Badiou, Alain
Bourdieu, Pierre
Butler, Judith
Didi-Huberman, Georges
Khiari, Sadri
Rancière, Jacques
Bosteels, Bruno
[Writer of introduction];
Olson, Kevin
[Author of afterword, colophon, etc.];
Gladding, Jody
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Wien: Passagen Verlag, [2022]
Published in:Passagen Philosophie
Bedford-Strohm, Heinrich
Berkessel, Hans
Beutel, Wolfgang
Frank, Susanne
Gloe, Markus
Grammes, Tilman
Welniak, Christian
Zick, Andreas
Küpper, Beate
Achour, Sabine
Berghan, Wilhelm
Delto, Hannes
Häusler, Alexander
Krott, Nora Rebekka
Lamberty, Pia
Lamroubal, Souad
Mayerböck, Astrid
Mokros, Nico
Papendick, Michael
Rees, Jonas H.
Rees, Yann
Reininger, Klaus Michael
Reusswig, Fritz
Rump, Maike
Zick, Andreas
Küpper, Beate
Schröter, Franziska