Media type: Book Title: Economic development projects and their appraisal : cases and principles from the experience of the World Bank Contributor: King, John A. [Author] Published: Baltimore, Md.: The johns Hopkins Pr., 1967 Extent: XII, 530 S.; Kt Language: English RVK notation: QM 353 : Staatliche Kapitalbewegungen. Entwicklungshilfe. Weltbank. Reparationszahlungen QC 347 : Staatliche Wachstums- und Entwicklungspolitik Keywords: Weltbank > Entwicklungsprojekt > Internationaler Vergleich Origination: Footnote:
Departmental Library DrePunct – open access area Shelf-mark: QM 353 K52 Item ID: 10259906 Status: Loanable