Media type: Book Title: Kinder Gottes : Einführung in das christliche Glaubensleben; Religionsbuch für Kinder des 1. Schuljahres Contributor: Heringer, Margarete [Author]; Geiger, Helmut [Author]; Zimmermann, Ino [Illustrator] Published: Leipzig: St. Benno-Verl., 1972 Extent: 75 S.; Ill Language: German RVK notation: BU 2500 : Bildung, religiöse und christliche Unterweisung in der Grundschule (Primarstufe) Origination: Footnote:
Central Library – stack Shelf-mark: 1997 8 019695 001 Item ID: XMOM934536 Status: Loanable, place order > Ordering possible ‒ please log in Orders received from Mon - Fri by 1 pm are expected to be ready for you on the same day.