• Media type: Performed Music
  • Title: The King's Singers' madrigal history tour : Italy, England, France, Spain, Germany
  • Other titles: Abweichender Titel: Madrigal history tour
  • Contains: Amor vittorioso / Gastoldi
    Lirum bililirum / Rossino Mantovano
    Ilbianco e dolce cigno
    La bella Franceschina
    Ultimi mei sospiri / Verdelot
    Or si rallegri il cielo / Wert
    Fine knacks for ladies / Dowland
    Who made three, Hob, forsake the plough / Byrd
    Of all the birds that I do know / Bartlet
    Too much I once lamented / Tomkins
    Fair Phyllis / Farmer
    The silver swan / Gibbons
    Now is the month of maying / Morley
    La guerre / Janequin & Verdelot
    La, la, la, la, je ne l'ose dire / Certon
    Bon jour, et puis, quelles nouvelles? / Lassus
    Mignonne, allons vior si la rose
    Il est bel et bon / Passereau
    Margot labourez les vignes / Arcadelt
    Un gentil amoureux / Le Jeune
    La tricotea
    Triste estaba el rey David / Mudarra
    Cucú, cucú / Encina
    Tres morillas m'enamoran / Fernandez
    Fatal la parte / Encina
    La bomba / Flecha
    Tanzen und Springen / Hassler
    Vitrum nostrum gloriosum
    Ach Elsein / Senfl
    Ach weh das Leiden / Hassler
    Das G' läut zu Speyer / Senfl
    Herzliebstes Bild / Hofhaimer
  • Contributor: Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo [Other]; Farmer, John [Other]; Mantovano, Rossino [Other]; Arcadelt, Jacob [Other]; Verdelot, Philippe [Other]; Wert, Giaches de [Other]; Dowland, John [Other]; Byrd, William [Other]; Bartlet, John [Other]; Tomkins, Thomas [Other]; Rooley, Anthony [Performer]
  • Corporation: Consort of Musicke ; The King's Singers
  • Published: Hayes, Middlesex: EMI Records, P 1989
  • Extent: 1 Compact-Disc; AAD, stereo; 12 cm; Texth
  • Language: Italian; English; French; Spanish; German
  • Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: 7 69837 2
    Sonstige Nummer: CDM 7698372
  • Keywords: CD
  • Origination:
  • Recording information: Interpr.: The King's Singers. The Consort of Musicke. Anthony Rooley [Dir]
  • Footnote:


  • Shelf-mark: Fon-SCD-C 4160
  • Item ID: 11619095N
  • Status: Place order for use under supervision, no dispatch by interlibrary loan
Provisioning can take up to 10 days.