Media type: Book Title: Aktiengesetz / [Begr.] Wilhelm Gadow. [Mitarb.] Carl H. Barz 1, §§ 1 - 144 Published: Berlin: de Gruyter, 1961 Published in: Aktiengesetz / [Begr.] Wilhelm Gadow. [Mitarb.] Carl H. Barz ; 1 Issue: 2., neu bearb Aufl. Extent: XIV, 1120 S. Language: German RVK notation: PE 400 : Gesetzestexte und Kommentare Origination: Footnote:
Branch Library of Law – open access area Shelf-mark: PE 400 G125(2)-1 Item ID: 10469806 Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible