Media type: Book; Biography; Bibliography Title: Dietrich Bonhoeffer : Leben und Verkündigung Work titles: The shame and the sacrifice <dt.> Robertson, Edwin Hanton: The shame and the sacrifice <dt.> Contributor: Robertson, Edwin Hanton [Author]; Mühlenberg, Marianne [Other]; Bethge, Renate [Author of introduction, etc.] ; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich [Other] Published: Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989 Extent: 335 S.; 23 cm Language: German ISBN: 3525554176 RVK notation: BH 2211 : Sekundärliteratur BW 43272 : Biografien, zeitgenössische Berichte Keywords: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Origination: Footnote: