• Media type: Performed Music
  • Title: Madrigali a 5 voci : Libro sesto 1614 / Claudio Monteverdi
  • Work titles: Madrigale | Werktitel in der GND
    Monteverdi, Claudio: Madrigale / Lamento d'Arianna | Werktitel in der GND
    Monteverdi, Claudio: Madrigale / Zefiro torna e’l bel tempo | Werktitel in der GND
    Monteverdi, Claudio: Madrigale / Lagrime d'amante | Werktitel in der GND
  • Contains: Lamento d'Ariana : Lasciatemi morire : O teseo, o Teseo mio : dove, dove è la fede : ahi, che non pur risponde : Zefiro torna : Una donna fra l'altre : Una donna fra l'altre : A dio, Florida bella
    Sestina - Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata : Incenerite spoglie : Ditelo, o fiumi, e voi : Dará la notte il sol lume alla terra : Ma te raccoglie : Ochiome d'or, neve gentil del seno : dunque, amate reliquie : Ohimè il bel viso : Qui rise, o Tirisi : Misero Alceo : Batto, qui pianse
    Presso un fiume tranquillo / Ruth Dean [Sopran] ; Stephen Roberts [Tenor]
  • Contributor: Monteverdi, Claudio [Composer]; Leonard, Sarah [Singer]; Lyon, Catherine [Singer]; Dean, Ruth [Singer]; Brett, Charles [Singer]; Goldthorpe, Michael [Singer]; Roberts, Stephen [Singer]; Beaven, David [Singer]; Kenny, Liz [Instrumentalist]; Levine, Joanna [Instrumentalist]; Monterosso Vacchelli, Anna Maria [Instrumentalist]; Monterosso, Raffaello [Conductor]
  • Corporation: Consort Ars Musica
  • Published: Cremona: Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi, P 1991
    London: Boyden Communications, P 1991
  • Published in: Monteverdi, Claudio: Opera omnia. ; 10,2
    Instituta et monumenta / 1 ; 5,10,2
    Capriole Records
  • Extent: 1 CD (64:28); DDD, stereo; 12 cm; 1 Beiheft
  • Language: Italian
  • Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Bestellnummer: CAPCD 1006
  • RVK notation: LX 40326 : Madrigale, Canzonetten, Scherzi musicali
  • Keywords: CD
  • Origination:
  • Recording information: Interpreten: Sarah Leonard [Sopran] ; Catherine Lyon [Sopran] ; Charles Brett [Counter-tenor] ; Michael Goldthorpe [Tenor] ; Stephen Roberts [Tenor] ; David Beaven [Bass] ; Liz Kenny [Chitarrone] ; Joanna Levine [Baroque Violoncello] ; Anna Maria Vacchelli [Cembalo, Orgel] ; Consort Ars Musica ; Raffaello Monterosso [Dirigent]
  • Footnote: "Presso un fiume tranquillo" gesungen von Ruth Dean und Stephen Roberts
    Beiheft und Libretto in englisch, deutsch und französisch


  • Shelf-mark: Mus.Z.310-1,5,10,2
  • Item ID: 31102792
  • Status: Place order for use in library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan
Orders received from Mon - Fri by 1 pm are expected to be ready for you on the same day.
  • Shelf-mark: Fon-SCD-C 17063
  • Item ID: 10702367N
  • Status: Place order for use under supervision, no dispatch by interlibrary loan
Provisioning can take up to 10 days.