Media type: Book Title: A dictionary of literary terms and literary theory Contributor: Cuddon, John A. [Author] Published: Oxford [u.a.]: Blackwell Reference, 1991 Issue: 3., rev. ed. Extent: XVIII, 1051 S.; 23 cm Language: English ISBN: 0631172149 RVK notation: EC 1820 : Allgemeines HG 101 : Sachwörterbücher EC 1020 : Reallexika. Fachwörterbücher Keywords: Literaturwissenschaft Englisch > Literatur Literatur Literaturtheorie Origination: Footnote: Rev. ed. of: Cuddon, John Anthony: A dictionary of literary terms. Rev. ed. 1979
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: EC 1820 C964(3) Item ID: 30018524 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible