Media type: Book Title: Statistical models for the fracture of disordered media Contributor: Herrmann, Hans Jürgen [Editor]; Roux, Stéphane [Editor] Published: Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland, 1990 Published in: Random materials and processes Extent: XIII, 353 S.; Ill., graph. Darst; 24 cm Language: English ISBN: 044488551X; 0444885501 RVK notation: UF 3150 : Bruchmechanik UQ 2500 : Order-Disorder Keywords: Bruchmechanik > Statistik Origination: Footnote: Literaturangaben
Departmental Library DrePunct Shelf-mark: UQ 2500 H568 Item ID: 32988158 Status: Verfügbarkeit bitte in Prof Materialwissenschaft Nanotechnik erfragen.