• Media type: Book
  • Title: Valuing the earth : economics, ecology, ethics
  • Contains: Introduction / Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend
    Introduction to Essays toward a steady-state economy / Herman E. Daly
    I. Ecology : ultimate means and biophysical constraints. Introduction / Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend
    Why isn't everyone as scared as we are? / Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich
    Availability, entropy, and the laws of thermodynamics / Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich, and John P. Holdren
    The entropy law and the economic problem / Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
    Selections from "Energy and economic myths" / Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
    Exponential growth as a transient phenomenon in human history / M. King Hubbert
    The tragedy of the commons / Garrett Hardin
    Second thoughts on "The tragedy of the commons" / Garrett Hardin
    II. Ethics : the ultimate end and value constraints. Introduction / Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend
    The age of plenty : a Christian view / E.F. Schumacher
    Buddhist economics / E.F. Schumacher
    The purpose of wealth : a historical perspective / Gerald Alonzo Smith
    Ecology, ethics, and theology / John Cobb
    The abolition of man / C.S. Lewis
    III. Economics : interaction of ends and means. Introduction / Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend
    On economics as a life science / Herman E. Daly
    Sustainable growth : an impossibility theorem / Herman E. Daly
    Steady-state economies and the command economy / Kenneth N. Townsend
    The economics of the coming Spaceship Earth / Kenneth E. Boulding
    Spaceship Earth revisited / Kenneth E. Boulding
    Using economic incentives to maintain our environment / T.H. Tietenberg
    The steady-state economy : toward a political economy of biophysical equilibrium and moral growth / Herman E. Daly
    Postscript : some common misunderstandings and further issues concerning a steady-state economy / Herman E. Daly.
    20 Beitr.
  • Contributor: Daly, Herman E. [Editor]; Townsend, Kenneth N. [Other]; Boulding, Kenneth Ewart [Other]
  • Published: Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.]: MIT Press, 1993
  • Extent: X, 387 S.; graph. Darst; 23 cm
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9780262041331; 9780262540681; 0262041332; 0262540681
  • RVK notation: QT 200 : Erhaltungsmaßnahmen
    QC 340 : Allgemeines
    QT 000 : Allgemeines
  • Keywords: Umweltschutz > Ökologie > Wirtschaftsethik > Umweltpolitik
    Humanökologie > Umweltpolitik > Wirtschaftsentwicklung
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Literaturangaben
  • Description: Introduction / Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend -- Introduction to Essays toward a steady-state economy / Herman E. Daly -- I. Ecology : ultimate means and biophysical constraints. Introduction / Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend -- Why isn't everyone as scared as we are? / Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich -- Availability, entropy, and the laws of thermodynamics / Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich, and John P. Holdren -- The entropy law and the economic problem / Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen -- Selections from "Energy and economic myths" / Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen -- Exponential growth as a transient phenomenon in human history / M. King Hubbert -- The tragedy of the commons / Garrett Hardin -- Second thoughts on "The tragedy of the commons" / Garrett Hardin -- II. Ethics : the ultimate end and value constraints. Introduction / Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend -- The age of plenty : a Christian view / E.F. Schumacher -- Buddhist economics / E.F. Schumacher -- The purpose of wealth : a historical perspective / Gerald Alonzo Smith -- Ecology, ethics, and theology / John Cobb -- The abolition of man / C.S. Lewis -- III. Economics : interaction of ends and means. Introduction / Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend -- On economics as a life science / Herman E. Daly -- Sustainable growth : an impossibility theorem / Herman E. Daly -- Steady-state economies and the command economy / Kenneth N. Townsend -- The economics of the coming Spaceship Earth / Kenneth E. Boulding -- Spaceship Earth revisited / Kenneth E. Boulding -- Using economic incentives to maintain our environment / T.H. Tietenberg -- The steady-state economy : toward a political economy of biophysical equilibrium and moral growth / Herman E. Daly -- Postscript : some common misunderstandings and further issues concerning a steady-state economy / Herman E. Daly


  • Status: Loanable