Media type: Book Title: Hesiods Theogonie Work titles: Theogonia Hesiodus: Theogonia Other titles: Abweichender Titel: Theogonie Contributor: Hesiodus [Author]; Hesiodus; Aly, Wolfgang [Editor] Published: Heidelberg: Winter, 1913 Published in: Kommentierte griechische und lateinische Texte ; 2 Extent: XXIV, 69 S. Language: Ancient Greek; Latin RVK notation: FH 20161 : Moderne Kommentare FH 20154 : Theogonia Keywords: Hesiodus Origination: Footnote: Erl. dt., Text griech., in griech. Schr
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: FH 20154.913 Item ID: 30242855 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible