• Media type: Book; Conference Proceedings
  • Title: Beyond Westphalia? : State sovereignty and international intervention
  • Contains: Introduction : international intervention, state sovereignty, and the future of international society / Gene M. Lyons and Michael Mastanduno
    Introduction : international intervention, state sovereignty, and the future of international society / Gene M. Lyons and Michael Mastanduno
    Sovereignty as dominium : is there a right of humanitarian intervention? / Friedrich Kratochwil
    Intervention for the common good / Nicholas Onuf
    International community beyond the Cold War / Robert H. Jackson
    Sovereignty under siege : from intervention to humanitarian space / Thomas G. Weiss and Jarat Chopra
    State sovereignty and international intervention : the case of human rights / Jack Donnelly
    Environmental protection, international norms, and state sovereignty : the case of the Brazilian Amazon / Ken Conca
    Sovereignty and collective intervention : controlling weapons of mass destruction / Janne E. Nolan
    Sovereignty in a turbulent world / James N. Rosenau
    Sovereignty and intervention / Stephen D. Krasner
    State sovereignty and international intervention : reflections on the present and prospects for the future / Gene M. Lyons and Michael Mastanduno.
    Sovereignty as dominium : is there a right of humanitarian intervention? / Friedrich Kratochwil
    Intervention for the common good / Nicholas Onuf
    International community beyond the Cold War / Robert H. Jackson
    Sovereignty under siege : from intervention to humanitarian space / Thomas G. Weiss and Jarat Chopra
    State sovereignty and international intervention : the case of human rights / Jack Donnelly
    Environmental protection, international norms, and state sovereignty : the case of the Brazilian Amazon / Ken Conca
    Sovereignty and collective intervention : controlling weapons of mass destruction / Janne E. Nolan
    Sovereignty in a turbulent world / James N. Rosenau
    Sovereignty and intervention / Stephen D. Krasner
    State sovereignty and international intervention : reflections on the present and prospects for the future / Gene M. Lyons and Michael Mastanduno.
  • Contributor: Lyons, Gene Martin [Editor]
  • Published: Baltimore, Md. [u.a.]: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995
  • Extent: X, 324 S; graph. Darst
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 0801849535; 0801849543
  • RVK notation: MK 1650 : Souveränität, Nichteinmischung, Staatliche Einheit
    PR 2208 : Selbsthilfe / Völkerrecht (BF Staatsnotstand / Völkerrecht) UB Repressalie, Geiselnahme, Intervention / Völkerrecht, Retorsion, Boykott, Sanktion / Völkerrecht, Wirtschaftssanktion
  • Keywords: Internationale Politik > Intervention
    Souveränität > Intervention
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Literaturangaben


  • Status: Loanable