Media type: Book Title: Transnational corporations: a historical perspective Contributor: Jones, Geoffrey [Editor] Published: London [u.a.]: Routledge, 1993 Published in: Vereinte Nationen: The United Nations library on transnational corporations ; 2 Extent: VIII, 450 S.; graph. Darst Language: English ISBN: 0415085357 RVK notation: QP 305 : Internationale Unternehmen MK 8500 : Internationale Handels- und Wirtschaftspolitik, Allgemeines Keywords: Multinationales Unternehmen Origination: Footnote:
Departmental Library DrePunct – open access area Shelf-mark: QP 305 U58-2 Item ID: 20376809 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible