• Media type: Book; Thesis
  • Title: Dispvtationes de actionibvs ivris Tilemanni Judeshertzogen : qvas ipso praeside in illvstri academia Ivlii quæ est Helmsteti defendendas susceperunt,
  • Other titles: Abweichender Titel: Disputationes de actionibus iuris
  • Contributor: Judesherzog, Tilemann [Author]; Horst, Melchior [Author]; Dyhern, Christoph von [Author]; Machwitz, Johann Christoph von [Other]; Prasser, Daniel [Other]; Nicolai, Johann Andreas [Other]; Tachauer, Jeremias [Other]; Marbostel, Christian [Other]; Vogelsanck, Johann [Other]; Blanck, Reiner [Other]; Morich, Theodor [Other]; Stigemer, Jakob [Other]
  • Published: Helmaestadii: Excudebat Iacobus Lucius, 1595
  • Extent: [52] Bl
  • Language: Latin
  • Keywords: Hochschulschrift
  • Origination:
  • University thesis: Helmstedt, Univ., Diss., 1595
  • Footnote: Enth.: Dispvtatio prima de ivdiciis / Resp. Melchiore Horstio. Dispvtat. II / Resp. Christophero a Dyhern. Dispvtatio III. De actione ad exhibendvm, rei vindicatione ... / Resp. Ioanne Christophero à Machvvitz. Disputatio IV de confessoria et negatoria / Resp. Daniele Prassero. Disputatio V de interdictis / Resp. Iohanne Andrea Nicolai. Disputatio VI de actionibvs pignorvm nomine competentibvs / Resp. Hieremia Tachauer. Disputatio VII de condictionibvs / Resp. Christophoro a Dyhern. Disputatio VIII de actionibvs commodati, depositi, et ex seqvestratione competentibvs / Resp. Christiano Marbostelio. Disputatio IX de actionibvs pro socio mandati empti et venditi / Resp. Johanne Vogelsanck. Disputatio [X] de stipvlationibvs / Resp. Reinero Blancken. Dispvtatio XI de actionibvs locati condvcti item ex contractibvs innominatis ... / Resp. Theodoro Morichio. Disputatio XII de actionibvs qvae ex delicto, vel qvasi ex delicto nascvntvr /Resp. Iacobo Stymero


  • Shelf-mark: Diss.jur.civ.19,2
  • Item ID: XMAR471600
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