Media type: E-Book; Conference Proceedings Title: Jinkō Chinō Gakkai Zenkoku Taikai ronbunshū: dai 21kan zenkoku taikai Parallel title: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI: 21th annual conference, 2007 Other titles: Abweichender Titel: The 21th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2007 Contributor: Jinkō Chinō Gakkai Zenkoku Taikai 21. 2007 Miyazaki Published: Tōkyō: Ippan Shadan Hōjin Jinkō Chinō Gakkai, 2007nen Extent: 1 Online-Ressource Language: Japanese; English Keywords: Künstliche Intelligenz Origination: Footnote: Access State: Open Access