative Study Protocol

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    MDPI AG, 2021

    Published in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (2021) 14, Seite 7509