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  1. Krugman, Paul R. [Author]; Obstfeld, Maurice [Author]; Melitz, Marc J. [Author] ; Pearson Education Limited

    International economics : theory & policy - [Eleventh edition, global edition]



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    Harlow, England; London; New York; Boston; San Francisco; Toronto; Sydney; Dubai; Singapore; Hong Kong; Tokyo; Seoul; Taipei; New Delhi; Cape Town; Sao Paulo; Mexico City; Madrid; Amsterdam; Munich; Paris; Milan: Pearson, [2018]

    Published in: The Pearson series in economics - Always learning

  2. Krugman, Paul R. [Author]; Obstfeld, Maurice [Author]; Melitz, Marc J. [Author]

    International economics : theory & policy - [Twelfth edition, Global edition]

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    Harlow; London; New York; Boston; San Francisco; Toronto; Sydney; Dubai; Singapore; Hong Kong; Tokyo; Seoul; Taipei; New Delhi; Cape Town; Sao Paulo; Mexico City; Madrid; Amsterdam; Munich; Paris; Milan: Pearson, [2023]